Occupied city (Roleplaying-story telling)
Posted 14 February 2012 - 04:50 PM
Posted 14 February 2012 - 07:55 PM
Of course, it weighs as much as an Atlas and they deal with those fine, but Behemoths are apparently special 100t Mechs that weigh even more!
Sometimes fluff is silly, but it's what we have to live with. Spear knows what's gone into his Mech and suchlike, and can direct repairs, but only in the right conditions.
@Brendan, a few days is one thing, but you've been gone 6 weeks

Posted 14 February 2012 - 10:17 PM
RogueSpear, on 14 February 2012 - 07:55 PM, said:
Well, the Behemoth appears (to me at least) to be extremely squat and wide, while the Atlas stands tall and upright. I would imagine there is a reason why two-legged animals have a tendency to be more tall than wide, as well as a reason why most squat animals generally don't have only two legs.
Dunno why I wanted to point this out... so I'll leave this:
They came in quickly as the storm began to pick up. They were all carrying tarps and blankets and other such things, most old and worn and some even with a few holes. They were determined to do what they can. It had been their shelter, their comfort, and they weren't about to just leave it be.
Some of them had seen similar devices throughout the city. They roamed the city, terrorizing the populace with their mere presence.
But this one was different. They were convinced of that much.
They had seen the clouds gathering earlier and dispersed, gathering anything and everything they could.
Knots were tied. Large blocks of stone and rubble were brought in. Covering as much as they could.
A mosaic of materials, colors, and textures.
A tapestry to defy the elements.
Satisfied with their work, they gathered beneath their shelter, bringing out blankets and dry sticks that were stashed beneath.
One of the older ones got a small fire going and they huddled together to watch the rain fall.
As usual, the bearer of the makeshift coat did nothing.
And so it continued to wait.
Posted 14 February 2012 - 10:37 PM
Posted 14 February 2012 - 10:39 PM
Nope. Not the Behemoth.

If you look at an earlier post of mine, you might find what I'm referring to.
Hint: It was an intermission.
Posted 14 February 2012 - 11:32 PM
Posted 15 February 2012 - 07:01 AM
"My name is Draconis Wolf, and I'm currently the CO of any and all survivors of the Wolf Fang, our dropship. Sun, you can tell your CO we're friendly. We also have two friends out in the city a couple blocks away, and who is this man that you were dragging along, then opted to let him speak for you?"
Draco nodded toward "Furukawa", and Phiro nudged him to provided emphasis. The soldier looked at him, then spoke quietly to Draco.
"We're not sure if he is on our side, though he was leading us toward a mech he had hidden away,"
Draco thought about it, and then had an idea. He would bring Furukawa along with them to raid the Mech Depot. Draco whispered it back to them, then Paisley nodded in agreement. Draco turned towards Furukawa, and walked so he was about a foot away.
"Well, Takeo, your going to be leading these, Davions, along to your mech, but when you get back, your coming with us,"
Furukawa, looked up, and had the look of disbelief on his face. Either he thought he was going to die, or he didn't believe that he was being trusted.
"Don't worry, it's not me you should be worried about, as I won't kill you, but your drac friends might,"
Furukawa seemed to understand then that it was the latter that was happening, even if, only a little.
Posted 15 February 2012 - 12:29 PM
guardian wolf, on 15 February 2012 - 07:01 AM, said:
Furukawa raised an eyebrow in disbelief.
So we came here to check these guys out and now we're just going to keep going as if none of this happened?
He glanced over to Paisley, then back to Draco.
guardian wolf, on 15 February 2012 - 07:01 AM, said:
Furukawa lowered his head.
‘Drac friends,’ eh?
He looked back to Draco and Paisley.
“Very well.”
{{POV shift}}
Wait. What the hell is this?
Paisley gestured to Draco, who joined him off to the side.
He kept his voice low, such that his whisper had the hints of a growl.
“Hold on there, pal. What do you mean he’s coming with you after we grab his tin can?”
He pointed his thumb into his own chest.
“I’ve been personally entrusted to keep an eye on that drac. So…”
He pointed to Draco.
“You’re gonna need to explain to me where you intend to take him.”
Posted 15 February 2012 - 01:01 PM
"Paisley, you need to know if you can trust this spook right?"
"Yeah, though he seems to be trust able, though not much,"
"Well, I'm about to let you in on a little secret,"
"Which is?"
"We're going to hit a nearby mech depot,"
Paisley went white in the face, he probably thought that Draco was crazy. The look on Draco's face was not in any way, showing that he was joking. Paisley calmed down a bit, and then looked at Draco.
"Are you nuts? That's suicide, it will get him killed,"
"Not when we already have it planned. My team has all received commando and field survival training, we are also packing a lot of firepower for about five people. If you want to know if you can trust him, we'll bring him along, hell, I'll even let you tag along, just stick to my plan. But first, you get him to take you to his mech, and then, bring him back here. I assume it won't take long,"
"No, it shouldn't,"
"Then, by all means, when this storm is over, we need to get moving. My team is already good to recon the depot, as we need to finally get the details hammered out,"
Paisley and Draco turned back up the hall, and before they got to the corner, Paisley stopped.
