Named after a famed monster in mythology, the Cyclops went into production during the Star League era. Its Tacticon B-2000 Battle Computer made this Battlemech a heavily sought item for any commander on the front lines. Unfortunately, the combination of wars and loss of the of the Battlemech's main factory make this mech a much-sought-after relic to a bygone era. Only a few have survived to this day.
But perhaps you just might know where one can be found...
Search the lore of your unit, your family, even your homeland, and find a Cyclops worthy enough to stand proudly in any war museum!
Tell us of the mech's many deeds. The battles it fought, the scars it carries, the odds weighed against its survival.
Tell us of what famous pilots gripped at its controls, who they fought, where they cut their teeth or drew their last breath.
Lastly, Tell us what made this particular mech unlike any other of its kind: Its tricks, its handling, the armor and armaments that made this war machine a terror on the battlefield through the ages.
Entry Rules:
Please do not submit any stories with information after the current in-game year (3053 I think).
Please limit your story to less than 2,500 words.
You are allowed to use real events and people but encouraged to include your unit or a character you created. (Name and Shame or similar personal attacks will be disqualified, and probably deleted)
Your story can either be in 1 piece or in multiple sections, such as those done by Randal Neil Bills. (5/3)
However, each should cover the following:
1. Story from the mech's long history.
2. Pilot or historical figure attached in some way to this mech.
3. A short description of the mech's looks and loadout.
These sections can be as long or as short as you desire, depending on which you'd like to focus your entry (5/3)
You may enter as many times as you wish, but only 1 prize will be given out to each user.
Attention to grammar, structure, and originality of story will serve to improve your chances of winning.
Although English would work best for me, you're welcome to submit entries in your native language (As long as Google Translate can convert it!).
You can edit your submissions, but please try to limit this. All changes made after the cutoff time will be disqualified!
1st Place: Cyclops Collector's Pack (Provided by PGI)
2nd Place: Standard Package of Choice
3rd Place: Either $10 in MC or a Tournament Support Pack*
*Still checking as to whether I can purchase this and gift it to someone else.
Tina Benoit has agreed to help me with judging the entries for the time being, but we might add more PGI staff to assist if they have time.
Please ask any and all questions below, and only submit your stories to the "Cyclops Event Entries" thread.
If any changes need to be made I will make note of them as well as the time they were changed.
The cutoff date for entries will be Sunday May 15th at 12AM PDT.
Edited by Aranzor, 03 May 2016 - 01:02 PM.