Raven, Firestarter, Flea, Locust (Unseen), Stinger (Unseen), Wasp (Unseen)
Assassin, Blackjack (St.Ives), Vindicator, Griffin, Phoenix Hawk (Unseen) (St.Ives)
Catapult, Cataphract, Ostroc, Archer (Unseen)
Victor (St.Ives)
as being more accessible than to other houses.
The TCAF recruitment thread names
But this is not all, right?
I mean, of course the Vindicator is the Confederation's signature Mech, but if you open the Liao Handbook (is it canon?), there are listed industries that produce several Mechs not listed above. In addition there are just Mechs every house has equal chances to buy or find/restore.
So, is there such a complete list somewhere or could we make one?
Edited by Kuaron, 24 April 2016 - 11:36 AM.