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Patch Notes - 1.4.65 - 19-Apr-2016

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#321 The Wolfpack75


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 09:12 AM

View PostFobhopper, on 20 April 2016 - 08:54 AM, said:

Well you got to give these guys a little break, they aren't exactly blizzard sized, they are a small team doing a lot with what they have. And considering they aren't allowed to sell merchandise, MWO is the only way to make money. If things were to change and they could make money outside of the game itself, they probably would have the money to expand the team and put more stuff into the game.

That's fine but I'd rather have some new tech instead of 4v4. I am a casual player, I don't have a unit (and I'm too casual and mediocre to try for a unit), and FW/CW really doesn't do anything for me.
We get new mechs every month but no new weapons. We get a map once or twice a year if we are lucky but no new consumables. We get giant patches that break quite a few things but no new tech whatsoever.
Just would like to see something added to the game that isn't huge, I want little things to be added that will increase immersion and customization.

#322 Fobhopper


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 09:17 AM

View PostD V Devnull, on 20 April 2016 - 08:51 AM, said:

What Dirk is getting at, and you definitely missed, is that... If you're playing as a Solo FreeLancer (previously titled a "Mercenary"), then you can't do contracts at all. You're forced to either 'Pledge Loyalty', 'Join a Unit', or 'Create a Unit', even if you didn't want to do any of those. This is something that "Beta 2" (aka "Phase 2") had over this ugly failure of a new phase, and is a sore point for a fair chunk of the MWO Community. Posted Image

Also, Contracts don't come in the Specially Incentivized "14-day (+15%)", "28-day (+30%)", and "True Loyalist (+50%, without regard to faction population)" edition flavors anymore. Worse, there's now a "penalty (-50%)" for True Loyalists who try to rejoin their proper Faction, should the population be quote-unquote "Too High". Doesn't matter if you're a Mercenary/FreeLancer, or a Loyalist, that's just rude to force anybody who didn't go Loyalist to slog through the mud, and rude to Loyalists for penalizing them for being loyal while the population was quote-unquote "Too High", as there are Units who are trying to adhere to the BT Lore regarding their names. Posted Image

Further, Casual-class players are now screwed over from enjoying Faction Warfare, and therefore a fair chunk of the MWO game and environment/atmosphere. They need to be able to come and go as their Real Lives permit, and should not be penalized out of being a part of the whole game and having something to evidence their ability to enjoy MWO from that part of the game. But, a large chunk of achievements (and rewards) that any Casual Completionist would need to finish the game's content -- or even do well in playing -- have now been ripped out from under them. Unfortunately for MWO, and therefore PGI, this means a fair chunk of the Community has once again been harmed and punished for not being able to follow a specific mould. Posted Image

There are plenty of issues I can see many people are blind to. Hopefully this gives you some rather helpful insight into what has needlessly been shunned/harmed. Posted Image

Personally, I'm rather sick of failures by developers as I have moved from one game to another over the years, and right now PGI is just one slap to my face short of me leaving. I have broken my ties with games before, even while not wanting to leave people behind, and if I'm forced to do it again, I will. Screenshots of Uninstalls? Oh, I can feel the pain those people have been through, because I've been there as well. I can already feel the outflood of players from this game coming... MWO is going to die, if PGI doesn't get their collective heads on straight. Posted Image

~D. V. "PGI's digging its' own grave..." Devnull

Casual players aren't screwed, have you even touched the game with the new patch? You can literally just create your own unit (be the only person in it) and take a merc contract for 7 days for any faction you want, and get bonuses as a merc. You dont pledge loyalty to any actual faction, you can just jump into and out of. Freelancer are for those who dont even want to create their own unit, or join a unit, and can only answer call to arms when someone who owns a planet needs help. being a freelancer is pretty stupid, and not really a good idea, even in lore. Hell just take a look at truck drivers who own their own 18 wheeler, **** really sucks. Being part of a 'company/unit' is a hell of a lot better than trying to be solo.

