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Tournament Map Selection

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Poll: Tournament Map Selection (810 member(s) have cast votes)

Which map do you think should be used for the MWO World Champ Tournament?

  1. Canyon Network (265 votes [32.72%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 32.72%

  2. Caustic Valley (32 votes [3.95%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 3.95%

  3. Frozen City (51 votes [6.30%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 6.30%

  4. Mining Collective (244 votes [30.12%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 30.12%

  5. Polar Highlands (78 votes [9.63%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 9.63%

  6. Tourmaline Desert (140 votes [17.28%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 17.28%

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#21 Cy Mitchell


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 05:16 AM

Please reconsider using only one map. It will make watching and playing in the tournament boring. You want to showcase your game. Do it by showing off your variety of maps. You need at least 3 if not more. Top teams should be able to compete on any map in the game but a couple are to biased to one side. Only those maps should be left out of the rotation.

Please do not use Skirmish. It will make the matches boring to watch and very one dimensional. Again you want to showcase your game. Use Conquest and the new Assault mode if it is released by May. Both will add an element of tactics to the matches that will be totally missing in Skirmish. All the best eSports feature objectives as well as attrition in their matches.

#22 Cyrilis


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 05:53 AM

Dear PGI,

as you can see there is quite a bit of discussion on both, locked map and locked game mode. I don't want to pee on your parade so I will not start a poll on that question.

But I think you should. And I think you should quite soon!

#23 Daemon04


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 08:08 AM

Not voting on these maps since I think its not necessarily good to stick with one map.
However Ill be adding some feedback to the championship.

First of Im honestly a big fan of skirmish because its simple, Find enemy - pew pew = shoot the enemy - win.
Assault is fine, too but requires someone to watch the objective. Imagine loosing on assault mode bc of a base rush. Thats just boring. We'd need some action. I hate conquest since the very beginning but it is one of the modes that have more action going on than assault mode though bc gathering ressources while looking out for the opponents and having a tactic in mind to kill em before they kill you first is as hard as it can get.
In skirmish 15 mins is more than enough unless someone is hiding. Youll have at least 5-10 mins left sometimes. Ive been in some matches where we didnt stand a chance and it was over before I could say Oberschenkelmuskeln. 4 minutes into the match we were gone.
In assault 15 mins are totally fine too but there is the base rush issue.
In conquest 15 mins are over in no time. Capping and running from cap point to cap point takes time and on some maps like polar you might not even see the enemy for a while. You know cause HUGE map. XD and then there is just a couple of minutes left to get more recources than the other team before the time runs out. - Run cicada, run!

So Ill be fine with skirmish and conquest but ultimately its up to PGI to choose.

Secondly may I suggest a random map selection for the championship? This will make it more exciting to what map and/or mode theill be playing. It will make it unpredictable AND thats where skill will come into play.

Again, up to PGI to determine.

#24 Aresye


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 08:23 AM

View PostZotzmaster, on 06 April 2016 - 03:52 AM, said:

Voting for maps, that all should be played ... but kicking out so many loyal players with the resolution destriction of 1920x1050 ... do your votes, i cant take part with my older rig Posted Image

The resolution restriction is just for the final match/s.

#25 mp00


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 09:11 AM

How about..

A different map for each round.
Teams get to know first map and which map comes next round after previous round is completed.
Regional finals will unveil a re-done current map.
Finals will unveil a new map.

#26 Meihru


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 09:36 AM

first: get rid of single drop matches, do atleast Best of 3 or 5
second: take ALL maps into consideration. If we are to play a WORLD championships, the teams must be able to handle ANY map they are faced with
take other maps for each drop, like for example a cold map, a hot map and a "medium" map

I would suggest best of 3 for the "normal" matches and Best of 5 for regional/world finals
Consider using different game modes.
Skirmish only is ok for most people, but using the other game modes as well creates different strategies and overall more interesting matches

Edited by S1lenceR, 06 April 2016 - 09:37 AM.

#27 Rogue Jedi


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 10:50 AM

I would prefer to see one map per "round" or each round consisting of 3-5 games on a variaty of maps (to be announced not more than 1 week before the match).

I would also like to see variable min/max tonage restrictions prehaps 250 min- 300 max for one match 500 min - 650 max for another so you are forced to have multiple Mechs available for each round, with the tonage for each map not being known until the day before, if someone only practices in a long range Dire Wolf and you end up with a 300 ton max on Canyon, proving that you can pilot a variaty of Mechs proves you are a good pilot

Edited by Rogue Jedi, 06 April 2016 - 03:07 PM.

#28 Void Angel


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 11:14 AM

I voted for Polar Highlands because the map really lends itself to dynamic tactical gameplay. Other Maps (I'm looking at you,Canyon Network) tend toward camp-and-hide gameplay in the solo queue, with players simply moving to their favorite sniper spots and seeing what happens - sometimes refusing to move when they need to, even to the point of dying in place. When they try these simplistic cookie-cutter tactics against a mobile team on Polar Highlands, they usually lose, and wind up complaining about how unfair, bad, LRM-friendly, etc. the map is.

