Gyrok, on 27 March 2016 - 06:17 AM, said:
9 SRM4 is going to be tight enough...
The Archer can move at 81-84 kph...any clan heavy will be moving 87. Not a huge difference here...
In fact:
There you go, runs cool, max engine cap, and plenty of ammo...
There is NO EFFING WAY you would want to run an Archer with an XL engine.
It's the equivalent of giving the Maddog IS XL. It's TTK tanks IMMEDIATELY under that scenario.
It's bad enough I'm already wrecking Archers during this event (however little I've played during this event) and still fail miserably as is.
Trying to full alpha the playload is a bad thing... you fight Ghost Heat (.5 second delay required) or you play the "stare game" (to avoid Ghost heat) like the fools that try to chain fire everything (usually lasers) to their target. It's just self-TTK lowering of the most fragile nature.
They WERE before they got structure buffs significant enough to make their STs significantly more durable than TW STs.
Do you own Archers?
I simply know from experience shooting them - they were much softer before, and they are still rather soft now.
GRFs are great SRM mechs...while the 85 kph archer hits significantly harder...
Once again...84 kph ~ 87 kph
How hard is that to math?
84 kph
Again, you don't even realize that the comp-play Griffins run are using STANDARD Engines. Seriously, STANDARD. Some may get away with XL (3M has all its missiles on the left torso, which has a certain liability/risk to that), but anyways the structure quirks do allow for the mech to be very functional. I cannot say the same for the Archer.
I am fine in my TWs...but I am playing lots of mechs, and it makes me realize that the TW is not really even a Tier 1 mech anymore. So many other mechs specialize to be better than the TW.
I am not sure how much you play TWs lately...but as someone who has over 1600 drops in TWs...I can assure you, if anyone is not doing it right, it is not going to be me.
Considering the wealth of my experience, I am inclined to believe that if anyone is not doing it right, it would be those accusing me of being incompetent. I am not saying the TW is a terrible is just not the best clan brawler, not the best clan long range mech, not the best clan poking mech, and is arguably not the best clan heavy anymore.
You guys can say what you want, think what you want, and act like you are badasses and I am an is OK! The TW was one of my favorite all time mechs too, it is hard to admit it is not the best mech...I get it.
The reality is...the TW is great for being able to do a little bit of everything. It is terrible at specializing beyond lasers...
I build clan mechs with a single purpose...I do not build "hybrids", I build them for a single range bracket. I think you are not playing enough other mechs to realize how strong they are comparatively.
I dunno about you Gyrok... when Timberwolfs were king, you were somehow adamantly defensive that they were still underpowered.
So, I take that honestly with a grain of salt.
When I got access to the Timberwolves when they became accessible with C-bills, it was the biggest EASY MODE mech ever.
That's why I stopped listening to the Timberwolf is UP type of argument.
Things have changed since then, and while the Timberwolf isn't the goto mech, it is the definitely up there with all the other options and when you keep building "theorymechs" that don't pass the smell test (just based on field experience that I have to deal with), then people like me reading what you're writing roll their eyes.
I'm not even saying everything I say is great or the most accurate, but I'm not the loudest to whine about "Clan inferiority" since Clans were released when "Clan inferiority" DID NOT EXIST for a long time (outside of the garbage tier mechs like the Mist Lynx - IS has more garbage to sell you back too), I don't have the patience to listen to this.
Balance is better, but still flawed. While I still subscribe to "there are different alternatives", I simply DO NOT BELIEVE Clans are screwed (the already screw Clan Mechs are the ones that still suffer from obvious limitations in the first place, and have been noted repeatedly - which totally exempts the Timberwolf from that list)... if these things were dramatically as good as you said they were (King Crab > Dire Wolf in many of you stranger posts), you'd see them in comp play right? Right?
Just no.