Mister Blastman, on 10 April 2016 - 06:57 AM, said:
This is all academic, because the chances of PGI tinkering with core mechanics at this point are about as likely as the chances of Aerotech being included in the game.
Here's my counter-argument: having manual controls doesn't necessarily mean you're making the game a "thinking man's shooter".
Ever played QWOP? You have to manually manipulate your hip joints and knee joints to make the guy run forward. In MWO we don't have to do that, but the game hasn't been "dumbed down". In fact, not having to spend all our mental capacity on moving our legs means that we're able to think about more advanced things, like tactics and strategy on an individual and team level.
I do think multi-tasking is an important element in MWO and all Mechwarrior games, but I prefer the multitasking to be more about operating weapons, targeting system, sensors / radar, ECM, etc. If we had to operate passive / active radar, if we had different targeting buttons, if we had a command wheel (I know it's coming), if we had the ability to adjust night vision and heat vision, then the game would still have a lot of multitasking. But it would be the right sort of multitasking, in my opinion. Not QWOP multitasking.