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Community QNA 2 - Ask the questions

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#61 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 09:20 PM

3rd and final question(s): When you say Merc Corps have to "bid on a planet's occupation rights," do you mean that the two Merc Corps with the lowest bids (one from each opposing side) get to fight there, or is the bid just 1-sided since there will be an opposing Merc Corp on every border planet at any given time? How long will these bidding wars take before a final bid is accepted? And will only Merc Corps loyal to the "attacking" faction be able to bid, or can other, perhaps less scrupulous Corps, also participate in a planned offensive?

Edited by Prosperity Park, 07 December 2011 - 09:24 PM.

#62 Seth


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Posted 07 December 2011 - 09:26 PM

Merc Corps and loyalty points:
If all loyalty points earned by players in a Merc Corp go to that Merc Corp, does that mean the players in a Corp do not have loyalty points of their own (and loose the bonus that comes with having them) or will a player that earns 10 loyalty points contribute 10 points to their Merc Corps and 10 to their own pot?

Merc Corps and factions:
Merc Corps are allied to one faction or another I believe. The more loyalty points a Merc Corp earns in one faction or another gains them access to better mission. Does that mean mercenaries are encouraged to be more loyal to a house than the c-bill or will loyalty points be a consideration when it comes to accepting a contract but not the main reason they choose to fight for one house or another?

Merc Corps and players:
Will Merc corps that have a lot of loyalty points with House Steiner for example be able to recruit a player who mainly has loyalty points that are focused towards House Liao? Will players looking to join a good group be forced to choose between joining a Merc Corp they like and the faction they have worked to gain loyalty towards? What happens to a lone wolf that joins a Merc Corp?

Federated Commonwealth:
Will players build up loyalty towards nations or houses? The Federated Commonwealth is obviously the big kid on the block, but while the Federated Suns and the Lyran Commonwealth share the same color on the map, they are still distinct and separate entities. So will players be able to build up loyalty towards the FC or one of the two halves of that nation?

Free Rasalhague Republic:
Considering we already know is will be effectively overrun by the Clans, will it be a faction people can work for (I would actually like to play for them, seems like there would be plenty of opportunity to get some Clan salvage? If not, I assume we won't be able to fight on the border worlds of the FRR since there won't be any players there to fight against.

#63 Meth0s


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Posted 07 December 2011 - 09:26 PM

What size of a mercenary corps will a team need to have in order to compete in the widest-range of encounter types? For example, if taking or holding a planet, how many players will a team need?

Also, when initially belonging to a faction, will drops be with random players, or will there be an option to queue up with friends?



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Posted 07 December 2011 - 09:39 PM

Two questions:
  • Can a player choose to stay loyal to a faction indefinitely, without going the merc or the lone wolf route?
  • Since a player has the option to be loyal to a faction (at least at the beginning), will there be a selection of canon Faction units the player can join? E.g. The Tyr Regiment (FRR), the Federated Suns Armored Cavalry (Davion), Lyran Guards (Steiner), etc.

#65 SaJeel


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Posted 07 December 2011 - 09:50 PM

What kind of Missions can we expect there to be if any at all? Will matches just be straight forward kill the enemy, or can we expect there to be dynamic missions were one side has objectives they are trying to accomplish, protect the convoy, hold of the raiders, while the other team tries to thwart their efforts. If there are complex missions can we expect them Co-op and dynamicly changing by other players dropping in and changing the objectives?

#66 Riptor


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Posted 07 December 2011 - 10:12 PM

Will there be a place for smaller Merc companies in borderplanets warfare? For example less valueable planets with restrictions as to how many players a merc comp can have to fight over its control?

It would be a shame if only guilds that have huge amounts of players will have any impact on that very important piece of the game. To elaborate:Smaller guilds are alot more personal as to where huge guilds only leads to elitism and rediculus amounts of time a given player has to invest into the game to even be considered by his own merc company to participate in a borderplanets match. (Kinda what happened in WoT where its allways more or less the same 15 choosen players that fight in a match whereas the rest of the company isnt able to play)


Will there be "contracts" options for non borderplanet matches? Akin to the contracts you could pick from in MW2 with different degrees of pay and salvage rights for example?

Will there be an economics system in place to represent how well your choosen faction is doing in the overall war effort.

And finaly:

How do you want to keep the Fedcom from being torn apart from all sides? They have borders to every other major IS faction and its not sure that the biggest faction (in land mass) will also attract enough players to keep itselfe from being splintered?

The ting is that for example the Draconix Combine doesnt really have to deal with house marik while the fedcom has to deal with both of those and Liao. Seems like taking the Fedcom side would be not such a good idea.

Edited by Riptor, 07 December 2011 - 10:13 PM.