If you want to be solo, then stick to quick play. If you want to get in on the faction warfare action, then go mercenary by creating your own solo unit, and do scouting and PUG drops, otherwise stop you pretentious bitching. You can still PUG drop as a solo player, I did it for 6 hours last night. I made my own unit, and then just jumped in and did hours of scouting missions (I almost dropped into an actual invasion match, but ceasefire happened just before the match started).

#323 Rhialto


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 09:17 AM

View PostThe Wolfpack75, on 20 April 2016 - 09:12 AM, said:

I want little things to be added that will increase immersion and customization.

Decals are coming... I don't remember if they said those will be free or will require

#324 AdamBaines


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 09:22 AM

Still reading and digesting this, but I will comment on one part for now

View PostD V Devnull, on 20 April 2016 - 08:51 AM, said:

What Dirk is getting at, and you definitely missed, is that... If you're playing as a Solo FreeLancer (previously titled a "Mercenary"), then you can't do contracts at all. You're forced to either 'Pledge Loyalty', 'Join a Unit', or 'Create a Unit', even if you didn't want to do any of those. This is something that "Beta 2" (aka "Phase 2") had over this ugly failure of a new phase, and is a sore point for a fair chunk of the MWO Community. Posted Image

So, isn't being a Solo merc with my own unit, of one (me myself and I), the same as a freelancer before? Currently I have my own unit. A unit of one, which I had before CW3. I currently have a 7 day contract with Marik. I run drops for Marik, or I can run drops for other factions then Marik even while contracted to Marik. I am participating in CW. Now its in the Solo queue and not in the groups queue, but I am participating.

Why is it a sore point when I am accomplishing the same thing, just now I have a merc unit of just me?

#325 The Wolfpack75


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 09:28 AM

View PostRhialto, on 20 April 2016 - 09:17 AM, said:

Decals are coming... I don't remember if they said those will be free or will require

I don't see decals being free. After all without merchandise sales they have to make money in game - camo, colors, decals, mech packs are the only way.
Just would like some new tech to be added that isn't cosmetic and yet I don't see that happening any time soon.

#326 Fobhopper


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 09:32 AM

View PostThe Wolfpack75, on 20 April 2016 - 09:12 AM, said:

That's fine but I'd rather have some new tech instead of 4v4. I am a casual player, I don't have a unit (and I'm too casual and mediocre to try for a unit), and FW/CW really doesn't do anything for me.
We get new mechs every month but no new weapons. We get a map once or twice a year if we are lucky but no new consumables. We get giant patches that break quite a few things but no new tech whatsoever.
Just would like to see something added to the game that isn't huge, I want little things to be added that will increase immersion and customization.

Do you even watch.listen to the town hall meetings that happen once a month? Because as russ has said many times in the last 3 town halls is that they are waiting on an engine overhaul (like the new unreal engine) to put the game on before they add new stuff like heavy lasers and other weapon systems that are suppose to be already available in the lore. And they are working on a new weapon firing system to help end the problems with absurd alpha strikes and ghost heat.

And while we only got 3 (veridian bog, grim plexis, polar highlands) new maps in the last year for quick play, they also remade like 3 maps last year (they updated river city, forest colony, caustic valley). Not to mention they made like 3 new maps for faction warfare (grim portico being a notable example) and PGI just hired a couple new level designers, as well as working on a Solaris map for arena fighting.

So if you actually look at whats been going on, they have been doing a **** load of stuff, its just that most of it is back loaded stuff that usually doesn't effect the player. While front loaded stuff may not come out as much as players want, it takes time to make that ****.

Take a look at the tutorial instance they set up as an example. The original tutorial literally just told you how to move your mech, and how to fire weapons, and that was it. The new tutorial (which was heavily demanded by the player base for years, YEARS) that we have now is really fantastic. And the base stuff they put in the tutorial was also the first steps in working on the PVE campaign that PGI wants to do, but is going to take some serious time to put out. Almost everyone who plays this game wants PVE, but its going to take a good year or two to create the AI, maps, voice acting, scenario's and everything needed to do that. And trying to pull that off while already maintaining and updating an already live game is not easy. It also didn't help that IGP really ****** over PGI in the early days of the game. IGP going bankrupt was a godsend for this game, you have no idea of how ****** it was back in the day.

