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Team Kill/team Damage Penalty

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#1 furiousurdead


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Posted 16 March 2016 - 12:53 PM


Team Kill/Team Damage Penalty System

The automated penalty system releasing in this patch is intended to penalize players who consistently engage in play behavior that results in Team Kills and/or excessive amounts of Team Damage.

The following actions will trigger this penalty system:

1 Team Kill = 1 Penalty strike
x amount of Team Damage = 1 Penalty strike

The damage threshold required for receiving a Penalty strike for Team Damage will not be made public at this time.

Multiple Penalty strikes can be received in a single match.

Example: During Match 1, 'Player A' racks up an amount of Team Damage that doubles the Penalty threshold for Team Damage. They also perpetrate 1 Team Kill. As a result of these three actions, 'Player A' will be hit with a 5 minute delay for their next matchmaking search.
Example: During Match 1, 'Player B' racks up an amount of Team Damage that triples the Penalty threshold for Team Damage. They also perpetrate 2 Team Kills. As a result of these five actions, 'Player B' will be hit with a 20 minute delay for their next matchmaking search. After waiting 20 minutes 'Player B' drops into Match 2 and perpetrates just 1 Team Kill; they do not hit the penalty threshold for Team Damage. As they are already at the Fifth Penalty strike from their previous match, and the four-hour Penalty reset has not yet occurred, they are hit with another 20 minute delay to their next matchmaking search.[/indent]
The breakdown of the current penalty levels follow the same structure as the existing Disconnect Penalty system:

First Penalty: 10 second delay for next matchmaking search.
Second Penalty: 2 minute delay for next matchmaking search.
Third Penalty: 5 minute delay for next matchmaking search.
Fourth Penalty: 10 minute delay for next matchmaking search.
Fifth Penalty: 20 minute delay for next matchmaking search.
Each subsequent penalty beyond the Fifth will also enforce a 20 minute penalty.

Penalty levels reset every 4 hours.

All of the above values are tune-able, and may be subject to change depending on how the system plays out in the general population.

Along with this new Penalty System, every point of Team Damage you inflict will now incur a -21 C-Bill penalty to your End of Round rewards.

Does PGI realize that the match matching queues will become so slow that people will have trouble finding games. People in this video game couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if they tried. Even if the team damage isn't intentional. I've been in 100's of games where my back had been blown out or other parts of my mech due to people not knowing how to aim. PGI why don't you stop being care bare Canadians and turn off team damage just like any other respectable game if it such a problem. Team damage/Team killing is in the game to purge the people from the game so you don't get penalized by the peoples shortcomings and can enjoy the game. Like not advancing or moving their legs at all because they are to afraid to chip their paint on their mech. Hopefully this has been an eye opening post for you and possibly change your care bear ways. Have a nice day.

#2 Bilbo


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Posted 16 March 2016 - 12:57 PM

I haven't found team damage to be so prevalent that it is likely to slow anything down except maybe those who habitually abuse it.

#3 Rizzelbizzeg


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Posted 16 March 2016 - 01:03 PM

View Postfuriousurdead, on 16 March 2016 - 12:53 PM, said:

PGI why don't you stop being care bare Canadians and turn off team damage just like any other respectable game if it such a problem.

Wouldn't turning off team damage be the care bear thing to do? It would literally turn lasers blasted into team mates into care bear stare

#4 furiousurdead


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Posted 16 March 2016 - 01:06 PM

View PostRizzelbizzeg, on 16 March 2016 - 01:03 PM, said:

Wouldn't turning off team damage be the care bear thing to do? It would literally turn lasers blasted into team mates into care bear stare

This is very true, But i'd rather see that happen then not being able to queue in games..

#5 El Bandito


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Posted 16 March 2016 - 01:12 PM

As long as it throws a wrench into chronic TKers' cogs, I am fine with it.

