Gyrok, on 25 March 2016 - 08:58 AM, said:
Great, you can have ghost heat on your 3rd ERLL that gives you the damage of 3 and the heat of 5 ERLLs.
Have fun with that since you cannot fire 3 at once with clans. Where you get your 27 damage from the IS ERLL firing 3 at once, we only get to have 2 at once for 22 damage and slightly less heat than you get for your 27 damage. Plus longer burn duration.
If you actually played any clan mechs at all, you would realize that what you are asking would actually nerf your IS mechs, because the CERLL is pretty much the worst laser in the game...
See, unlike the majority of players who play as mindless minions of mediocrity, I'd just not fire my 3ERLL's as much, and as a matter of fact, I wouldn't NEED TO with the extra damage I'd be putting out.
And EVEN IF I finally came to the conclusion that I couldn't manage the heat through 'selective shots' and 'occasionally switching to chain fire', or utilizing some of the available weight and space to grant me MOAR heat sinks, I'd just switch to 4 ERMLs and still have quite the range advantage over a significant portion of IS 'mechs out there.
Gyrok, this incessant whine that Clanners do about their beam duration is NOT doing them ANY damn good. They get smaller, lighter, longer reaching, and harder hitting beams, that stacks with the FREE case (should they also decide to load up some ammo based weapons), that stacks with smaller heat sinks, that stacks with their better Clan TC's, that stacks with uber durable Clan XLs, so on and so forth, all adding up to allow for, typically TON-FOR-TON, larger alphas on faster and more durable platforms.
So some of the Clan weapons have ONE OR TWO draw backs, with ALL THAT OTHER FREEBIE crap they're getting, there is still an imbalance in the favor of the Clans.
All I see are Clans wanting their 'cake and to eat it too'. You boil down their arguments and they're all "This game won't be balanced until Clanners are superior in EVERY way." Which is to say, "I'm in a Clan 'mech, I should be invulnerable to IS 'mechs."