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Occupied city (Roleplaying-story telling)

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#201 Orcinus


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Posted 04 February 2012 - 08:15 AM

Cohen’s gaze hardened again.
“I see.”

He looked down at his notes again, then looked up.
“Would you excuse me a second?”

He stood up and stepped out of the room.
The Davion guard just watched him, his face a fixed scowl.
Furukawa glowered right back.

Cohen reentered the room, with a Davion soldier in tow.
The man had a green epaulette on his sleeve: Infantry Captain.

“Ok, Mr. Furukawa.” Cohen spoke.
“You said that you have a BattleMech hidden in the city, correct?”


He gestured to the Davion officer.
“My friend would like to you to take him to it, so that we can arrange to bring it here.”

The officer’s expression remained emotionless as he introduced himself.
“Captain Paisley, Federated Suns.”

Furukawa nodded acknowledgment.

Cohen turned back to Furukawa.
“We’re going to need you blindfolded again.”

“Of course.”

“But first, if you would be so kind as to provide a location in the vicinity of your ‘mech…”

As a recon pilot for several years, Furukawa knew the importance of landmarks.
“It will be about...”

#202 RogueSpear


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Posted 04 February 2012 - 08:44 AM

Draco made a series of rapid hand movements and moved off.
Spear blinked. "What is that ***** doing?"
"I don't know, did he tell us to reload?"
"I thought he meant allied armour left. What sign language are you using?"
"AFFW standard, why?"
"I'm using Lyran standard. But I know Sun's. We'll use that."
"So...what's he using?"
Spear sighed. "I have no idea, but I'm not moving up after him until he comes back and tells us. If he has half a brain he'll be checking his rear and be back soon. Besides if there was anything this close, they'd have caught us and the 'Mechs already."
Draco reappeared in the doorway. "Come on, are we going or what?"
Will shrugged at him. "Was that a follow me? I didn't understand."
"Just come on." The Dragoon hurried off.
"Just come on? Stupid son of a..."
Will looked hesitantly at Spear. "This is a Dragoon?"
Spear looked back at him. "Just move before he gets us killed."
Will helped him limp out onto the street. Ahead of them Draco was standing up and waving at them.
"You have got to be kidding me." They shuffled up to Draco and just as Spear was about to rip into him, the Dragoon spoke. "Alright Will, where's this doctor of yours?"
Feeling Spear tensing beside him, Will replied a bit hesitantly "Two blocks north and one east."
"Alright Will, stay with Spear, I'm going to check out the area ahead, I will motion you to follow when it's clear."
"Where are you going?"
Hunting? Hunting? But the Dragoon was too far off to catch.
"Will, how pissed will this doctor friend of yours be if the first thing I do after he stitches me up is to arrange for our friend Draco to have an involuntary appointment?"
"Uhhh...pretty pissed."
Spear sighed. "Yeah I thought so. Alright, let's show the intelligence he isn't, let's get to cover."
As they hunkered down at the side of the road, a body dropped off the rooftop, landing with a crumple. Will looked up surprised, and saw Draco saluting. Spear just looked at the body in disgust. "Draco?"
"Yeah. Guess he was on to something."
"Guess he was an *****."
Draco came calmly out of an alley in front of them. "Way's clear."
Spear maintained a tight grip on his anger, wadding it down into an icy core. "Way's clear Draco? Is it?"
The Wolf's Dragoon looked startled. "Yeah, I just took out the sniper. You're welcome."
"You bloody fool." Spear seethed. "Did you even check his uniform? Did you even think? Look at that armband Mercenary. That looks like a Sun and Sword to me, not a Dragon. Also looks like a sniper who saw us enter that stadium, and leave, and never once pulled the trigger. That looks like a friend who cared to check that we weren't Dracs. And you just killed him."
The Dragoon looked stunned and stopped a few metres away. "I...I didn't..."
"Think? No, you didn't. Get back in that damn stadium. Guard the 'Mechs. Get a grip. And if someone comes for you, you sit tight and you do not even think about engaging even as they shoot until you are positive they're a Drac, do I make myself perfectly clear?" Spear hung tightly from Will's shoulder, shivering slightly, but Draco could tell very clearly, that the machine gun he was seeing pointed at him far too often was perfectly still, and glistening gently in the mist.