Edited by Fobhopper, 20 April 2016 - 09:34 AM.

#327 AnTi90d


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 09:33 AM

18 hour, on and off, and still..


Scouting is BS. 4v4 isn't CW. I want a real god damn match. I want CW version 2 back. This is ****. This is god damn ****. I hate you, Russ, and I hate everything that you love in this world.

#328 McHoshi


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 09:43 AM

Lot´s of Bugs and damn long waiting Times ;( This Patch isn´t "bug-free" and also realy not good optimized! Content is "great" so far ... But: Please nerf LongTom!

#329 Mad Dog Morgan


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 09:57 AM

Long tom radius would be fine... If it dealt 30 damage from the center. 700 is asking for trouble. Long tom should simply be guaranteed support damage, not a tactical freaking nume.

#330 D V Devnull


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 10:21 AM

@ Fobhopper/AdamBaines -- I have indeed played some since the patch. Having my Quick Play stats screwed with by Faction Warfare caused me to stop rather quickly, however. PGI royally failed there. -_-

Anyway, getting down to the point, apparently you didn't fully read my post and realize the implications. Just for starters, quite a fair amount of Casual-Class players don't have the time at all to mess with the Unit System. For that matter, neither the inclination, specifically because of their Real Lives. On top of that, people who are searching for a Unit (or need to indicate they're not really in one) need to not be wearing a tag, as that gives the wrong impression to everyone else. Hell, look at my siggy and refer all the way back as well to my first "Wall Of Text" in this thread, back on Page 13. I'm still not a "Unit-grade player", and PGI has forced Units to be extremely picky who they can take on-board now. Many, including myself, should not be forced into any kind of situation where a Unit would be the only choice to go forward. <_<

In fact, this brings me to a critical question that requires answering. If you create a personal Unit tagging, and then decide to later disband it, can you re-create the same Unit further along if you need it? Or has PGI set things up so disbanded Units can never be re-created? People will automatically avoid the Unit System unless there is no "Perma-Burn" issue, and for a serious myriad of reasons, including not messing it up for themself or others. I hope specifically in Fobhopper's case that they're not one of those "mental dumptrucks who jump in anyway", failing to care as to their effects? This game doesn't need that kind of toxic behavior in the Community, as that's the kind of behavior that causes divides. :excl:

Oh, BTW, that whole thing with Trucks is far too much a "apples vs. broccoli" comparison. Time differentials of 1037 years really do make a difference. And this is a game, not another piece of Real Life, so get off your soapbox please? I'm anything but "pretentious" or "bitching", only just simply "nuclearly angered" (Yes, those two words are chosen in a manner as to not need moderator action.), which is usually damned hard to cause me to be. :huh:

As for this...

View PostKelev Ra, on 20 April 2016 - 09:04 AM, said:

This is not good . this is not good..25% of loyalty points went to trash .... why?

Because PGI is behaving like all the Factions are like the French Foreign Legion. :angry:

~D. V. "Three walls of text from me in one thread... beware, PGI..." Devnull

[Edit by author due to needing to correct a part of the post because of falling afoul of the language filter by accident, and having to reach in to re-choose their words. Also, had to run repair on the emotes.]

Edited by D V Devnull, 20 April 2016 - 10:24 AM.

#331 MechWarrior319348


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 10:35 AM

How is the standard queue? does it have any problems? haven't played since before patch, that's why I ask.

Or "quick play" or whatever its called

Edited by Gigliowanananacom, 20 April 2016 - 10:36 AM.