#67 Cyttorak


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Posted 07 December 2011 - 11:04 PM

"A match or series of matches are set up between the defending Merc Corp and the challenger. The victor is determined from the results of each match, and takes control of the planet."

Will planetary control come down to one/a few games, or will taking over a planet require much more time...like 20 games?

#68 Frantic Pryde


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Posted 07 December 2011 - 11:04 PM

I realize I'm totally jumping the gun here...but what the hell!

Will the Clans ever become part of this COMMUNITY WARFARE(relevance!). Or better said...will the Clans eventually be the fourth player type?

#69 benefedaykin


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Posted 07 December 2011 - 11:16 PM

Man, some good questions so far. I've got some of my own though, so here goes:

1) Is it possible to upgrade a planet under your Faction's/Merc. Corp's control? If so, what form would these upgrades take?

2) Merc. Corps. require a set amount of LP before they can accept contracts from a Faction or engage in planetary warfare on behalf of a Faction. With this being the case, what happens to a Border World captured by a Merc. Corp. due to a contract with a Faction if their LP rating with that Faction subsequently decreases? In short, can a Merc. Corp. lose a planet due to a drop in LP rating alone?

3) Will all mercs gain equal access to Faction privileges based on their Merc. Corp's LP rating or will they be scaled based on their assigned rank within their Merc. Corp.?

4) Can Merc. Corps. hire Lone Wolf players to fill out their forces for a contract or planetary defense battle?

5) Will LP decay while offline? If not, will there be any delay period before LP decays?

6) Since all of a player's LP is transfered to their Merc. Corp. once earned, what happens to a player's LP if he/she leaves their Merc. Corp.?

7) Will the LP level required for rewards/privileges/etc. be scaled in any way? I could easily see it being scaled based on the number of Faction members or the total LP currently in circulation for a given Faction. I could also see the LP requirements increasing as a player levels their mechwarrior.

8) Will there be any perks assiciated with your mechwarrior's level and LP? Can you "build" your mechwarrior to fair better with a certain Faction?

9) Will planets/maps be locked while combat is ongoing to prevent other conflicting battles?

10) Will members of a Faction know which enemy Faction is responsible for hiring a Merc. Corp. to capture one of its worlds? Is there anyway to hide this fact? Is there anyway for Merc. Corp. or Faction units to disguise there actions to cause their victim to blame the wrong group >: )

11) Will there be any purchaseable boosts to increase LP gain?

12) Since Faction members of high enough rank can decide their Faction's targets for planetary warfare, can they also create mercenary contracts on behalf of their faction to attack these worlds? Can Faction members of sufficient rank decide the outcome of Merc. Corp. contract bidding or is this all automated?

Edited by benefedaykin, 07 December 2011 - 11:24 PM.

#70 Naduk


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Posted 07 December 2011 - 11:51 PM

community warfare
its a large hurdle and today's announcement included a massive map of the inner sphere and its thousands of planets
and vague details on how players will contest them

many players will expect to be able to fight over /attempt control of a very large number of them (perhaps not all but most)

how will MWO handle this expectation?
when it comes down to individual fights/matches will each planet be modeled environmentally and then have random levels built upon it by the engine ?
or will we fight on a much smaller set of static maps (akin to a regular fps map rotation like bf3)
or perhaps somewhere in between

i must say ,i would prefer random levels on accurate planet settings

#71 BlueDog


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Posted 08 December 2011 - 12:58 AM

Okay, here goes. My question is based on the assumption that the Free Rasalhague Republic will be available as a faction for players to join, or declare loyalty to when MWO launches. Seeing that we have an official FRR house forum here, the assumption seems reasonable, to me at least.

MWO is set to launch shortly before the start of the Clan Invasion. The borders of the FRR will change drastically during this time. What will happen to border worlds currently occupied by FRR aligned merc corps when the clans come roaring in?

It seems odd that players wouldn't be able to interact with, or fight against the clan invasion in any way. which leads me to wonder if the clans are an as yet unannounced player faction, or if the FRR won't be available as a faction at launch. Also the borders of the DC and FEDCOM will be affected as well, if I understand the BT lore correctly.

#72 Odin


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Posted 08 December 2011 - 01:31 AM

Will respawning,dying or staying alive, playing smarter, have any influence on loyalty points? Do you reward players for not dying so often?

#73 Oderint dum Metuant


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Posted 08 December 2011 - 01:36 AM

Currently Many people are very positive about MW:O, There is however alot of quiet Skepticism that the game will be delivered within the time frame the devs have given, this is further fueled by the release of game information that just seems to be conceptual ideas.
The Map that has just been released is just a drawing not an in game representation, any models released have again only been drawings, we have seen no maps no ingame footage nothing to show the project is anything more than vaporware currently.