#203 guardian wolf


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Posted 04 February 2012 - 09:15 AM

Draco ripped his knife out of the body, and cleaned the gore off on his sleeve. He then walked off and looked over his shoulder at the two.
"Suit yourself,"
Draco went into the stadium, and took up a position on the stairs. And waited. He sat there for what seemed to be several minutes, when he spotted a soldier. It wasn't Will, he hadn't been gone that long, not to mention, he seemed bigger.
What the hell?
Draco quickly got a message written on the a piece of cloth and stuck it to the side of the Behemoth's ruined cockpit. He was about to make it out of the hole his Warhammer had made, when he heard a gunshot, and dived for cover. He ended up behind a piece of rubble. He looked around for something to get a view with, a piece of glass reflected it perfectly, it was another sniper approaching, with two more regular troops right behind him. Draco took his SMG, and pressed it to his shoulder, and turned the corner.
"FREEZE," Draco shouted
"ON THE GROUND NOW," the other man shouted back,
"who the hell are you,"
"Did you see another sniper here a while ago?"
****, his friends have shown up.
"Neg -- I mean, no,"
"Really, seeing as you were the one who left his body on the sidewalk. Not to mention, threw him off a roof,"
"Who are you, a drac, or fed sun,"
"Oh that won't matter when I'm done with you, rebel,"
He's a Drac, I have to warn the others.
Draco opened fire with his SMG, and dived back toward cover. The other three opened fire as well, tried to get to cover, but the leader was too close to Draco, and all bullets found their mark. The other two opened fire with their assault rifles, and Draco tried to think of a way to get the message across that something was wrong. He heard the bullets pound into the stonework behind him. Draco drew his knife and put his SMG into his left hand. Draco stepped back from the stonework and glanced around the corner, he saw the Drac, and he opened fire. Draco flinched back into cover, then looked back around and began firing. The drac took cover, and Draco waited for him to pop back up.

Edited by guardian wolf, 04 February 2012 - 11:51 AM.

#204 guardian wolf


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Posted 08 February 2012 - 10:48 AM