#6 Brewmen


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Posted 16 March 2016 - 01:17 PM

I'm liking the team damage penalties probably because I generally do very little if any team damage. Accidents do happen and I'll take the penalty if it reduces teammates who Purposely shoot their own team. I've had arms blown off, rear armor cored just while walking to the fight. I have spectated tons of times when a player will shoot and continue shooting his teammate who is shooting a target until he moves or is killed. While making no effort to move himself to a better position.

I do feel bad for the teammate that kills the player that running around shooting all his teammates, saw this last night.

#7 Bilbo


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Posted 16 March 2016 - 01:21 PM

View PostBrewmen, on 16 March 2016 - 01:17 PM, said:

I do feel bad for the teammate that kills the player that running around shooting all his teammates, saw this last night.

To be fair, the only way to correctly deal with this situation has always been to report them. Not that I haven't taken matters into my own hands before. Now that there is an immediate impact on the troller, though, I'd be much less inclined to do so.

#8 WrathOfDeadguy


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Posted 16 March 2016 - 01:27 PM

The first penalty is short to account for freak accidents, like when someone derps in front of your guns while you're firing. It happens sometimes. No biggie.

Pay attention to your minimap. Is a blue arrow, perhaps, getting too close to your firing lane? Stop shooting until they pass.

Did someone suddenly run in front of you? Swing your weapons in a safe direction to limit the damage.

Ally running in to gank your kill? Let them bloody have it. It's not worth the trouble. If you put the work in, you still got a KMDD.

Friendly too close to your LRM target? Stop LRMing. Watch the minimap when you're delivering indirect fire.

When you're setting up your firing lane, are you positioned in such a way that your line of fire cuts off another player's escape route? If so, then find a better position.

Are you considering using a strike? Double-check to make sure none of your allies are heading towards the blast zone.

It is laughably easy 99% of the time to avoid doing team damage. All it requires is for you to recognize that sometimes you're going to have to be the better player and be more careful- because, as you've noted, you can't count on anyone else to be. These penalties are in place to catch players who are either deliberately shooting teammates, or who are acting with careless disregard for where their shots go. If you have FF numbers high enough to trigger the penalty consistently, multiple games in a row, then the problem is with you.

#9 Scout Derek


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Posted 16 March 2016 - 01:28 PM

Most team damage I do per game is at the most, 2-6. Other than that a rare 30 because of bad shots or people standing in front of me.

#10 sycocys


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Posted 16 March 2016 - 01:54 PM

If the team damage/tk penalty is causing you problems - then you aren't anywhere near as good at the game as you want to believe you are - or you are a tk'ing troll.

#11 Death Proof


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Posted 16 March 2016 - 02:10 PM

OP, are you mad because you can't rage kill your teammates with impunity for accidentally shooting your legs or stealing a kill?

I can't imagine why else anyone would care about them finally taking measures to penalize reckless players, TKers, and trolls.

Edited by Death Proof, 16 March 2016 - 02:14 PM.

#12 LowSubmarino


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Posted 16 March 2016 - 02:30 PM

Do as much/less team dmg as before. Never get penalized. And the last time I accidentally killed anybody is ages ago.

If you get penalized your aim sux.

Simple as that.

#13 Midnight Hamster


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Posted 26 January 2017 - 10:18 PM

whats the penalty if somebody team kills 5 or more players in single match? It really doesnt seem to relate much more then slap on hand and go do it again imo. If I was to do something like this I just leave computer on watch a movie as penalty counts down and go do it again (of course I may end up on people's ks list but Im hypothetically speaking).

#14 Kangarad


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Posted 26 January 2017 - 10:52 PM

View PostMidnight Hamster, on 26 January 2017 - 10:18 PM, said:

whats the penalty if somebody team kills 5 or more players in single match? It really doesnt seem to relate much more then slap on hand and go do it again imo. If I was to do something like this I just leave computer on watch a movie as penalty counts down and go do it again (of course I may end up on people's ks list but Im hypothetically speaking).

depends on the damage needed. if he back cores em for 50 damage each thats 80 minutes downtime for him.

On topic. I want stronger penalties for team damage and team kill most damage.