#332 Fobhopper


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 11:09 AM

View PostD V Devnull, on 20 April 2016 - 10:21 AM, said:

@ Fobhopper/AdamBaines -- I have indeed played some since the patch. Having my Quick Play stats screwed with by Faction Warfare caused me to stop rather quickly, however. PGI royally failed there. Posted Image

Anyway, getting down to the point, apparently you didn't fully read my post and realize the implications. Just for starters, quite a fair amount of Casual-Class players don't have the time at all to mess with the Unit System. For that matter, neither the inclination, specifically because of their Real Lives. On top of that, people who are searching for a Unit (or need to indicate they're not really in one) need to not be wearing a tag, as that gives the wrong impression to everyone else. Hell, look at my siggy and refer all the way back as well to my first "Wall Of Text" in this thread, back on Page 13. I'm still not a "Unit-grade player", and PGI has forced Units to be extremely picky who they can take on-board now. Many, including myself, should not be forced into any kind of situation where a Unit would be the only choice to go forward. Posted Image

In fact, this brings me to a critical question that requires answering. If you create a personal Unit tagging, and then decide to later disband it, can you re-create the same Unit further along if you need it? Or has PGI set things up so disbanded Units can never be re-created? People will automatically avoid the Unit System unless there is no "Perma-Burn" issue, and for a serious myriad of reasons, including not messing it up for themself or others. I hope specifically in Fobhopper's case that they're not one of those "mental dumptrucks who jump in anyway", failing to care as to their effects? This game doesn't need that kind of toxic behavior in the Community, as that's the kind of behavior that causes divides. Posted Image

Oh, BTW, that whole thing with Trucks is far too much a "apples vs. broccoli" comparison. Time differentials of 1037 years really do make a difference. And this is a game, not another piece of Real Life, so get off your soapbox please? I'm anything but "pretentious" or "bitching", only just simply "nuclearly angered" (Yes, those two words are chosen in a manner as to not need moderator action.), which is usually damned hard to cause me to be. Posted Image

Because PGI is behaving like all the Factions are like the French Foreign Legion. Posted Image

I will agree that they should have split the stats apart from quick play and Faction play. I personally dont care about the separation and care more about my stats with the mechs themselves and my accuracy rating with my weapons. But I can see your point now that I think about more and how people want to compare stats for action play only.

If you are just creating a merc unit for yourself, there isnt anything you have to mess with at all. You make up a name and a tag, and thats all the work you need to do. You dont have to be a 'unit grade' player to be able to solo drop as a solo merc. If you cant handle having a tag, then stick to freelancing, but understand that you can only fight if a call to arms is requested by a unit that controls a planet. Faction warfare is suppose to be a small commitment, if you dont have the time to commit 30+ minutes for an invasion battle, or 15+ minutes for a scout battle, you have no business playing faction warfare and should stick to quick play (which there is nothing wrong with that). Just like Raiding in WoW, or League of Legends ranked Ladders, YOU need to be able to commit to your team members that you will be there for the whole 20 to 60 minute match that you will be there the entire time. Same goes for FW, you need to be able to commit time to each battle. If you cant commit to FW for quick-play drops, why are you even asking about do FW? Thats like playing WoW, demanding you get Raid level gear, But refusing to commit to the requirement of being in a raid group to get said gear. You either commit to FW in some way (either by making a solo merc unit, or by joining an already active unit) or you dont play FW. This game isn't big enough to cater to every single type of player.

As for if you create a personal merc tag for yourself and disband it later, one would think that it would be re-usable again since for all intents and purposes that it doesnt exist if its disbanded, you should be able to remake if (as long as someone else doesnt take it), but it would be nice to get some information on that.

I created a merc tag so that I could get the merc rewards before jumping in with a Davion unit to continue my davion career. Considering you lose a massive amount of rep if you leave a faction unit, I might as well work on my merc rewards first. What consequences would I face? The mechwarrior/battletech lore Is full of hundreds of pilots that made a name for themselves as solo pilots, taking contracts as they come.

and my reference to truck drivers, you took far too literally without actually thinking of the consequences (which you claimed I failed to do). My dad used to be a truck driver, almost bought himself his own semi until he found out just how incredibly expensive it is to be solo. You have to pay for all of your own fuel, all of your own maintenance (which can easily go into the hundreds of thousands if something like your engine blows up on you), you are at the complete whim of different trucking companies who will **** you out of every dime they can. Being a company driver, driving a company truck nets you a lot of protections that solo drivers do not have to deal with. Being a solo trucker can be more lucrative, but you also foot all the bills yourself. Yeah its not a perfect apples to apples example, but better than any reference you made. So I will jump off my soap box when you are done with being stupid. I mean threatening to quit the game because they didnt split the stats from quick play and faction play? there are far better things to quibble about than that. Bitching about the lack of weapons that should be in the game? Certainly a viable complaint! But harping because they didnt split apart your XML spreadsheet? Thats just being petty.