Draco watched the drac dive for cover, and opened fire with his SMG. He saw a bullet clip the drac, as he fell short, and his SMG clip was empty. Draco finished him by throwing his knife, hitting the drac dead center of his forehead. Draco switched mags, and looked for the other drac. He noticed he wasn't where he originally dived. He was about to go looking for him, when he heard a small rock move above him. Instinctively he turned with his SMG raised, but it was too late. The drac fell on top of him, with his knife held between his hands, and mere inches away from his throat. The only thing between it, and Draco's throat, was his SMG. He struggled in the dead lock, but finally managed to kick the man off of him. Draco tried to stand, but by the time he got to his feet, the drac kicked him in the face, and lost his SMG. Draco fell backwards, and before the drac could make another move, kicked out with his feet. He managed to knock the drac's legs out from under him, and Draco jumped to his feet. Draco watched as the drac wildly swung the knife, brandishing it like a sword. Draco took a step to avoid the blade, another, and one more, when he felt his back against the stone wall. The drac had a wicked smile on his face as he swung again, but Draco was ready. Draco threw his arm out stopping the drac's blade arm, and followed with a right hook. The drac staggered back a few steps, but then started to charge at Draco. Draco braced himself, when a shot rang out, and the drac's head exploded. The lifeless body fell to the floor, and Draco looked to see who had fired the shot. He saw a man stand, carrying a sniper rifle... and then salute. Draco couldn't believe his eyes.
It can't be...
He watched the man put the sniper rifle over his shoulder, and then walk down toward Draco's position. He was wearing full combat armor, so he was probably infantry, and then Draco saw him stop about about seven meters away, and then salute again.
"Su'cuy, Commander,"
Draco immediately recognized the voice.
"The one and only, sir,"
Draco started to run over to him, and they clasped hands as friends. Draco laughed as brought his arm around Johnson's shoulders.
"The hell have you been Dragoon?"
"Why, we've been hunting for you,"
Draco looked at him, he said we.
"Who else is with you?"
"Connors, Jones, and your brother Phiro, Brutus didn't survive the drop. Draco, I'm sorry, he bought time for us to get the hell out of that fire fight that we landed in,"
Draco felt a pang of sadness, quickly replaced by anger, these drac's were going to pay.
"So, where is the rest of them then?"
"The are two blocks behind me, as we were looking for a new place to set up a FOB, as our old one was getting a bit unstable,"
"Well signal them to get over here, I've got my gear inside,"
"Yes sir,"
Draco hated that, the sir​ that you had to use when referring to a CO, it just didn't feel right. Draco walked over to the other fallen drac, and ripped the knife out of his skull, and wiped off the gore on the piece of stone nearby. He then checked the AR, and found that they used the same ammo as his, so he took the remaining clips, as he would give them to Will. Draco began to walk in with Johnson towards a door to get out of the rain.
"So, what's the story with that Behemoth?"
"I'm still trying to get that figured out. So what have you been doing since the attack,"
Johnson then told of how he had listened to the intercom message, and then boarded his designated escape pod. When he hit the ground, he landed in the middle of a shitstorm, the dracs had their position surrounded, and he along with three other pods were trying to hold the line. A Firestarter then came in, and was tearing their position apart, but quickly pulled out, as it seemed to be ordered to another location. Johnson then finished, with how they had to withdraw, and Brutus told them to get out while he was still able to shoot a gun. He had been hit multiple times, and was bleeding badly, while Johnson said he had tried to tend to his wounds, he kept telling him to get out. He finally made it an order, and Johnson, along with the rest had reluctantly followed it. They had watched from a distance, they dracs as soon as they got to him, didn't even give him a chance. One pulled a pistol, and Brutus pulled the pins on his grenade belt. He killed most of them with the explosion. Johnson was shaking at the end of his tale. Draco put a hand on him to steady him.
"Hey, we need you to get it together. We all have been challenged by this, and more challenges are to come. So let us honor our fallen comrades, by killing as many dracs we can get our hands on,"
Johnson looked up, there was no longer sadness in his eyes, there was hate. There was a fire that Draco had ignited, and he hoped that he would be able to control his anger. Draco heard the doors open, and in came the other three Dragoons. Connors came in first, with his heavy weapons, and then was followed up by Jones, who had a lot of his gear. In the rear was Draco's 'brother' Phiro. They had chosen each other to be blood brothers in the middle of boot camp, while Draco went on to become a mech pilot, Phiro became a fighter pilot, and a damn good one to. Phiro dropped his stuff at the door, and took a seat on one of the benches.
"This, is why I fly aircraft,"
Draco laughed at the black humor, as did everyone else in the room.
"Su'cuy ner vod, long time no see,"
"Su'cuy, thought you were dead,"
"Didn't we all?"
Draco shook his head, and smiled, this was what he was hoping for, at least a small chance that maybe he could get a small unit together to form a resistance.

#205 Orcinus


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Posted 08 February 2012 - 12:03 PM

The blindfold was removed from Furukawa's eyes.

Paisley spoke up from behind.
"Alright, pal. Lead the way."

Furukawa looked around to get his bearings.
He stood at a street corner, long since abandoned by its previous occupants.

He recalled passing by this section of town—the stadium could be easily made out from a distance—after hiding his ‘mech.

He pointed down the street, Paisley nodded to the other Davion soldiers, and they set off.

They were a small group: Furukawa, Paisley, and four others.
The Davions formed a half circle behind Furukawa as he led the way, with Paisley standing right behind him.
All of them were carrying assault rifles and had single-shot SRM launchers strapped to their backs.
As usual, Furukawa was unarmed.

The group made their way cautiously, staying close to the buildings they passed. A DCMS patrol had already passed by this area a short time before, but no one felt like taking any ch—

Paisley had grabbed Furukawa’s shoulder and motioned the others to stop.
He was listening to a transmission on his radio.

When he lowered his radio again, his face had twisted into a grimace.
Everyone just stood and looked at him, silently.

After a moment of thought, Paisley looked—glared—at Furukawa.

“We need to take a detour. Stay close.”

Furukawa simply nodded.
This can’t be good.

