Clan LRM boats are viable at medium to close range, because of no minimum range, the ease of carrying much stronger direct weaponry easier, and inherent C.A.S.E. in Clan mechs.
while IS LRM is better on paper in damage numbers, C-LRM is lighter, has more focused missile volleys wasting MUCH less of the damage, resulting in easily observable better performance of the system... while IS LRM needs to either stick to LRM 5 or 10, or strictly rely on NARC and/or TAG to be anywhere near effective - this was a harsh wake-up call for me after i tried using LRM15 (and for testing sake LRM20) on the Mauler-1R
this is proving difficult to the IS LRM user that wants to play aggressively, get his own locks and directly support his teammates - because of the need to maintain more distance and take wider routes to avoid minimum range
especially if carrying a similarly heavy loadout to a Clan mech means the IS version is slower, and has much greater potential for ammo explosions (especially troublesome with XL engines)
compensating for massive spread on higher tonnage IS launchers by mounting a number of smaller launchers is punishing - as they are less tonnage efficient, especially with Artemis (which you should have for direct fire viability)
Something should be done to make IS LRM comparable to C-LRM - so they can enjoy the same ability to directly support their team instead of being screamed out of the field. Most notably the spread and minimum range. A direct fire ability (with Artemis atleast) should be possible.
Subsequently, for the same reason - as MANY have pointed out in these last few days - it seems LRMs in general could use a minor mechanics overhaul to make them more... competitive, to use the buzz word - more comparable in effectivenes (not function) to standard weapons - without making them overpowered obviously.
This i would suggest increasing their speed and either limiting the incoming missile warning to a set range, or tying it with a presence of an AMS system.
Radar Deprivation module also needs to be brought down to be a direct counter to Target Decay.
Let me know what you think, discuss, and lets try to not set this one on fire too, heh?

Edited by Thunderbird Anthares, 03 March 2016 - 01:07 PM.