Ultra 2/10/20 - Why aren't they in game? UAC20 alone would make HBK-4G downright scary. Same firing solution as all other IS AC, one shot, one pellet.
LBX 2/5/20 - Why aren't they in game? I know the current implimentation are kinda weak, but they should be there as a choice for IS.
No real issues here, would be nice if they gave LB’s the ammo switching they should have, even if all they did was make a second weapon with the same name but with [solid] or [cluster] at the end, as well as make ammunition to match.
Light AC - Longer range, lighter AC, no brainer power creep? No, because this isn't TT, blah blah fluff blah, Light AC carry less shots per ton of ammo. Allows lights to carry a ballistic at the cost of ammo count, dakka boats could bring them but end up either ammo starved or carrying so much ammo in crit slots that it would explode upon loosing any armor.
Slightly shorter range, same ammo per ton, less crit spaces and less weight, why bring normal AC’s when the Light AC does everything it does for less weight? Unless they finally get around to giving normal AC’s the special ammunition they should have, AP, tracer, precision and incendiary would be the best choices for normal AC special ammunition.
Light Gauss - Same as light AC, more range and less tonnage. These could be the gauss rifles that explode when looked at. Make regular gauss have the standard weapon HP, so you can bring a light gauss that will explode, or a regular that might last through component destruction. Plus light gauss do less damage.
Smaller, lighter, more ammunition per ton, but nearly half the damage for just over 90m more max range…. Not a fantastic trade there.
Heavy Gauss - shorter range, higher damage. Kind of balanced already, might make for a wonderful mid range or brawler. Very few shots per ton of ammo if its imbalanced.
The Heavy Gauss has built in drop off… but let’s be honest, they would use the Improved Heavy Gauss, both invalidate the AC/20 for the most part, 22dmg/round 90m less max range than the normal Gauss for slightly fewer rounds per ton (4 in TT, likely 7/8 in MWO) at the cost of 11 crit spaces and 20t
Silver Bullet Gauss - Multiple gauss rounds? Sign everyone up! Nay, these spread shots like LBX, but higher damage per pellet.
Same grate LB flavour, now in 15 pellet spread!
ER lasers - IS versions of Small and Medium. Why haven't they been added. Extra range for extra heat.
No problems here, although it would mess with the current laser balance right now…
XPulse - IS regular range, much higher damage. No point to not bring them? Nay, heat, long burn times and tonnage per laser balances these.
X-SPL and X-MPL are not bad, about 1 heat for 1 damage exchange, but the X-LPL 1.5 heat per damage is a big case of no thanks! We also lack infantry or Power Armour troops to really use their special qualities.
LMG - Lighter ballistics, lower damage.
HMG - Slightly heavier ballistics, lighter than AC2, damage in between MG and AC2.
Machine Gun Arrays - For mechs that are hardpoint starved for ballistics but want lots of MG. 4 MG Clan and IS, same weight, just shoved into one ballistic slot. Limit the amountt that can be placed onto a mech so we dont get Array Boats.
No issues with that, but some mechs like the Piranha are MG boats….
RAC - Rapid fire autocannons. Why bring ultra when you can bring RAC? Have RAC jam chance start higher past one shot, and each shot brings the jam chance higher. Risk vs reward, it COULD out DPS an ultra, but if RNG hates you, it jams after second shot anyways. Balance this like the flamer heat cooldown so people don't macro abuse them.
Yes please, I don’t care how unbalanced they will be, I just love the visual effect of Clan UAC’s, but I hate how inferior they are to IS AC’s….
IS Streak 4/6 - Again, no brainer. Why haven't they been added?
No problems here with them being added.
MRM - Fires like SRM, Longer range. Balance with worse spread and don't let them be affected by Artemis. Plus these things are huge and heavy. Picture a Cats ear twice the size for a 40 count MRM-40.
I can hear the calls of Hit Detection problems now!
Inferno SRM - What a wonderful weapon to use against heat heavy Clan mechs. Ammo switching is a nono, do the MW4 Mekpak route and add these as seperate launchers. Low damage, but acts like you are getting hit by a Flamer per missile hit for a few seconds. Effective, trolly, and actually a great counter for IS vs hot Clan mechs. Not a perfect solution, as normal SRM can launch these missiles, but a step forward.
I was never really a fan of these in TT, a lot of heat, good chance to blow up in your face when running hot…