Hit the Deck, on 05 May 2016 - 04:44 AM, said:

PGI can release a "Classic Light 'Mechs pack" consisting of 3-4 'Mechs with a reasonable price.
Oh i'm not speaking poorly on them.
I'll most likely buy all of them (assuming they are not as expensive as the kodiak).
It's just that these are as unique as any other light in MW: O or in BT in general...the only things that makes lights unique is quirks to stock weapons. (otherwise what's the point of large lasers on a wolf hound? ppc's on a panther? narc on a raven? etc, you could just put it on what ever chassis is 'better' otherwise).
Pariah Devalis, on 05 May 2016 - 04:01 AM, said:
I like it, though. Honestly, these were the things I was originally hoping would be quirks, as opposed to what we ended up with. Unique, mech by mech perks that lend something unique to each mech, based on lore. For example, the Crab is supposed to have an insane sensor array, and it would have been fitting to have some sort of passive benefit like, say, a free Active Probe like effect baked into the mech.
Instead, up until now we've had rather bland and simplistic quirks. Nothing particularly flavorful. The Cyclops, and perhaps the Night Gyr, will be breaking that mold. If they offer unique utility, even if there's another mech with the same exact capabilities otherwise, it creates a distinction between the two chassis.
This new attention to detail, and willingness to do so, makes me think something changed internally at PGI in regards to their understanding of how to manipulate the coding for their mechs. If they are willing to do it now, maybe they learned how to do something new. I like that.
Sensor array for crabs. King crab being much harder to crit, Black Knight basically having a mini UAV if it has a small laser and BAP....
All the things i wish that would be added soon <3
Tordin, on 05 May 2016 - 04:35 AM, said:
Dont forget the Flea, same problem as with the Fire Moth. Wont be added because PGI cant get MASC right on neither IS or Clan mechs it seems. And thats for ONE variant of the Flea only, the hero I think. Even with a bit more firepower, less profile and a bit slower it "cant" be added because its to similar to the Locust. Yeah right because theres no other mechs in the game thats similar, oh nononon. And sure there were NO problem adding the Urbie at all just because its a community "mascot". Give me a break..
Well the urbie is the most unique light mech in BT history. Which the Flea isn't... or the wasp... or anything like that.
PGI did want to add the flea but for the cost of adding the flea and all the issues with it, it's more of a side line project then a priority. PGI is working on upping the speed limit most likely in the engine upgrade/ update. So Flea is still on the table.
With quriks the flea cna perform differently to the locust too...
The only problem with 20 tonners is that the locust is to good...
Missile? ballistic? energy? ECM? double AMS? It can do it all... the only thing the flea offers is MASC.