Turning to one of the bigger debates in this thread…that has essentially devolved into Unit/Group players and solo players...
As a non-unit type player, but playing with a group of 8-10 regular non-unit type players a lot of the "suggestions" handed down by all the unit proponents is rather frustrating. You guys are totally missing our (true solo players) points I’m thinking.
Suggestions like “just create a unit of one and you’re set.” That create several issues.
1. We
don’t want a unit tag. This is easily the most frustrating yet simple concept immediately overlooked. So if we don’t want a tag, we don’t get rewards and as a freelancer can only earn xp and cbills? How is that fair compared to phase 2 where our play group could just take a 7 day no questions asked no unit required contract that just expired at the end with no penalties and earn LP?
2. IF we create a unit tag consisting just of ourself, we zip right past the one part of phase 3 that was most interesting…
NOT dropping against premades. But by virtue of having a unit tag, even if just me, I now drop in the group/unit queue and I’m no better off avoiding getting smashed.
3. IF the 8 -10 in my play group decide to create a solo unit tag each, we lose the option to ever group up and hop over into the group/unit queue occasionally… unless we all sign up with the same faction at the same time… which we all like different factions…. Sooooo, penalties….
4. IF some of us gave in and say, finally went solo loyalist for example to be allowed to earn loyalty points and rewards… have to break contract, wait out a week cool down, lose a hefty 25% LP’s which have to be re-earned upon returning to that preferred faction just to get back to the point we left of advancing,
after 10 drop qualifier period… all to do a few group drops?
There are other scenarios, but all generally end up in the same quandary.
I mean, those that know me on the forums know I’m pretty white knight (okay, maybe a light gray…) about things and I’m definitely still keeping an open mind the next few weeks during the tweaking period to see what shakes out… but I’m definitely agreeing with many of the above Solo/casual players that this initial set of changes most definitely goes beyond overlooking, and jumps straight to outright penalizing our class of players.
I may be mis-interpreting the patch notes and how all this works, so please bring me a bit of hope and correct me where I’m incorrect