Earthtalker, on 11 March 2016 - 06:27 PM, said:
I also agree with Sereglach. Flamers should be linear in heat generation for the firing mech, and it should begin as soon as you pull the trigger.
Thanks for the support. Also, the sad irony is that Russ was mentioning on Twitter how the heat system is up in the reasonably near future (seems to be hinting right after the rescale hits . . . if not at the same time) and it's going to have to cause quirks and whatnot to be completely reviewed and reworked. I'm sure, whether PGI is going to want to admit that or not, that it's going to have to include all of their weapon systems as well. Right now there's so much heat tampering on both the heat scale and the weapons it's ridiculous. Some weapons generate more heat than their TT counterparts, and some generate less. All weapons, especially the Flamer, will need reworking to adjust to any new heat scale.
Also, the Flamer, as this current setup has been created, is only created to function in this current heat system. If the heat system changes to a low cap and aggressive cooling system (which is pretty much the only way to curb alpha striking . . . Russ's intended goal), then the current Flamer system is useless. By the time you'd do any heat damage to the target and overcome its aggressive cooling, you've gone past your "free fire" limit, enforce the pseudo-cooldown (the only semi-reasonable way to fire the weapon currently) and then their aggressive cooling will eliminate all the effort you put into crowd control in mere moments. Thereby, you'll have accomplished nothing. On the other hand, a flat and fixed number system would actually work, allowing for constant stream fire which would hinder the aggressive cooling under the most-likely new heat scale, and create a legitimate form of crowd control that's actually functional under any circumstance.
Will PGI do this? No, probably not at their current rate. When the new heat scale comes out either the Flamer is going to be even worse then it is now (which is the worst iteration of the weapon system, yet, in my opinion), OR if they lower the heat thresholds and don't add more aggressive cooling, then it'll be "Flamergeddon" all over again (mechs would be able to "free fire" flamers on multiple mechs and get them to heat cap -and have them be there even longer- with the current "fix"), because PGI will have failed to address the inherent problems in their Flamer mechanics and how reliant it is on the current heat system, as-is.
Either way, PGI needs to actually address their broken weapon systems and heat scale (heat scale at least coming "soon"), fix the programming issues they have and lostech coding (redo it if necessary), and it would go leagues in improving game balance and improving gameplay across the board.
I just find it sad that, with all the problems they have in the game and all the engineering limitations that they have for feature development (one of the reasons for not getting a new quick-play game mode since 2013), that PGI/Russ are advertising the desire/need to hire more artists on Twitter, but not Engineers and Programmers. It's baffling on a whole new level.
Understanding game design or not, PGI's hiring decisions only exacerbate the issue of why they're so far behind on their development and why there's so many empty promises that haven't been fulfilled, yet (Phase 3 was originally last Fall, Game Mode overhauls "started" a year and a half ago, New Rewards and more Rewards tuning, Ammo Swapping, Information Warfare Overhaul and the true ECM fix we saw on the Test Center, a True Flamer Fix, more iterative and constant weapons tuning, etc.). Granted, they've done better since unshackling themselves from IGP, but they've got a long way to go and they're rapidly falling back into their old habits from being under IGP (in particular: you get more news on the game from Twitter then is ever posted on the Forums, the "informative" Roadmaps and Town Halls are nothing more than patch-notes previews nowadays instead of being actual news, the completely MIA dev vlogs and weekly updates, and the MIA overhauled and important reasons for signing up to the email list to get exclusive offers and information). It's not a warm-and-fuzzy inducing prospect, recently.