I'm a bit of a fan of 1v1 and the 1v1 map, I've had some interesting matches there and would love to see more maps like it. I appreciate that some see the lack of range as an issue but if range is needed, larger maps exist. It is possible to keep opponents at arms length on this one, if you're focused on doing so.
In my mind the only tweaks I'd look for to this map would be the inclusion of small obstacles to break up the terrain and sightlines (not loads, just a scattering, many of which might not block a full mech, so they're not full cover) and to slightly vary the height of the map. At the minute it's flat with some rises, I think it might be stronger if it featured dips with only a handful of small mounds/hills.
What I'd love to see is a suite of small maps like this (if we want big 1v1 maps we already have them!). My personal request would be for a sort of caldera, like the old Caustic, where players might start on an elevated rim that slopes into a central depression. Again, a few smaller obstacles, maybe some large enough to just provide cover from an elevated enemy. Such a map would translate very well (in my mind) into a free for all map as well.
Hope I've helped somehow! Really do love the inclusion of the tester maps and the suggestion of considering 1v1 and free for all!
Edited by Zimm Kotare, 15 March 2016 - 01:40 AM.