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Math For The Anti-Lrm Crowd (Aka Why You're Wrong)

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#81 Idealsuspect


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:11 AM

View PostJzaltheral, on 02 March 2016 - 06:53 AM, said:

Well, see. That's just using the wrong tool for the job. LRMs are not competitive play weapons. But in standard matches, they are effective. Are they as effective as direct fire front loaded damage like autocannons? No, but less effective doesn't mean useless. LRM's are often good at hitting fast lights because they can actually track and follow a target instead of just barreling straight ahead like an AC shell. Contrary to popular belief I do not need a target lock to hit you with LRMs (assuming I can see you), so your ECM buddy standing next to you may as well go play elsewhere.

In team play, with competent support, LRM's can be devastatingly effective (combining TAG or NARC and Artemis with LRM5s gives you the tightest missile spread in the game). Even in PUG matches, I can routinely post 600 - 700 damage with LRM based builds, and get multiple kills. And sorry OP, I don't need to carry nearly as much ammo to do that as you claim. If only a third of your missiles are hitting, you're firing at inappropriate targets.

In summary:
Are LRMs effective competition weapons? No. You'll get focused down and burnt to a crisp in short order.
Are they effective weapons in non competition matches? Yes, in the hands of a competent player.

and +100

It's exactly this...
And i have to say that competents players take most of time another builds, than lrms boat, becose others builds are more effective, deadly for ennemies also more friendly for own team and becose they are competents or aware in all aspects about how this game work for understand this...

Real problem isn't rare competents pilots who choose sometimes lrms boat but it's the others pilots, news to the game or totally incompetents who waste tonnage for waste lrms ammo while let theirs teamates spot, kills and die ( or just die in case of a defeat xD )

Edited by Idealsuspect, 02 March 2016 - 07:27 PM.

#82 Bud Crue


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:14 AM

View PostNovakaine, on 02 March 2016 - 07:09 AM, said:


The skys will be dark with Lrms for a while that is for certain. But eventually, I bet a lot of those LRM builds get converted to SRMs

#83 Curccu


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:19 AM

View PostJzaltheral, on 02 March 2016 - 06:53 AM, said:

Well, see. That's just using the wrong tool for the job. LRMs are not competitive play weapons. But in standard matches, they are effective. Are they as effective as direct fire front loaded damage like autocannons? No, but less effective doesn't mean useless. LRM's are often good at hitting fast lights because they can actually track and follow a target instead of just barreling straight ahead like an AC shell. Contrary to popular belief I do not need a target lock to hit you with LRMs (assuming I can see you), so your ECM buddy standing next to you may as well go play elsewhere.

In team play, with competent support, LRM's can be devastatingly effective (combining TAG or NARC and Artemis with LRM5s gives you the tightest missile spread in the game). Even in PUG matches, I can routinely post 600 - 700 damage with LRM based builds, and get multiple kills. And sorry OP, I don't need to carry nearly as much ammo to do that as you claim. If only a third of your missiles are hitting, you're firing at inappropriate targets.

In summary:
Are LRMs effective competition weapons? No. You'll get focused down and burnt to a crisp in short order.
Are they effective weapons in non competition matches? Yes, in the hands of a competent player.

Here you got few issues:
1st Up there you mentioned standing, there shouldn't be any standing in this game, instead maneuvering and trying to find advantage point against enemies.

2nd issue in the hands of competent player against competent player, directfire(doesn't matter are we talking about SRMs ACs PPCs or lazors) is just better than LRMs.

3rd thingy.. I know LRMs can be effective BUT there is that can word, against competent players it's very hard to get good multiple hits with LRMs. If fighting happens close to tall obstacles, buildings and so on it doesn't really matter how good you are, it's just pretty much impossible to be effective with LRMs in those cases.

