Yeonne Greene, on 22 May 2016 - 05:04 PM, said:
I have Dragon's, too. I want to love them, really, because they look awesome. I do alright in them after I warm up, but the Rifleman and Quickdraw are just far-and-away superior machines...and the QKD is even bigger than the DRG. Marginally better is, honestly, not good enough. I'm not complaining about the Dragon getting smaller, truly, but rather that the same logic they used to make this one marginally better is going to make other 'Mechs marginally worse. Some 'Mechs might end up a lot worse, and some might end up a lot better. It is, honestly, silly. We're going to be right where we started with some 'Mechs being too big for their own good or too small for the good of everybody else simply because PGI did not take shape into account and because they also have a thing for assigning arbitrary twist rates and ranges to 'Mechs that don't typically account for shape, either.
Agreed, hence my original statement about reserving judgement until release.
Also, I'm not honestly sure what role the BLaser would fill in this game. A crappy IS counterpart to the Clan LPL? My initial thought is that we sacrifice some range, give it 420 m with a burn of 1.15 seconds for 16 damage and 12 heat.
Oh I'm still semi skeptical hence the ™

The Dragon was the first chassis I mastered back in the day. It was the first mech that taught me about positioning.
I placed second in the hero tournament in the Fang board, because I knew I could get results out of the mech, especially in solo que.
I also think, alot of people take this game waaay too serious. This is a beer and pretzels game. It will never, ever be Starcraft Broodwar, SC2, or DOTA in the esports arena.
As such balance is kind of meh. I took a long long break from this game, and while I was gone tiers apparently got introduced. Came back for a lil bit, then left again.
Now it seems that I'm back. In the time I've been gone I've been playing world of warships..which pretty much totally changed my playstyle preferences...when I left I was a Heavy and Medium it's Assaults primarily lol. (As they play closest to battleships)
As long as a given mech is capable of putting up good numbers, my "give a damn level" doesn't really get nudged in this game. It's a casual game, set in a universe based off a casual table top strategy game. Devved by a company who..honestly this is probably the best game they have ever made and probably will make lol.
It's hard for me to be utterly disappointed in mwo at this point.
I had my Pro Gaming Super comp days in starcraft broodwar, and later star trek online of all things, before F2P aborted PVP with a coat hangar in a back alley. Now.. meh, I'm just here for the explosions, and pretty light shows, working my way up the tiers. Which if I played more than I do, I'd probably be T2 already. As it is I play a couple days a week, for a few hours, spending half that in mech lab, fiddling lol
So the Binary Laser in it's rule of Cool... very much applies. As for it's niche, it's niche is actually a pretty good one. It basically gives PGI a way to effectively increase the energy hardpoints of a given mech without having to do so.
Take the DRG for example... suddenly the 5N could have a pair of Binary Lasers in it's one arm.
Or the Fang,maybe 3 Binary Lasers. One in the ST, two in the arm.
Given that DRG gameplay is more about blowing out components and finishing mechs off, or bullying mediums, or hitting assaults in their back armor, a triple binary laser would be pretty lulzy.
Basically the Binary Laser, gives new life into mechs who are somewhat energy starved. Without having to use insane levels of Quirkening to make those limited hard points more effective, potentially.
Edited by Mavairo, 22 May 2016 - 05:23 PM.