The automated penalty system releasing in this patch is intended to penalize players who consistently engage in play behavior that results in Team Kills and/or excessive amounts of Team Damage.
The following actions will trigger this penalty system:
1 Team Kill = 1 Penalty strike
x amount of Team Damage = 1 Penalty strike
The damage threshold required for receiving a Penalty strike for Team Damage will not be made public at this time.
Multiple Penalty strikes can be received in a single match.
• Example: During Match 1, 'Player A' racks up an amount of Team Damage that doubles the Penalty threshold for Team Damage. They also perpetrate 1 Team Kill. As a result of these three actions, 'Player A' will be hit with a 5 minute delay for their next matchmaking search.
• Example: During Match 1, 'Player B' racks up an amount of Team Damage that triples the Penalty threshold for Team Damage. They also perpetrate 2 Team Kills. As a result of these five actions, 'Player B' will be hit with a 20 minute delay for their next matchmaking search. After waiting 20 minutes 'Player B' drops into Match 2 and perpetrates just 1 Team Kill; they do not hit the penalty threshold for Team Damage. As they are already at the Fifth Penalty strike from their previous match, and the four-hour Penalty reset has not yet occurred, they are hit with another 20 minute delay to their next matchmaking search.[/indent]
The breakdown of the current penalty levels follow the same structure as the existing Disconnect Penalty system:
• First Penalty: 10 second delay for next matchmaking search.
• Second Penalty: 2 minute delay for next matchmaking search.
• Third Penalty: 5 minute delay for next matchmaking search.
• Fourth Penalty: 10 minute delay for next matchmaking search.
• Fifth Penalty: 20 minute delay for next matchmaking search.
Each subsequent penalty beyond the Fifth will also enforce a 20 minute penalty.
Penalty levels reset every 4 hours.
All of the above values are tune-able, and may be subject to change depending on how the system plays out in the general population.
Along with this new Penalty System, every point of Team Damage you inflict will now incur a -21 C-Bill penalty to your End of Round rewards.
Does PGI realize that the match matching queues will become so slow that people will have trouble finding games. People in this video game couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if they tried. Even if the team damage isn't intentional. I've been in 100's of games where my back had been blown out or other parts of my mech due to people not knowing how to aim. PGI why don't you stop being care bare Canadians and turn off team damage just like any other respectable game if it such a problem. Team damage/Team killing is in the game to purge the people from the game so you don't get penalized by the peoples shortcomings and can enjoy the game. Like not advancing or moving their legs at all because they are to afraid to chip their paint on their mech. Hopefully this has been an eye opening post for you and possibly change your care bear ways. Have a nice day.