#15 RestosIII


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Posted 26 January 2017 - 10:59 PM

View PostMidnight Hamster, on 26 January 2017 - 10:18 PM, said:

whats the penalty if somebody team kills 5 or more players in single match? It really doesnt seem to relate much more then slap on hand and go do it again imo. If I was to do something like this I just leave computer on watch a movie as penalty counts down and go do it again (of course I may end up on people's ks list but Im hypothetically speaking).

'grumbles about how many necromancers are roaming the forums ATM'

But honestly, I have no clue. I haven't been a large enough **** to find out.

#16 MacClearly


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Posted 27 January 2017 - 12:06 AM

View PostMidnight Hamster, on 26 January 2017 - 10:18 PM, said:

whats the penalty if somebody team kills 5 or more players in single match? It really doesnt seem to relate much more then slap on hand and go do it again imo. If I was to do something like this I just leave computer on watch a movie as penalty counts down and go do it again (of course I may end up on people's ks list but Im hypothetically speaking).

Five kills? Then do it again? Well I can you what happen after you kill three guys from your unit after you wipe out the other team, you get a stern warning to knock it off. Quite likely there is automated triggers that flag really egregious infractions. You can be pretty much guaranteed you would be contacted and if you were doing this repeatedly over a night you would most likely be suspended or account banned.

#17 VyperWraith


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Posted 27 January 2017 - 01:11 AM

I am unsure if it calculates damage or penalties correctly at the moment. I had a match the other day that said I did 1,200 team damage. I can't even pretend that I am good enough to do that kind of damage to anyone on a good day much less after a year off from MWO.

The only thing I can think of is that the damage I did to the enemy and the damage they did to me was added up and calculated as team damage (although as I was in Centurion and wasn't alive for more than half the match even that seems unlikely).

That resulted in being locked out of matches for about 3mins so that should give some idea on what penalty is imposed (which doesn't seem like much of a penalty).

#18 Skabs


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Posted 27 January 2017 - 03:56 PM

View PostMidnight Hamster, on 26 January 2017 - 10:18 PM, said:

whats the penalty if somebody team kills 5 or more players in single match? It really doesnt seem to relate much more then slap on hand and go do it again imo. If I was to do something like this I just leave computer on watch a movie as penalty counts down and go do it again (of course I may end up on people's ks list but Im hypothetically speaking).

Ive seen a player in a clan unit think started with t something about a week or so ago kill one specific player on his team 4x over in a single match and next day or two still plays game just fine. I really think they should have a "bounty" mechanic on players like this I can imagine maybe 1 team kill on a blue moon, but 4? people were asking wtf he was doing Im guessing some clannies enjoy the tk repPosted Image was kinda nice him help the IS pugs though so ggPosted Image fine work

#19 Shiroi Tsuki


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Posted 27 January 2017 - 04:05 PM

The penalties are not that bad. I've had matches where I don't even notice that I did 30-50 team damage (things could get hectic in brawls) and not get any penalty. You'd really have to be trying to get one tbh

View PostSkabs, on 27 January 2017 - 03:56 PM, said:

Ive seen a player in a clan unit think started with t something about a week or so ago kill one specific player on his team 4x over in a single match and next day or two still plays game just fine. I really think they should have a "bounty" mechanic on players like this I can imagine maybe 1 team kill on a blue moon, but 4? people were asking wtf he was doing Im guessing some clannies enjoy the tk repPosted Image was kinda nice him help the IS pugs though so ggPosted Image fine work

It would be amazing to get bonus C-Bills/XP for killing an enemy team killer

#20 Scout Derek


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Posted 27 January 2017 - 04:09 PM

View PostShiroi Tsuki, on 27 January 2017 - 04:05 PM, said:

It would be amazing to get bonus C-Bills/XP for killing an enemy team killer

Bounty System. Kill the known teamkiller to earn cbills from data compiled in the previous matches the player was in.

If the team that killed the teamkiller loses, players are compensated an extra 30K Cbills.

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