"I'm going with you, to make sure Furukawa doesn't **** you over,"
Draco nodded, and kept walking. He looked outside, and the storm had cleared, finally, and it wasn't the eye of it. He had been trained in boot camp they dangers of the eye of the hurricane. It was the very thing that contributed more to the death toll than the rest of the storm. Draco opened the door, and walked outside, the grass was now completely soaked, but now there was some light, as the clouds weren't solid anymore, for now. Draco walked back inside, and held up a map of the area, and started to discus the plan with Johnson, and the rest of his squad. Paisley had taken his leave, and was leaving. Draco hoped to see them again.
Posted 15 February 2012 - 01:44 PM
"And what do you plan to do, Captain?"
"I'm gonna take our drac friend and tag along. That way, I can gauge how much we can trust all of them. Kill two birds with one stone."
"I see... well, good luck. And remember--"
"Yeah, yeah. I'll be careful."
Jeez. These people sometimes...
He clicked off the radio and walked back to Furukawa, who had been standing out of ear shot. He nodded, and Furukawa nodded back.
They made their way down more alleyways, weaving through the buildings to avoid any Combine patrols that may still be lurking about.
After about an hour's travel, Furukawa stopped. He stood at the entrance to another alleyway.
Paisley looked into the alley. It was too dark to make out anything, however.
Furukawa walked in and Paisley's squad followed.
"Hmm... not quite as I left it, but probably for the better."
Paisley tightened the grip on his rifle; he still didn't see anything.
Oh for the love of the Prince. If this ******* just led us into--
The group took a few more steps and then paused.
Paisley looked ahead again.
Crouched amongst the heap of rubble. Covered in a makeshift cloak heavily damaged by the storm.
There it was. Waiting.
Furukawa smiled.
"Kon'nichiwa, Hana."
Posted 16 February 2012 - 05:53 AM
"Johnson, keep watch, is it what we're looking for,"
"Elek sir, I've got two Jenners, a couple Stingers, and... holy ****,"
"What is it?"
"Sir, they've got an Atlas in there,"
"Come again corporal, I thought you said Atlas,"
"That's a hard copy Draco, we're going to need more satchel charges, this thing isn't fully repaired sir, it looks salvaged. I'd say that it probably would take anywhere to a couple of days to get her back up to snuff,"
Draco sat down in a bench, A F*CKING ATLAS!?!? This just keeps getting better and better. He sat down and got to work on some satchel charges, they were crude, but it was going to have to work for the light mechs, and he was going to have to get creative on this one.
Posted 16 February 2012 - 06:58 AM
guardian wolf, on 14 February 2012 - 09:56 AM, said:
(( Well I am glad to hear that, but what has HAPPENED? The shortened version of it if you could, so that I can easily jump in with Weaver and his Shadow Hawk. ))
Posted 21 February 2012 - 10:24 AM
Gotta hand it to 'im. He knows how to hide a 'mech.
He walked up to take a closer look. He glanced at the small window into the cockpit on the front. Just below that, a sun with a smiley face was chalked onto the ‘mech’s nose.
Furukawa saw his quizzical expression.
“It seems that someone else was here.”
Paisley heard something, he motioned Furukawa to remain silent.
He slowly walked around the Jenner, looking around for the source of the sound.
It was faint, but I could've sworn I heard a.... whimper...?
He turned the corner to look behind the ‘mech.
“What… the…?”
Stunned into silence momentarily, he didn’t notice Furukawa walking up behind him to—
“What is going on here, Furukawa!?”
Furukawa took a step back, but regained his composure first.
“I guess we found that someone else.”
There were three of them. Two boys not a day older than ten, and a girl no older than five. The girl was on the verge of tears; her companions were on the verge of throwing rocks.
Furukawa grabbed Paisley’s shoulder and pulled him back around the Jenner, out of sight from the children. Another Davion soldier walked up to the two as the rest continued to watch the perimeter. Furukawa removed his hand quickly.
The soldier spoke. “What’s going on, sir?”
Paisley took a breath, then seemed to finally calm down.
“It appears that Mr. Furukawa’s battlemech has become a day care center…”
The soldier looked confused. Furukawa remained expressionless, though his eyes darted back and forth between them and his ‘mech.
Paisley turned on them, just about to—
Everybody paused and turned towards the entrance to the alleyway.
Paisley spoke first.
“There’s more!?”
Posted 21 February 2012 - 04:25 PM
Will had been thinking what his next move was for quite sometime now
Will picked up his Rifle and turned to Spear. "The Riflemans only 1/2 a mile away. if i use the tunnels i can get there within the hour, so long as i dont run into any dracs. The way I see it thats my best bet, your welcome to come along but im sure your eager to get back to your mech" Will began heading to the door
"Wait" Spear had stood up, LMG in hand."Im coming with you"
Chris entered from his dining room. "Thats most of the bloodclear take this surgury kit incase something like this happens again. And for your imformation im not a miricle worker. I just cleaned and closed the wound. The untreated wounds coupled with sleep deprivasion is what made it lethal"
"So I nearly died, because i didnt take a nap..."
