Gas Guzzler, on 29 March 2016 - 12:22 PM, said:
Not really. They've given very vague references to things coming . . . again, my first post pretty well sums it up. There's been extremely little in the way of any specifics or real discussion. It's just "well, we'd like to do this", or "this is something that we're working on", or "this is being thought about". I mean, really, what are the specifics on the heat system overhaul? Nothing. What do we know about CW Phase 3? We're told to just go watch the Steam Launch Party Video.
Sure, basic little concepts are mentioned along with a bunch of "I'll ask about that" and "no specifics" comments. That's not actual discussion substance. We've been hearing the same things over and over again since the steam launch. The only remote specifics are previews of the upcoming month's "Roadmap" which, again, is just a preview of the patch notes . . . and we're even told in both the Town Halls and the Roadmap that specifics will be saved for patch notes.
How is that a true and in-depth discussion of what is coming? We haven't had long-range-timeline information, with good details, for over a year now. The amazing conversations we were getting with them immediately following PGI's separation from IGP have been sadly dying off.
Gas Guzzler, on 29 March 2016 - 12:22 PM, said:
Tournament and MRBC rule stipulations (which even put drop limits in place that are much lighter than typical in-game play . . . especially drops 1 and 2 for the MRBC matches) don't really count as what I'd call more typical Quick-Play meta . . . the most common form of play currently in MWO. If you look all over these forums, you'll quickly see a long-standing history now of High Alpha meta (especially laser vomit). Which that High Alpha Meta is still very much the meta of the game; and if it wasn't then there wouldn't be any talks of a complete -yet mysterious (since Russ hasn't really revealed jack yet, other than to create hype for it)- heat system revamp to drastically cut down (if not eliminate) alpha striking in the game.
So how is it not the meta, or not a major problem for MWO? Where is the true evidence for this? Where can I find that evidence on these forums?