When are PGI going to release something substantial to show work is actually happening behind the scenes and the game is not going to be another DNF released eons after its initial announcement.

#74 Raeven


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Posted 08 December 2011 - 02:41 AM

  • Will players be able to create sub-units of their friends within Factions, or populate one of the Canon units from the factions (not counting the special units for high levels of LP)?
  • Will players be able to leave a Faction to join another Faction, or to create or join a Mercenary Corp, or vis-a-versa?
  • If so, are there penalties for such actions?
  • What does controlling a Faction world mean for the Faction, other than more same colored dots on the map?
  • So a world can be a combination of Faction, Border, and/or Core to allow Mercenaries and Faction players to contend with each other?
  • Will worlds have their own smaller map with areas of contention, supply lines, and objectives (yes, please!), or will they simply be a graph showing the percentage of Faction ownership similar to MPBT:3025 (no, thank you!)?
  • Can a Mercenary unit fight on anything other than a Border world? i.e. take a contract on a faction world and win the contracting House influence instead of earning that influence for the Mercenary Company?
  • Will Mercenary Corps get somewhat better payouts and benefits than Faction members to offset the costs of operation?
  • What does controlling a Border world mean for Mercenary Company?
  • Will players in the commander role during a drop get bonus LP for achievements of members of their unit, similar to the way Battlefield 2/3 squad leaders and commanders would gain bonuses when players on their team achieved their set goals?
  • Will LP be rewarded for more than just K/D records?
  • Will Solaris VII exist in the game as a neutral world, seperate from the community warfare planets?
  • If so, will players eventually be able to have the full Solaris VII experience of creating Stables, battling in ladders for awards and status, and betting on match outcomes?

#75 Stormwolf


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Posted 08 December 2011 - 03:23 AM

Would it be possible to attach loyalty points to complete units instead of players to combat the decay of players who can't play as much?

#76 Adridos


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Posted 08 December 2011 - 04:07 AM

View PostManDaisy, on 07 December 2011 - 06:26 PM, said:

Can we shoot down missiles with anything besides AMS?

View PostBrenden, on 07 December 2011 - 05:45 PM, said:

Just two things:
Will the Shadow Hawk be in the game?
Will the Clint be in the game?

View PostLordKelvin, on 07 December 2011 - 04:15 PM, said:

Are there any plans to introduce 'Mechs that have never been present in the MechWarrior video games but have existed in the tabletop games for years, like the Mercury, Mackie, or Thug?

They said community warfare questions only. :)

View PostRed Beard, on 07 December 2011 - 04:04 PM, said:

How large are you planning to make match sizes in terms of number of players? 4 vs 4, 8 vs 8...etc.

They already said we will have full freedom on that i.e. 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, etc.
We just do not know where does it end. ;)

Edited by Adridos, 08 December 2011 - 04:21 AM.

#77 Adridos


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Posted 08 December 2011 - 04:11 AM

Bolded are questions, while the text underneath is the explanation. B)

Will there be any travel mechanic? :)

I mean is it going to be a simple: "choose one planet, fight the battle, again, again,...", or will there be a dropship travel from world to world taking some time, costing something, etc.?

Can you give us some more info on bonuses of being loyal? ;)

Do we get better mechs, equipment, or is it going to be just how important battles we are allowed to participate in?

Does "Community Warfare" stand for players controlling the whole house, or just fighting with others on behalf of one? :D

Can we choose who will be our leader, where to attack, who to ally with, etc.?

What will happen if some faction takes all the takeable territories of other faction? :angry:

If, for example, FedCom destroys Kurita and they cannot take the territories back, what will happen if some world deep in their new territory will become one of those "lore" worlds?

Thank you for answering my questions devs and thank you for hula physics. ^_^

Edited by Adridos, 08 December 2011 - 04:35 AM.

#78 Stormwolf


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Posted 08 December 2011 - 04:18 AM

Does rank factor into gameplay (command options)?

Will units be able to stay on a specific planet for defense?

Will travel across a faction territory be allowed?

Can faction players visit their own core worlds?

#79 metro


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Posted 08 December 2011 - 04:26 AM

here Storm....Bryan already answered question#1, I went and got it for you. :)

View PostBryan Ekman, on 07 December 2011 - 08:45 PM, said:

Not sure if this helps, but Mercenary Corp ranks have nothing to do with loyalty points. Second, your assuming that rank allows you to access command options, this is not accurate.

Edited by Metro, 08 December 2011 - 04:26 AM.

#80 AJC


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Posted 08 December 2011 - 04:33 AM

what happens to a faction who is unable to play for like a week or month does anything decay?

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