#84 Lily from animove


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:26 AM

View PostILikePeaches, on 02 March 2016 - 03:57 AM, said:

The real benefit of LRMs is how they either halt or force the enemy to change maneuvers. It's a distraction that takes away focus from fighting. It suppresses and keeps heads down allowing allies to move. Even when the enemy pushes a small constant stream of LRMs can be enough to prevent them for getting their alphas off on target. And sometimes less is more! I'd rather take 4xLRM5s into combat and keep a constant, accurate stream on people than missing with 2xLRM20s half the time (Although I do use 2xLRM20s+Artemis on my MAD-5D with brutal effectiveness).

and then you play frozen city or minign collective where lRM's do nothing of these parts. Lasers and AC's ALWAYS work with the rather mcuh same efficiency. LRM's not. Some maps nturally rpevent gettign locks +line fo fire extremely easy, because LRM's require locking and line of fire + even a minimum distance. They are borderline pointless on some maps to use them as a baoted system. Even my 6lrm5 MDD is fielding 4 CERML and i had matches wiht it where I made 600dmg by only using the lasers because the situation wasn't ever good for lrms' (liek river citynight when you opponents are all under the ecm bubble). bringing only LRM's turns you into a gambling situations.

#85 mogs01gt


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:26 AM

Posted Image
I'll feed on your tears!!!!

#86 Bud Crue


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:31 AM


Here is a thread from last December regarding the whole LRM's can be competitive thing. The videos (somewhere in there they are linked) of the actual matches certainly don't prove anything but there is some good discussion on all aspects of LRM use to be found as well.


Edited by Bud Crue, 02 March 2016 - 07:31 AM.

#87 Xavori


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:31 AM

View PostKyynele, on 02 March 2016 - 07:11 AM, said:

And it is completely useless against any decent T1 players in the current game balance. I'm not trying to hoard this gem of a weapons system so that others couldn't use it, I'm genuinely trying to help people who have interest to getting better in this game. LRMs are a dead end. Once you reach the skill cap in them you can only witness how other players advance farther by not using LRMs. Up to that point you can and likely will do well, but then you may have a lot of catching up to do, if you've seriously relied on it.

I'm genuinely curious how many times you've actually tried, and how competitive you are in other mechs vs those same players (ie. I want to eliminate other variables so I can draw strong conclusions from your data).

Because my best K/D ratio mech is my Warhammer 7S, ie. the one I started running as a pure LRM boat for the leaderboard event. It also had a 50% ratio on LRM hits because unlike the Stalker 5M, it can definitely maneuver to insure less wasted volleys. Unfortunately, I don't have the stats saved from that time to now where I'm running it as a SRM/pulse brawler.

But the two things that more than anything makes me skeptical about magical tier 1 players negating them are a ) I've played tier 1 peeps in CW, and most of them aren't any better than average, they've just been around forever, and b ) the exceptions to the first thing would negate just about any mech you bring against them because they are good, so if LRM's are weak against them it's not because LRM's themselves are weak but because everything else is weak against them too.

#88 chewie


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:45 AM

All I see, after all these words of text, has just been highlighted in the last post love read.

Competent player(s).

I think your all confusing this a little now with your epeen views on what is a competent player.

It's not that a player with lrms isn't competent.
An lrm player needs to know when to shoot, not just that he can shoot. Watching what the target is doing and thinking should I give him another volley or am I gonna waste ammo as he gets in cover.

No, what it appears all the nay sayers are actually pointing out, is that using lrms makes you an uncompetitive player, and therefore not worthy of respect and due consideration just because that players not pulling all the stops out to be a pinpoint low ttk super killer.

We all know lrms are distracting as hell, but then so is 4+ AC2/AC5/uac2/5 on chain or under a macro because of your view covered in explosions.

Playing this game, and it is a game, you don't have to have the best pinpoint damage dealer to be competent.

But right now, you do have to if you want to be competitive.

