85 tons of Meta Death.
7 total Energy hardpoints (5 conveniently packed perfectly around your cockpit!!!! Peek and kill!) in the Head and Side Torsos (the rear facing MPLs in the leg transfer to front ST in MWO) and a Gauss in each arm. At 85 tons it's still in the sweet spot for JJ weight, being 1 ton per JJ, instead of 2, and of course.... it comes standard with Guardian ECM.
Why settle for half measures like the Nightstar or Thunderhawk, or the laughable little Devastator when you can pack MAXIMUM META in one CW Dropdeck friendly 85 ton package?
Got a Warhawk infestation? Mad Cat mkII issues? Invest in a Gunslinger now and watch your worries melt away, and your Epeen Badge rocket straight to Tier 1!!!
Order now, and we'll throw in a complimentary Urbanmech, just for ordering today!!! But hurry up, this is a limited time offer! Order now, Comstar Operators are standing by!!!!!
why is it Meta... for Demonstrations sake
That's all you're going to see before you die... if you see it. 4 PPC, 1 laser or TAG. No Dorito. Cuz I gots ECM. So who cares if I'm fat. Cuz you're dead. Now what?
That's right.
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 13 April 2016 - 07:08 PM.