Particularly since these matches will have a notable effect on the Thomas Theorem component of the meta game, I want to see top-level teams use Polar Highlands to its full potential.

#29 hideyourkids


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 11:49 AM

Which community organizer suggested a format with 1 map only. I refuse to believe that this is true. Second, skirmish should not be the game mode. a combination of domination and conquest should be in order to prevent camping. we need best of 5 matches on 5 different maps with a combination of game modes. why are we being so limited pgi?

#30 Kageru Ikazuchi


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 01:25 PM

Skirmish and Assault are miserable game modes that more often than not reward the team that plays the most cautiously and makes the fewest mistakes rather than the one the plays the most aggressively and takes the most risk.


#31 RighteousFury


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 02:19 PM

A match should have multiple maps/rounds. Just playing 5min of frozen/river/whatever (or 10 on polar) does not make a great match!

Diversity keeps things interesting!

As for game modes: I believe MRBC does it right here (at least in this seasons ruleset... used to be suboptimal on past seasons). Conquest on the heavier drops to avoid super long waiting and enable more tactics.

Although the new domination thrown in here and there might actualy spice things up quite nicely on certain maps (polar im looking at you).

Edited by RighteousFury, 06 April 2016 - 02:21 PM.

#32 Kageru Ikazuchi


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 03:29 PM

The more I think about the "one map" and "Skirmish" statements in the original post, the more I am convinced that, if this format is chosen, this will be the most boring series ever.

The first few series of RHoD was "pure" with "as few variables" (and as few additional rules and restrictions) as possible. They were also as dull as watching paint dry (without the fumes). Please listen to the competitive community, streamers, and shout casters on this one. They have tried almost everything possible to build a good, vibrant competitive community. Two months of qualifying rounds of Skirmish on the same map is not it.

#33 UCR Starwolf


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 05:04 PM

Can you work in a pick/ban thing like League of Legends or CS?

Don't want a map then you ban it, then they ban one... something along those lines...?

You need more than one map in the pool. Starcraft & CS have multiple maps. League is the only one with one map, and most every game looks exactly the same with only minor variations. That's what this tournament will turn into if you have only one map. Let's reward people with divergent ideas on different maps who can think of more than one strategy.

#34 BlackDrakon


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 06:20 PM

1 map, wont cut it, way to boring! Cmon guys, you know what the regular leagues does, 5 drops, 5 different maps, at least put it up for 3 maps and 3 matches!!

#35 Tamerlin


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 07:45 PM

View PostAresye, on 06 April 2016 - 08:23 AM, said:

The resolution restriction is just for the final match/s.

Says what? I expect the Championship Client to only allow one resolution.

#36 Tamerlin


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 07:50 PM

Reading the other posts, I'd like to add onto my original suggestions

Best of 3 match
3 maps: one hot, one cold, one temperate
Drop 1 map: hot. random team assignment
Drop 2 map: cold. Drop 1 loser choses team/drop site
Drop 3 map: temerate (if needed). Drop 2 loser choses team/drop site

I'd prefer the maps be pre-selected, so each team can develop their plan before hand.
Hot: Tourmaline Desert
Cold: Frozen City
Temp: Mining Collective

#37 stocky0904


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 09:36 PM

Best of 5 (hey, its the first MWO World Championship)

3 random game modes: Domination, Conquest, Skirmish

3 random maps: Tourmaline, Polar, Mining

1 Dropdeck for all matches!

So the teams have to show different tactical skills under all temperature conditions without specialized mechs for hot, cold or whatever.

Edited by stocky0904, 06 April 2016 - 09:37 PM.

#38 Cato Zilks


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 10:49 PM

Ya, I won't even watch if it is restricted to one map. Needs to be random, or allow each team to pick one map to eliminate from the random picker.

#39 AngelusDD


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Posted 06 April 2016 - 11:27 PM

ok i can see the advantages of a having a multi-drop-map-set (e.g. 3 drops on the same map or better on 3 different maps). i would like to have that as well.

but all the leagues (mrbc/bwo etc.) consist of a very patient lobby meeting until all players have connected/reconnected and selected their mechs.

to have that coded into a new client to carry over results/teams/mechs over multiple drops may be a bit late until may 17th, and thinking of fail-safe testing before - or perhaps PGI can surprise us...

#40 Montbard


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Posted 07 April 2016 - 08:53 AM

View PostTamerlin, on 06 April 2016 - 07:50 PM, said:

Reading the other posts, I'd like to add onto my original suggestions

Best of 3 match
3 maps: one hot, one cold, one temperate
Drop 1 map: hot. random team assignment
Drop 2 map: cold. Drop 1 loser choses team/drop site
Drop 3 map: temerate (if needed). Drop 2 loser choses team/drop site

I'd prefer the maps be pre-selected, so each team can develop their plan before hand.
Hot: Tourmaline Desert
Cold: Frozen City
Temp: Mining Collective

I pretty much agree with your suggestion, except that I would make drop site random for drop #3 as it would be a tie breaker. But best of 3 drops on different maps with various temperatures would definitely be better for the show imho.

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