#89 Soldier91


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:58 AM

View PostThunderbird Anthares, on 02 March 2016 - 06:44 AM, said:

Tier means very little in this game

That's not entirely true though. If multiple league players are telling you LRM's don't work they probably don't. They're competitive and play a lot and tend to use what works, you're really just going against the grain. If you don't like missile spread try artemis and tag to excel missile speed and lower spread, in the travel time it takes for LRM's to get there direct fire is probably going to knock the armor off one of your torso components before all your missiles leave the tube. I've had it happen in a lot of games. Sometimes LRM's work sometimes they don't. They're giving you the answers that they won't work in that situation take how they say it with a grain of salt it's not like you're ever going to play with them.

I'm not trying to dog pile on you here but it's kind of pointless it's like complaining about laser-vomit. Most mechs have locked in laser hardpoints, really can't do much except go laser heavy on most mechs.

Edited by Soldier91, 02 March 2016 - 08:06 AM.

#90 Appogee


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 08:04 AM

View PostLily from animove, on 02 March 2016 - 12:41 AM, said:

good, now go further in your math and tell us how long you need to put out this damage and compare it how quick and efficient other laodouts can push those 840 damage out.

And be sure to factor in the colossal ineffectiveness of 840 damage when it's spammed all over a target's armor, instead of concentrated in one area so as to kill an enemy more quickly. Then subtract all the damage that enemy Mech did your team while you're spamming it slowly instead of killing it quickly.

LRMs punish the stupid and are a crutch for the unskilled. Worse, the unskilled, such as the OP, boat them on Assault Mechs and stand well back from the fight, denying their team armor which should be soaking its share of incoming fire, and helping the enemy concentrate their fire on fewer and nearer targets.


Edited by Appogee, 02 March 2016 - 08:06 AM.

#91 Curccu


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 08:11 AM

I know this post was not aimed to me but I play in same unit with Kyynele so I reply also...

View PostXavori, on 02 March 2016 - 07:31 AM, said:

I'm genuinely curious how many times you've actually tried, and how competitive you are in other mechs vs those same players (ie. I want to eliminate other variables so I can draw strong conclusions from your data).

We fool around with LRMs once or twice a month or less.. usually with dedicated Narc light pilots.. we stomp lesser player groups and get our *** handed to us by groups with similar skill level as we are.
It's more like we know it is not effective against us, so it will not be effective against players that have similar skill level.

View PostXavori, on 02 March 2016 - 07:31 AM, said:

Because my best K/D ratio mech is my Warhammer 7S, ie. the one I started running as a pure LRM boat for the leaderboard event. It also had a 50% ratio on LRM hits because unlike the Stalker 5M, it can definitely maneuver to insure less wasted volleys. Unfortunately, I don't have the stats saved from that time to now where I'm running it as a SRM/pulse brawler.

Again tier matters a lot in this and it's not really about shooters tier, it's the ones tier who is on the receiving end of the LRMs. In low tier games LRMs can be effective but higher (specially 1) it becomes harder to land those sticks.
Like Kyynele wrote earlier, playing LRMs is like leeching damage from your team, they tank enemy team for you while you can shoot LRMs at range away from harms way. Might be good for the player using LRMs but not for the whole team.

View PostXavori, on 02 March 2016 - 07:31 AM, said:

But the two things that more than anything makes me skeptical about magical tier 1 players negating them are a ) I've played tier 1 peeps in CW, and most of them aren't any better than average, they've just been around forever, and b ) the exceptions to the first thing would negate just about any mech you bring against them because they are good, so if LRM's are weak against them it's not because LRM's themselves are weak but because everything else is weak against them too.

You are somewhat correct, PSR is XP bar. But doesn't XP bar kinda mean you play more and you get more experience --> you get better? I think it does for most people... some progress more, some less. Sure I know few players that have been around since closed beta and they just don't get better players.

B) Is also somewhat correct, being good player makes every weapon in this game to less effective against that player, BUT not in same scale. For example LRMs become almost totally useless but lasers just harder to land because of twisting, maneuvering and knowing how to trade well (doing more effective damage to enemy than receiving it).

