Because bad awareness and bad placement. LRM's are the best system to counter with proper cover by some hills and buildings.
Amongst the beginner tier they are very strong because they usually don't know the map, cover and stuff. And so, using an hover over to lock and click weapon is a very big and working deal amongst newbies. But the higher in skill your opponens get the taugher it is to make proper use of them.
Boogie138, on 18 April 2016 - 11:09 AM, said:
I honestly think half the reason higher tier players claim LRMs are crap is they dont want to get lurmed to death.
It has been discussed to no end in general discussion.
So I have no interest in repeating it here.
such nonsense, no higher league play uses lrm's because they are bordline pointless. Higher tier players don't fear lrm's because all you need is a chokepoint and a hill and all the lrm's the opponent throws are worthless.
LRM's require you opponent to be in the open and at a specific distance, thats already not good. further they need to lock, which takes time and they need to quite some flight time + have an arc they fly. IT's an wy too biased system that has too easily exploitable weaknesses for proper pilots. Then higher LRM volleys spread, which isn't exactly efficient
Edited by Lily from animove, 22 April 2016 - 03:33 AM.