There's just too much down-time. I started recording my game sessions and watching them over I wasn't really that surprised to find I spend about 50% of my time playing, and 50% of my time searching/loading. I haven't really analysed the downtime for CW (errr 'faction play' now?) but I reckon it's even worse, and the match-making is so abysmal that I rarely bother. The latest CW event was the only one I didn't really participate in, I played a couple of games but even with the event on, the wait times are too long, and the calibre of player is even lower. Basically, now, the only time I play Mechwarrior Online is when I have something else I need to do. When I do the dishes, I'll start searching for a match, go do a bunch, wait until I can hear the drop ship engines then do a couple more (I don't think I've ever played in a non-competitive/non-clan-scrim where everyone hit 'Ready') before coming back to the PC. But when I sit down with the intention to play a game, MWO is very low on the list.