#92 Lily from animove


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 08:13 AM

View PostXavori, on 02 March 2016 - 07:31 AM, said:

I'm genuinely curious how many times you've actually tried, and how competitive you are in other mechs vs those same players (ie. I want to eliminate other variables so I can draw strong conclusions from your data).

Because my best K/D ratio mech is my Warhammer 7S, ie. the one I started running as a pure LRM boat for the leaderboard event.
But the two things that more than anything makes me skeptical about magical tier 1 players negating them are a ) I've played tier 1 peeps in CW, and most of them aren't any better than average, they've just been around forever, and b ) the exceptions to the first thing would negate just about any mech you bring against them because they are good, so if LRM's are weak against them it's not because LRM's themselves are weak but because everything else is weak against them too.

sry the leaderpbopards of the presold are a not so good compontnent to rely on. Thes leaderbaords are only for a very small subset of people actually ownign these mechs by having bought them. Further this subset is divided into all single variants and they show 50 per chassis. That means there a lot of people actually in the boards just because they actively play.

those 3k you made around aren't that good at all if you break down that this means by the current formula. thats averagely 300 score per match that counts towards the high score. this is not that great. Especially not when you consider that lrm mechs will mostlikely get assists and one damage on most opponents by just switch and shooting opponents. which will easily secure you the 12 assists at least, meaning if you win a skirmish match thats already 10 for winning and 120 for "just touching" making it just true score to gather. Ontop you may survive another 10 score. so now have 140 of "score" only for just touching everoyne. makes only 160 more to go regular.

look at the top 5 pilots of all variants in this small subset of pilots even able to participate by owning these mechs and you have a benchmark for good gameplay. heir scores differ quite a LOT from yours.

And another hint is the leaderbard itself, whcih shows that the emhc with the most missile hardpoints by scores made the worst results, while the mech with none did the best. So obviously that may be related to the hardpoints.

These "magical" Tier one players you talk of, that achieve these ranks do surely not do this in lrm mechs. Because lets do the "reverse math"

if a player like zeleglok made 4751 scores gathered in this event, lets be generaous and say in all his 10 counting matches he did: 12 assists at least, survived and won. so thats the easierst 12x10+10+10 score to gather. so here are 140score of those 475. that makes 335 scores left he needs to gather. spotting and such gives only a negliable amount of scores. and taking your spoken 840 damage thats just 840/15=56 score so thats still like 279 scores you would have to get his scores. which translaters rather much into having to make like 10 SOLOKILLS (which I doubt because you would have to solokill with less than 100dmg/mech in your setup, which lrm's can't do). So your lrm build doesn't even have this potential. For such resuls you will clearly need a LOT more damage to ever reach such a score. A lot more than your setup would be able to do vs T1 opponents, because T1 opponents know how to hide form lrm's. if you are good you cna as a high tier palyer maybe land like 50 or 60% damage of your lrms. But even then I doubt the mech you told of yould even have magical "top tier" potential.

because thats math and how its done. You wepaon system simple doesn't support the numbers by math to work amongst T1 gamers unless you may be able to push like 80% of your potential damage into your opponents. but this is to be doubt because you need already way too long on t1 level gameplay to "empty" all these lrm's. So when you cannot reliably push those 840 dmaage (because you still have some pulses with you as well). Then your setup is just not properly able to even deliver what real top gamers level mean. Yes not every T1 is a great player, the PSR is a bit a broken system where people by just playing enough can even get T1 being medicore. but when we speak of "magical" t1's we speak of people havign true skill, not just a wrong golden plate an unsuited system gave them.

#93 Kyynele


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 08:15 AM

View PostXavori, on 02 March 2016 - 07:31 AM, said:

I'm genuinely curious how many times you've actually tried, and how competitive you are in other mechs vs those same players (ie. I want to eliminate other variables so I can draw strong conclusions from your data).