#206 guardian wolf


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Posted 09 February 2012 - 11:46 AM

"Draco, we've got a problem,"
Draco cursed as he heard the radio message from Johnson
Draco ran outside, and the other three did as well, weapons out, ready for an ambush. Draco signaled them to get around the opening in the stadium, as they would ambush whomever came through. The rain was starting to pour, as Draco ran up the step to Johnson's position at the top balcony of the stands. Johnson signaled him over, and passed him the sniper rifle.
"Six Tangos, down the street, One 'oclock low,"
Draco pointed the sniper rifle at the point, and zoomed in. Sure enough he saw them. He passed it back to Johnson.
"When they get close, fire a warning shot at them to let them know they're being watched, and yell at them to have one person advance slowly through the gap, alone and unarmed. Also tell them not to try anything, as one your armed with a sniper rifle, and two, there are six heavily armed soldiers on the other side of the rubble pile. Got it?"
"Aye sir,"
Draco then walked as fast as he could back down the steps, taking care not to slip. When he was in position, he signaled for everyone to only fire on his command.

#207 Orcinus


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Posted 09 February 2012 - 03:06 PM

The stadium loomed up above as the group approached.

This time, Furukawa was in the center of the formation, with Paisley still behind him.
"We're gonna have to get past this in order to reach the site. You know the drill, gentlemen."

The other soldiers nodded, one of them eyeing Furukawa with more than a slight hint of wariness.

A shot rang out, a cloud of smoke rose from next to Furukawa's foot, and they were all on the ground diving for cover.
"Sniper!" "Get down!" "In the stadium, up high!"

A voice called to them from above.
"Attention! We currently have six heavily armed soldiers inside this building. As you know, I have a sniper rifle trained on your positions, so don't think you can pull anything."

Furukawa clenched his teeth. Being unarmed against regular infantry was bad enough. Now he had to deal with snipers.
From his vantage point, there's practically no cover for us here.

"We are willing to negotiate. However, you must send one person to speak with us. Unarmed. He is to proceed slowly into the building where we will meet him."

Furukawa could hear Paisley cursing under his breath a short distance away, then slowly began to stand up.

"Hold it. What do you think you're doing?"

Furukawa paused mid-crouch, hands still raised above his head
"These guys can't be DCMS. Combine occupation forces would not need to bunker down unless surrounded by overwhelming enemy forces. And I hardly think we constitute 'overwhelming enemy forces.' Also, I am the only one of us who is unarmed."

Paisley looked unconvinced.

Furukawa stood.
"Wait--" Paisley started.

Furukawa turned and glared.
"I am going in. If you have any objections, shoot me."

From the corner of his eye, he saw one of the soldiers begin to swing his gun. Paisley held out his hand to pause him and sighed.

He returned Furukawa's glare.
"If you betray us, however..."

Furukawa nodded, then turned and made his way into the stadium.

#208 guardian wolf


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Posted 09 February 2012 - 04:03 PM

Draco watched the man approach from his hidden position. He signaled for a hold fire, and waited for him to get close, then came out of the shadows. The man stopped short, and looked surprised for a moment, then kept walking forward. Draco motioned him in.
"Who are you?"
"My name is Takeo Furukawa, I am former Draconis Combine Military. Those men are my friends, we are trying to get a resistance group formed,"
Draco couldn't believe it, former DCMS, now he had seen everything. Draco checked Takeo, and sure enough found the correct markings on him. He was DCMS at some point in time, but that lead him to not want to trust him that much more. The fact that he had told the truth from the beginning said that he wasn't exactly a ISF agent, so maybe he could trust him a little. Draco called over to Phiro, and approached.
"Nartir ash'ad lo yaim'la, bal ja'hailir gebi,"
(translated - "put him inside the local, and watch over him closely," is I believe a good rough translation)
Takeo looked dumb struck, as he didn't understand a word that they had just said. It was Mando'a, a language that they had happened upon during boot camp. It was old, and he still didn't have it down, but, it was good for being able to talk when Draco didn't want others to hear what was going on. Phiro pushed Takeo towards the door, not violently, but firm enough for him to get the message. He marched him inside, and Draco walked forward to wave in his new guests.

Edited by guardian wolf, 09 February 2012 - 04:33 PM.