#333 Dee Eight


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 11:14 AM

View PostThe Wolfpack75, on 20 April 2016 - 08:43 AM, said:

No, they are not. The Caesar, the Devastator, the Dervish, the Hermes, illumination missiles, laser heat sinks, laser anti missile system, etc.
There are a lot of mechs, weapons, consumables, and tech they could have introduced by now. Everything I listed came out between 3044 and the end of 3051

Russ has already said they have lots of mechs still available in just the 3051 or earlier timeline available to pick from for release. As to L-AMS... you have your dates wrong and again...its pointless. Our existing AMS setup works far better than the ones in tabletop. Stop mistaking the workings of other mechwarrior video games for this one. Laser heat sinks were experimental and only used by CJF at that. They're not compatible with coolant flush, nor do they benefit from cold planets or immersion in water. They're also useless at night since they make your mech into a giant beacon. Also illumination missiles were a warhead for arrow IV artillery. They're pointless in a game where its basically never dark enough to require them.

Edited by Dee Eight, 20 April 2016 - 11:36 AM.

#334 I L L


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 11:27 AM

PGI should change it's motto to "Giving the people what they don't want"

#335 Fobhopper


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 11:34 AM

View PostIllMentalState, on 20 April 2016 - 11:27 AM, said:

PGI should change it's motto to "Giving the people what they don't want"

I think Blizzard can claim that title, especially after the Nostalrius shenanigans.

#336 jss78


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 11:51 AM

Not sure where else to put this, so hopefully PGI reads:

Speaking as a medium jock, a big THANK YOU for the scouting game mode.

It's long been tough for light and medium mechs out there, with up to 2/3 of mechs heavies and assaults. Now we suddenly have a place. Granted it took some heavy-handed game mode tweaking -- flat out refusing heavies and assaults entry -- but I'm loving the end result.

With 4 vs 4 the maps feel big, plenty of space to manoeuvre, and not every opponent outguns you by a huge margin. Most fun I've had with this game in a long time.

Edited by jss78, 20 April 2016 - 11:52 AM.

#337 Avathar


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 11:57 AM


So just my two cents on the new patch:

Love a number of improvements in community warfare BUT
why is the shadowcat nerfed? while the IS mechs are buffed (or so it seems... i looked through the notes).
The new game mode scouting suffers because of it. since the shadowcat is a mech of 45 tonnes with ecm.. and i dont believe there are a lot of alternatives for it (or maybe make a stormcrow ecm capable). I would like the devs to look at reaadjusting the balance (buffing the shadowcat).

Also in general i find it hard to justify clan mechs being far more expensive than inner sphere mechs. especially because the is mechs get all these buffs (like extra structure) while clan mechs continue to be nerfed.

i find the tonnage limit (for faction warfare) strange to say the least.
i have made a very nice drop deck (260 tonnes) which i have had to change around (240 tonnes now). Just to find out.... is players have a bigger tonnage??!!??

well why not given them some more buffs and nerf the clan mechs some more? right. or just increase the cost of (now) inferior clan mechs to 10 fold what the is mechs cost

I really think the balancing issues MUST be adressed. there is no sense in having clan mechs otherwise. they simply are wayy overpriced and are almost constantly being nerfed.

#338 DangerousOne


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 12:10 PM

View Postjss78, on 20 April 2016 - 11:51 AM, said:

Not sure where else to put this, so hopefully PGI reads:

Speaking as a medium jock, a big THANK YOU for the scouting game mode.