Well, I used to have over 4.0 KDR on my A1, so I've tried enough matches to die to lose over 0.5 KDR on it, despite still getting some kills. I would expect that to be a statistically relevant amount of matches. It's the second mech I've ever bought, so it's got sentimental value and I still play it for nostalgic reasons even if it's no longer that good for me.

Since you asked for other stats, my previous go-to pug mech was the admittedly easymode ACH:

Posted Image

And I'm currently warming up to the laservomit Warhammer I bought a couple weeks back, but it's still a bit low on matches for proper stats:

Posted Image

Note also that both of these have lower average damages than the A1, but have significantly better stats otherwise. Because they can put the damage where it's needed to get a kill.

And yes, there are less than stellar T1 players in the game, too, due to the nature of PSR. Also, even the best players sometimes have bad matches. In any case, my personal experience is that in order to do well with LRMs in a predominantly T1 pug match, you have to get lucky. And that's just not reliable enough.

Edit: In case I'm appearing presumptious posting my stats, I'm aware that I'm not one of the best T1 players. I'm not even one of the best players in my unit. I'm not claiming I'm a great player. I only claim I can play LRMs, and that they're not good in the matches I get to play. :)

Edited by Kyynele, 02 March 2016 - 08:25 AM.

#94 627


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 08:15 AM

View PostXavori, on 02 March 2016 - 12:19 AM, said:

Let me begin by saying if you don't like playing LRM mechs, great. Don't play them. Play what you enjoy. But if you think they're useless or bad...well...you're wrong. And this is why...

1 ton of LRM ammo is 180 damage. It's rock solid in terms of damage per ton.

My Stalker 5M carries 14 tons of LRM ammo (lulz) along with 3 medium pulse lasers to chase off annoying lights.

So we're at 14 x 180 = 2520 potential damage.

Of course you're never going to get that. On average, I expect 2/3rds of my LRM's to do 0 damage (which is why I carry so much ammo on my LRM mechs). That leaves 1/3 of LRM's to actually hit their target. Now, on maps like Polar Highlands, Alpine Peaks, or Boreal Vault in CW that umber goes up...sometimes significantly. And it's really only Crimson or Grim(CW) that it goes down.

2520/3 = 840 damage.

Now ask yourself how often you do 840 damage in a match? Ya, I don't very often either. Even if my team roflstomps the other side, I'm only getting in on a handful of those kills. But just knowing that I *could* do that much damage warms my heart. In case you're wondering, I'm averaging just under 500 damage per match in that mech which is pretty much in line with where I'm at on most mechs.

Now I have my Stalker 5M kitted with LRM range buff, + the 5M's quirk so I can launch LRM's at targets 1250m away, and unlike lasers they still do 100% of their damage at that range (my poor, poor targets on Polar Highlands or Boreal Vault). And since I can hide behind hills and real snipers can't...ya, I win.

Even if all I was figuring in was damage, that mech is so worth bringing to a fight, but of course, that's not all. It pushes enemies to stay in cover making them easier targets for my brawler mech buddies. It encourages enemies to yolo after me leaving smaller death balls for the rest of my team. It greatly discourages enemies from moving in the open making it harder for them to maneuver around a map effectively. It utterly dominates typical PUG strategies like Pug Mountain in Alpine Peaks or trying to move across the bridge or around in the water on River City. In short, it's a non-stop mind game.

And before you go, well sure, that's one mech...

-I built a LRM Atlas that carried just as much ammo for CW drops. Mostly because it annoyed Kcom when I got to drop with them for those few days because they are definitely anti-LRM :P

-For the Warhammer leaderboard event I built a 7S with nothing but 2 LRM 20's and 16 tons of ammo (2880 pot. damage). It made #13. So much lulz. Of course, it's now running a brawler build with a 76.7 alpha, but at times I do miss the LRM's.

-I ran a Huggins Raven with a single LRM15 and 8.5 tons (1530 pot. damage) of ammo that actually averaged 500 damage per match (unless it got caught sneaking around) because being a light let it set up much more likely-to-hit shots than your normal LRM boat.