#209 RogueSpear


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Posted 11 February 2012 - 06:32 PM

OOC: Nuts, I'd been going to have me and Will run into Orsinus. Oh well, no matter. Sloth, can you drag Spear in to your doctor friend? I don't know how you want to play it, I assume it's safe to say we got away before all the shooting broke out so we're long out of earshot.

#210 Sloth901


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Posted 12 February 2012 - 03:33 AM

Will looked around the corner, he saw his friends house down the street, but he could also see the drac patrol between them and it.
He steped back into the the other street and turned to spear.
"ok, the good news is i can see my friends house. The bad news is that theres 3 dracs between us and him"
Tightening his grip on his rifle Will went to step into the next street.
Spear grabbed Wills arm "are you stupid its 3 against one thats bad odds even if you are trained"
"But we have 1 thing they don't have"
Will broke from Spears grip, shouldering the rifle. 2 shots rang out from his rifle dropping the first drac, the others broke for cover in a panic.
another Drac fell taking 2 shots to the legs. Will then dove into a shop as the 3rd man had already taken cover and was probably lining him up.Bullets rang through the window as the drac opened fire blindly. Will stayed down as the shop was hailed with bullets 1 magazine, 2 magazines, 3 magazines, the shooting stopped.His plan had worked. Raising his rifle for a second time Will aimed where he had downed the second drac 3 shots rang out, 2 meeting drac 3's torso and 1 meeting the wounded dracs head,
Will moved back to spear checking his mag.
"How the hell did you do that?!" spear exclaimed
"Like I said I was trained by my uncle" Will helped Spear up. "come on were not far"
Spear had taken a turn for the worse

Will dragged Spear the next 500 metres. Slamming on the door Will Yelled "CHRIS GET YOUR A*SE OUT HERE NOW, ITS WILL!!!"
A man opened the door with a pistol drawn. He lowered it when he recognised his friend.
"Help me with him"
Chris grabbed Spears other arm and helped lift him onto the dinning room table.
"keep an eye on him im going to get my surgeons kit" Chris ran up the stairs

"your gonna be ok mate" Will said to Spear"

#211 RogueSpear


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Posted 12 February 2012 - 07:35 AM

When Will broke out of his grip, Spear lurched forward and caught himself on the burned out car they were using for cover. His stomach literally twisted as the dressings tore as the sudden pain made his eyes bulge and his breath escape with a low hiss. He heard Will's opening barrage, and tried to get into position to support him, but he couldn't straighten up. Lying low on his side, he looked under the car and tried to see the Drac shooter, but couldn't. He swore tightly as he sat back up, tried to hold the torn dressing in place, his head leaning against the bonnet on it's side, panting as he tried to see what was going on.
Suddenly Will appeared in front of him.
"How the hell did you do that?" He blurted. Slowly reality returned as he realized the shooting had stopped. He must have blacked out.
Will misunderstood. "Like I said, I was trained by my uncle. Come on, we're not far."
Spear's sleep deprived, low blood, damaged system finally gave in. Spear once more blacked out to sleep, hallucinations and memories best described as nightmares.

#212 Brenden


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Posted 14 February 2012 - 09:51 AM

(( I leave home for a few days and look what happens? By the way, what HAS happened while I was gone?))

#213 guardian wolf


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Posted 14 February 2012 - 09:56 AM

We have developed a damn good side story, that is what happened

#214 Orcinus


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Posted 14 February 2012 - 10:06 AM

Paisley's radio chirped.
He slowly moved his hand and held the device to his ear.
"Switch over to the public channel."

He turned the dial.
"--program to give you this weather update.
It appears that a hurricane will be passing over the city in a matter of minutes.
We request that everyone stay inside their homes as the conditions worsen.
It's gonna be like pea soup out there folks, so you'll want to get inside as soon as possible."

He turned the dial back, flipped the radio off and returned it to its hiding spot.

I hope that mech's got some good cover.
I can't imagine any mech would last more than an hour exposed to a full-on hurricane.
No amount of armor can prevent water from eventually seeping in...

#215 guardian wolf


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Posted 14 February 2012 - 11:42 AM

Draco heard the radio as the the men approached.
Draco immediately motioned them to approach quickly, and yelled at Johnson to get everyone inside. He didn't even bother to answer, though he could hear Johnson curse audibly, that he saw a huge storm headed their way.

