"And so it came to pass that a fool and a wise man arrived in a land that was rich in minerals and fertile land but was also met with frequent storms. So they decided to build houses to protect their families from the wind and rain.
The Wise man found good wood and nails for his house and proceeded to build a good ansd strong hoiuse. The wood kept out the elements and provided comfort for the man and his family. The nails, while many in number, accounted little for their portion of the house but provided support for the entire structure. When the storms came the walls stood firm against the wind and the rain did not touch him.
The foolish man saw what the wise man had done, saw how the nails provided a strong support for the wood, and decided that if few nails could make a structure sturdy then surly a structure build only of nails would be mighty indeed. Thus the man went out and gathered all the nails he could find and proceeded to build his house of nails. For days and days he tried to build his house, tearing down natural walls to cram in more and more nails. He then turned to the foundation and decided that that needed to be nails as well. Despite all his efforts the man found neither safety or comfort within his house of nails and his house was washed away in the storms."
Edited by ThomasMarik, 18 April 2016 - 03:53 PM.