...and so on...all it takes is being open to the possibility and learning how to use your LRM's effectively.

Well... 3 medium puls lasers you say? On a stalker, known for his mobile and swift movements? Yeah I better turn around and start running...

Seriously, you are a sitting duck that get killed in not even 8 seconds from your favorite small pulse boat (locust, cheatah, firestarter and even wolfhounds).

14 tons of ammo alone should speak for itself how inefficient lrms are. And don't get me wrong I actually like the lrm component in this game but what you describe is more or less nonsense.

#95 sycocys


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 08:20 AM

View PostXavori, on 02 March 2016 - 12:19 AM, said:

1 ton of LRM ammo is 180 damage. It's rock solid in terms of damage per ton.

On average, I expect 2/3rds of my LRM's to do 0 damage (which is why I carry so much ammo on my LRM mechs). That leaves 1/3 of LRM's to actually hit their target.

So 1 ton of LRM ammo is worth ~60 damage.

While 1 ton of SRM ammo is still worth 200 damage because you can actually aim it.

Edited by sycocys, 02 March 2016 - 08:21 AM.

#96 cazidin


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 08:22 AM

LRMs suffer from a slow velocity which allows most skilled pilots to quickly and effective DODGE!!! However, an experienced LRM boat pilot knows to and how to get within their effective range and suppress the enemy with ALL THE MISSILES. In CW it takes a lot more effort but they can still work if you adjust your strategy.

#97 Roadkill


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 08:27 AM

View PostXavori, on 02 March 2016 - 12:19 AM, said:

Let me begin by saying if you don't like playing LRM mechs, great. Don't play them. Play what you enjoy. But if you think they're useless or bad...well...you're wrong. And this is why...

Your argument lacks supporting facts.

LRMs aren't useless. They may not even be "bad" depending on what you mean by that. But they're sub-par weapons and actual math proves it.

Let's talk about weapon efficiency (WE). Weapon efficiency is the percentage of a weapon's damage that you put on target every time you fire that weapon.

For LRMs, WE and accuracy are essentially the same*. You can simply look up your accuracy in your stats and that's your WE because LRMs always do full damage when they hit. So for most people, LRMs have a WE between 30% and 50%. Good LRM players might have WE as high as 50%, typically only on their smaller launchers. (My Clan LRM-5s w/Artemis are 53.5%, for example, while my Clan LRM-20s are just 31.2%.)

* We gloss over critical hits and the damage that they do because the effect is similar for all weapons. We also don't have any stats for critical hits, so we can't compute their effect anyway.

For most other weapons you have to compute WE because they don't always do full damage when they hit. I typically use the medium laser as my example because it's near the top of the list and easy to find, but this works for any weapon. Here's how you do it:

I've fired the ML 18,208 times and hit 15,825 times. Thus my accuracy is 86.91%.

However, as we all know, lasers only do their full damage if you manage to hold them on target for their entire burn duration, and that rarely happens. So we need to figure out how much damage I manage to do when I do manage to hit.

The IS ML has a damage rating of 5. So for 15,825 hits I should have done 79,125 damage. My stats say that I've only done 47,671, though, so my %damage is only 60.25%. Bummer! I'm basically only getting 3 damage out of my medium lasers when I hit.

But that's only counting shots when I hit, and we want to count ALL shots fired. To get that, multiply accuracy by %damage. In my case, that's .8691 * .6025 which equals .5236 or 52.36%.

So there you go. My medium laser WE is 52.36% which I can compare directly to LRM accuracy.

As previously noted, my Clan LRM-5 w/Artemis is 53.5% accurate. That means that I'm about as effective with an IS medium laser as I am with a Clan LRM-5 w/Artemis. Yay! LRMs are good!

Yeah... not really. Only the LRM-5 climbs that high... all other launchers are much worse, down to the Clan LRM-20 which I've already noted is only 31.2% accurate.