Draco immediately directed everyone into the building, and Draco ran towards the Warhammer. He hadn't lost this mech yet, and he would be damned if he lost it now. He scrambled up to the top of the Warhammer, and initiated the power up sequence. He had just managed to fire up the main systems, when the rain started to worsen.

Draco immediately looked around the stadium for someplace to put his mech. He didn't see any, he guessed about his rear armor status, and decided to take a chance. He took his mech, and after the gap in the entrance was cleared, he turned to the inside of the building, and backed up. He could hear the grinding of armor against the building, and it slowly gave. He backed into the building until his PPCs finally were covered by the rubble. The building was large enough that it was still structurally sound. Draco breathed a small sigh of relief, but knew that this was far from over.

He popped open the hatch, and then closed it on his way out. Draco scrambled down, and then ran towards the doors that lead inside. The rain was now pouring. Draco swung open the door, and ran into the room, now soaked, and shut the door calmly. He was now pissed, the Behemoth was now not even salvageable, and he had to know how Spear had gotten it. Draco turned toward the group of Davion soldiers, and saw Phiro was still watching, "Furukawa", or whatever his name was.
"So, who's the leader of this bunch?"

#216 RogueSpear


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Posted 14 February 2012 - 12:53 PM

OOC: Wait, so my 'Mech is now rendered unsalvageable by a hurricane that was just thought up without my knowledge or permission while my character is away getting patched up?

#217 Sloth901


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Posted 14 February 2012 - 01:08 PM

Chris had been operating on Spear for almost 15 minutes when Will heard of the Hurricane on the radio. Will lowered the storm shutters on the windows and bolted the doors. The house was prepared as this sort of weather was a common occurence. To them it was realy a blessing, during a storm like this there would be no dracs to worry about as they would all have gone to find shelter. Another 15 minutes passed and Chris emerged from the dining room "Hes gonna be fine, sore but fine". Will and Chris lifted Spear onto a sofa in the next room.
There was a pause as both Will and Chris calmed down.
"He said Paul saved him before. If Paul thought he was worth saving then he is worth saving. Plus he has a mech."
"I didnt know"
"Well you should know better, I wouldnt risk your life for no reason"

They where interupted.
"Are you two gonna keep arguing like little girls or are we gonna go find your mech?" Spear was awake and trying to get up. Will stopped him and sat him back down. "Theres a hurricane out there at the momment. It should give you around an hour to recover so relax"

#218 guardian wolf


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Posted 14 February 2012 - 01:19 PM

Don't worry, I'm sure Brendan has some repair facilities, and my character could fix it up, so just keep with it.

#219 Orcinus


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Posted 14 February 2012 - 01:19 PM

View Postguardian wolf, on 14 February 2012 - 11:42 AM, said:

"So, who's the leader of this bunch?"

Paisley walked up to the man who asked.
"Captain Curtis Paisley. Federated Suns."

His eyes narrowed as he offered his hand.
"Who the hell are you?"

Name: Curtis Ian Paisley
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Description: 6' 1" and around 198 pounds. Short cut hair with a poorly-trimmed moustache, both blond with streaks of grey. Generally fit and well-built, though the slight bulge in his belly has earned him the moniker “Pops” among his platoon-mates. An old veteran in the AFFS dispatched to Bonette to advise and assist Resistance forces “in preparation for liberation operations in the future.” Insists on accompanying his men in the field, superseding Resistance leaders on multiple occasions. Opted to personally accompany the “DCMS Defector.”
Affiliation: Federated Suns, Resistance

No, I'm not about to abandon Furukawa.
But when opportunity knocks...

Also, while I don't know the exact effects of rainwater on a Battlemech, I would imagine that the mech would be salvageable, but completely inoperable until then.

#220 RogueSpear


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Posted 14 February 2012 - 01:56 PM

OOC: That's what I'd imagine as well. Since it's completely off, it basically needs dried before anything can be done. Also Guardian, Draco will be entirely useless - Clans stick entirely to their caste. Warriors do not know how to maintain their 'Mechs - just how to use them.

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