"Basicly, yes"
Will sniggered "Alright Chris thanks for the help. If the Dracs come get out of here and go to the stadium. If were gone then make yourself scarse find somewhere safe to stay." Wills attention turned "Ok Spear lets get going, or do you need another nap" Will laughed as he walked out the door
Posted 21 February 2012 - 09:18 PM
"He's a c*nt. I like c*nts. They live longer." Spear remarked as he shook Chris' hand. "Thanks again. I owe you." He shouldered the LMG and headed out the door after Will.
Posted 22 February 2012 - 01:45 AM
Posted 22 February 2012 - 08:35 AM
"Draco this is Johnson over,"
"Johnson, this is Draco, what is your status,"
"Nothing new, but, I've got an idea sir,"
"Go ahead,"
"They've got a Jenner patrolling the street south of me, and I'm thinking we could hit it to throw them off the trail of the base, eh boss?"
"Sounds like a plan, when is the next opening to set the explosives?"
"In about thirty minutes boss, we bringing a building down,"
"Hell yes,"
Draco turned off the radio, and then grabbed a few demo charges from Connors pack, he called over to the rest of the team.
"Alright guys, time to go **** off some dracs,"
They nodded, and Draco began to explain the plan.
Posted 06 March 2012 - 11:00 PM
Paisley stepped forward. The other Davion soldiers were still spread out around the perimeter of the alleyway, confused but weapons at the ready.
I’m guessin’ the oldest one is their leader…
“Can I help you?”
The tallest of the group, still over a head shorter than Paisley, replied.
“Sure. You can take your guns and leave.”
“Excuse me?”
“I don’t care how high and mighty you think you are. You don’t scare us.”
The other kids nodded in agreement. A few threw jeers.
Paisley was about to respond when a shot rang out.
“We’ve got company!”
Everybody fell flat to the ground. One of the soldiers watching the perimeter had taken cover behind a mound of rubble. A few unintelligible voices drifted from further down the street.
Paisley turned to the other group, who wore looks of confusion and fear.
“Oh, yeah. We’re not exactly friendly with the guys who normally come this way.”
After making sure that the patrol—at least, he hoped it was only a patrol—was not about to descend upon them anytime soon, Paisley stood back up.
“Alright, boys. Let’s get moving. We’re gonna secure the ‘mech and then get the heck out of dodge.”
Furukawa stood back up and walked towards him.
“Wait a second. We’re just going to leave?”
Seriously...!? Now is not the time to hesitate, drac!
Paisley turned and scowled at the question.
"That’s exactly what I said. What’s your point?”
Posted 07 March 2012 - 07:09 AM
Draco wired the last set of explosives, and went outside. He ran outside and a block north of the position. He quickl sprinted up the stairs, and got to the top, laying down next to Johnson. The Jenner was walking forward like nothing was new. It paused at the corner, like it normally did, probably scanning for targets. Draco pulled out the first detonator, and pressed the button. Explosives ripped the side of the building apart, and the wall came crashing down on the Jenner. The Jenner turned, to see what was going on, only to be buried in rubble.Draco saw the rubble to move, which meant the Jenner was now trying to get out, and pressed the button on the second detonator. The explosives destroyed the rubble pile, and probably rocked the pilot. The Jenner tried to stand, but it's destroyed left knee actuator, and weakened right one, just couldn't support the weight. It collasped with a resounding smash, and Draco heard the alarms at the depot, meaning the plan had worked, they were going to have to come out, and salvage the Jenner, and get it back into shape before they could continue on the Atlas. Draco and Johnson immediately started to go down the fire escape, and headed back for the stadium. Both, were laughing at the so called luck of the pilot.
Posted 07 March 2012 - 11:54 AM
“We can’t just leave them here!”
Paisley, on the other hand, was famous for it.
“And why the **** not?”
His colorful language was even more renowned.
“We have a DCMS patrol heading this way and they’ll probably bring reinforcements in short order. We can’t just leave them to—”
“What makes you think you can ******* tell me what to do? We’re leaving. And that’s that!”
The soldier standing next to them stood dumbfounded; he had never seen Paisley get this worked up before.
“Those soldiers aren’t going to show any mercy to them! They’ll die!”
“Well, we can’t just bring them with us into a warzone!”
“We have to try! It’s too dangerous here!”
“It’s too dangerous out there, for ****’s sake!”
Furukawa was hoisted into the air as Paisley lunged forward, grabbed the collar of his shirt, and slammed him against a wall.
“Now listen here, you punk *** drac. I will not run around the street under fire with children in tow. I’m not some Lyran ****; I didn’t become a Captain by sitting on my *** and shelling out c-bills. I had to go out there, shoot people, and make tough-*** decisions. And I’m not about to bring a bunch of kids out to get themselves shot!”
Paisley let his head droop down, keeping Furukawa pinned against the wall. As Furukawa tried to regain his breath, he noticed that Paisley’s shoulders were quivering. He raised his head again.
“It was only a few months ago..."
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