Livewyr, on 26 April 2016 - 08:55 AM, said:
Out of curiosity, what exactly were you looking for?
Well, since you are asking me I can give you my personal answer (which may be very different reasons other soloists persist in our argument).
Livewyr, on 26 April 2016 - 08:55 AM, said:
I'll admit, I have zero sympathy for soloists in Faction warfare in a team game. They drag everyone down when facing a team.
Ummm, exactly. I agree which is
why solo's were supposed to be moved out of Unit... to improve your quality of game and let us "ruin" our FW map, as you essentially framed it. We don't
want to be in your queue botching up your carefully planned tactics and such.
Livewyr, on 26 April 2016 - 08:55 AM, said:
Solos will never work as well with their team mates as people in a group, or especially people in a unit. It simply doesn't work. (Instant communication, prior willingness to work as a team, complementary builds, etc...)
Well, we'll agree to disagree. Again I've had loads of fun the better part of the last year pugging and seeing great teamwork emerge from a random group. True, not your definition of 'great teamwork' but teamwork and fun none-the-less.
Livewyr, on 26 April 2016 - 08:55 AM, said:
It wouldn't bother me so much, except the solos do an amazing job of randomizing the results for the organized teams. (The people actually trying to play the map.)
Again, see the part where we don't want to be in your map.
Livewyr, on 26 April 2016 - 08:55 AM, said:
I fail to see why joining a unit is such a travesty.
Apparently, Solos think joining a unit is some massive commitment requiring you to be there all the time, do some stupid paperwork for some "Sergeant Star Commander Useless III" and while there are units that are like that- there are also units that are just chilled out people who show up and play, organize teams and go do things.
I don't see it as a travesty. I see it (again here I am speaking personally since you asked) as my preference. I'm a huge introvert. Don't like to be in big open touchy feely social situations. There is a "filter" or "wall" in the pug game that just makes me much more comfortable and able to enjoy dropping with people without all the "socialness" to it. I do play with 7 or 8 others in my group. Many of us are similar, couple are very outgoing. All of us have known each other for 15+ years outside of MWO. Those of you who are introverts understand the difference there and having a few close friends you DO like to socialize with. Joining a unit... meh, perhaps some day, maybe I'll find a few people here or in game and eventually make the leap. Never say never but it'd be a leap.
Livewyr, on 26 April 2016 - 08:55 AM, said:
From my perspective over here- it looks like the the solos just want to play their FW match however they want, even though they get roflstomped and ***** about it, and at the same time, screw over the people organizing and making an earnest attempt to change the map.
Yep! *ding* *ding* We have a winner! We DO want to play our FW however we want... against other solo pilots just like in our Pug games! Finally we are on the same page... only... we just lost that and now you get us back into your maps, ruining your matches. Funny that.
You ask what I expected/wanted in a solo queue?
I would like the ability to experience the FW maps. Give the "limited-respawn" action of a drop deck some use for all those weight classes I mastered just for the purpose of building a working deck.
I would like to have the chance to do pug drops with other puggers on the cool FW maps and have the chance to pull together and have fun.