Bud Crue, on 17 March 2016 - 03:21 AM, said:
Last note in re your OP: I am horrified that you consider PPCs to be "weird stuff".
After >1 year and ~5500 matches, I consider them to be "weird stuff" as well.
- PPCs: WAY too much heat, WAY to low a hit chance, especially at their optimum range. They might be perfect for sieging turrets and dropships and maybe slow assault mechs. Against anything else ... weird stuff. At the very least, they would need a massive crit-chance boost so that they REALLY have another role than lasers.
- ACs: Weird stuff (BT-inherent problem: they have SOOOO bad stats compared to lasers. PGI compensated it a little, but still)
- Gauss (more like it's charging mechanism): weird stuff. Also way too less ammo since the doubled armor.
- MGs: weird stuff (no dps and they lack some serious crit-bonus)
- Flamers: weird stuff
- SRMS: weird dumbfire stuff. Every time I give them another go, hit-reg rofls me over and I throw them out again.
- SSRMS: good against lights, too much damage spread against anything else. Weird stuff.
- Pulse lasers (except in my wubhawk): weird stuff, because duration and slightly more heat efficiency don't compensate for their massively higher weight.
- LRM20: weird stuff because ridiculously large compared to other LRMs.
That leaves me with ... ER S/M/L Lasers and LRM 5/10/15.
Any combination of those is pretty good.
Everything else ... weird stuff
Ah, and: only speaking for clan tech, of course.
IS tech: weird stuff
Edited by Paigan, 17 March 2016 - 04:31 AM.