It's long been tough for light and medium mechs out there, with up to 2/3 of mechs heavies and assaults. Now we suddenly have a place. Granted it took some heavy-handed game mode tweaking -- flat out refusing heavies and assaults entry -- but I'm loving the end result.

With 4 vs 4 the maps feel big, plenty of space to manoeuvre, and not every opponent outguns you by a huge margin. Most fun I've had with this game in a long time.

The fun lasts only to the point when all the clan lances start to consist of four Storm Crows. Posted Image

Edited by DangerousOne, 20 April 2016 - 12:11 PM.

#339 Morggo


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 12:15 PM

View PostAvathar, on 20 April 2016 - 11:57 AM, said:

Also in general i find it hard to justify clan mechs being far more expensive than inner sphere mechs. especially because the is mechs get all these buffs (like extra structure) while clan mechs continue to be nerfed.

Because once you buy a "cheap" IS chassis, do all the essentially mandatory upgrades like DHS, Endo, etc (as has been proven in many posts over recent months) the costs end up nearly the same for a "like-like" equipped Clan vs. IS chassis. Yep, our IS mechs are dirt cheap compared to Clan, but even with quirks, without all the 'spensive upgrades our mechs perform dirt cheap. I've always felt costs were in proper alignment for what each side gets. *shrugs*

#340 Fobhopper


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 12:32 PM

View PostAvathar, on 20 April 2016 - 11:57 AM, said:


So just my two cents on the new patch:

Love a number of improvements in community warfare BUT
why is the shadowcat nerfed? while the IS mechs are buffed (or so it seems... i looked through the notes).
The new game mode scouting suffers because of it. since the shadowcat is a mech of 45 tonnes with ecm.. and i dont believe there are a lot of alternatives for it (or maybe make a stormcrow ecm capable). I would like the devs to look at readjusting the balance (buffing the shadowcat).

Some IS mechs got buffs, others got nerfs, like the CPT-J lost a lot of structure points. In fact a lot of IS mechs lost a lot of bonus structure.


Also in general i find it hard to justify clan mechs being far more expensive than inner sphere mechs. especially because the is mechs get all these buffs (like extra structure) while clan mechs continue to be nerfed.

Clan mechs have all the upgrades already equipped, like double heat sinks, case protected limbs, superior XL engines (clan XL engines when losing a side torso only lose 20% of its movement potential, as compared to IS XL engines, you lose a side torso and your mech instantly dies). Not to mention almost every clan weapon is superior to IS weapons (except for AC weapons). And clan weapons are also lighter than IS weapons, take fewer slots and have more range.


i find the tonnage limit (for faction warfare) strange to say the least.

i have made a very nice drop deck (260 tonnes) which i have had to change around (240 tonnes now). Just to find out.... is players have a bigger tonnage??!!??

Yeah the ghost change to tonnage for faction warfare really pissed off people. But clan mechs are superior to IS mechs in every way. Better engines, better weapons and upgrades (targeting computers), better weapon range. IS is usually handicapped 10 to 15 more tons just to compete. Hell the last 2 tukayyid battles clans have not only won, but won by a significant margin.


well why not given them some more buffs and nerf the clan mechs some more? right. or just increase the cost of (now) inferior clan mechs to 10 fold what the is mechs cost

Again, clan mechs are already superior in most ways, they have longer weapon ranges, better engines, and such that they dont really need any buffs. IS mechs on the other hand need lots of buffs just to be competitive. And quirks are a good way of offering semblance of balance while also pushing people to play mechs the way they were designed.


I really think the balancing issues MUST be adressed. there is no sense in having clan mechs otherwise. they simply are wayy overpriced and are almost constantly being nerfed.

Again, Clan mechs come stock with all upgrades. If you were to take into account required upgrades on IS mechs to make them playable and competitive, they almost match up in price. Clan mechs have a higher upfront cost, but need very little to improve upon. IS mechs on the other hand need roughly 2 to 6 million just to upgrade, refit and replace the weapons to make them good.

Edited by Fobhopper, 20 April 2016 - 12:33 PM.

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