But it's even worse than that. The IS ML weighs 1 ton and requires no ammo. It also hits what you point it at. Even my best LRM, the Clan LRM-5 w/Artemis weighs twice that, requires ammo, and randomly spreads its damage all over the target. So while they're still comparable, the medium laser is really still a better weapon.

If you look at the backbone of most LRM boats, the LRM-15, the numbers are pretty terrible. My IS LRM-15 is 39.2% accurate (and slowly climbing of late). That's a weapon that weighs 7 tons, requires ammo, and spreads the 6 (out of 15) damage that it manages to hit with all over the target.

For the same 7 tons, I could get an IS Large Pulse Laser and my WE would be 54.8%. That's nearly 1/3 better than the LRM-15, and the damage is more accurate and doesn't require ammo.

So sorry, Xavori, but you're wrong. The math actually supports the fact that LRMs are less effective than other weapons.

They can still be useful, and they're certainly a lot of fun (I use them all the time), but they're simply not as good as direct fire weapons as primary armament. But that's okay, because the tradeoff is that they can fire indirectly which allows a good LRM boat to support multiple skirmishes at the same time. They're a support weapon, and they're reasonably good in that role.

#98 Xavori


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 08:31 AM

View PostKyynele, on 02 March 2016 - 08:15 AM, said:

Well, I used to have over 4.0 KDR on my A1, so I've tried enough matches to die to lose over 0.5 KDR on it, despite still getting some kills. I would expect that to be a statistically relevant amount of matches. It's the second mech I've ever bought, so it's got sentimental value and I still play it for nostalgic reasons even if it's no longer that good for me.


Thank you for the reply.

I'm not surprised that your K/D ratio went down since PGI decided to increase their cooldown (at least they didn't give them a stupid charge up time)

Your A1 still looks to be in line K/D wise with the laservomit warhammer, albeit with not enough matches to draw a solid conclusion with. (My personal feeling is that laservomit warhammer doesn't work as well as SRM warhammer or the Black Widow I'm running which is a mix of lasers and machine guns).

I do look forward to getting to T1 so I can experience this magic myself. It's going to take a wee bit longer than normal since I do so love CW over quickplay, but I'm sure I'll get there eventually. And yes, if I can make my Stalker 5M work then I will so be dancing around naked singing, "Told ya so! Told ya so!" (this is doubly punishing because I'm positive you neither want to see me naked nor hear me sing)

View Post627, on 02 March 2016 - 08:15 AM, said:

Well... 3 medium puls lasers you say? On a stalker, known for his mobile and swift movements? Yeah I better turn around and start running...
Seriously, you are a sitting duck that get killed in not even 8 seconds from your favorite small pulse boat (locust, cheatah, firestarter and even wolfhounds).
14 tons of ammo alone should speak for itself how inefficient lrms are. And don't get me wrong I actually like the lrm component in this game but what you describe is more or less nonsense.

Um. I lurve piloting light mechs and if I catch an assault by itself it doesn't matter if it's running LRM's or the most meta build from metamechs. It's just gonna be so much slag.

So that means assaults are useless, right? ;)

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Posted 02 March 2016 - 08:32 AM

They can be a fun weapon to support your advance or to lob over a hill to engage the next skirmish after you finish someone off, but i always get a greasy feeling if i have more than a lurm10 on my mech.

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Posted 02 March 2016 - 08:35 AM

View PostLily from animove, on 02 March 2016 - 12:41 AM, said:

good, now go further in your math and tell us how long you need to put out this damage and compare it how quick and efficient other laodouts can push those 840 damage out.

I run LRM builds outside of CW all the time. I really enjoy my Awesome, Timber, Mad Dog and Stalkers. Lily is right though. LRMs can put up big numbers and sometimes they do result in suppressing the other team but the amount of damage they put out per second and the randomness of that damage allocation makes them sub par for meta, try-hard games.

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