Dogstar, on 25 May 2016 - 12:05 AM, said:
>I don't video.
That's a shame, I'd actually like to learn how to play the Centurion effectively from someone who both likes the mech and does well in it.
I am currently and for the forseeable future, on a potato laptop (hurricane Patricia killed my desktop) which can barely pull 30 fps in the most optimal of conditions. running even shadowplay in the background seems to drop that precipitously, and makes the game pretty much unplayable.
as a slightly above average (mostly because in my experience the average in MWO is pretty awful) I still can pull 2.0 KDr in exclusively PUG play (where it's nowhere near as easy to maintain stats)
Do apologize for the relatively small bucket post stat reset, my playtime over the last year is 1/4 what it used to be, and since December have been largely focused on the Classic Unseen and now, the KDK, as grinding is serious business.
Regardless, essentially a 2.0 on all but the AL, which as one can tell by the limited matches, I just don't realyl like as a variant, personally.
No, the stats aren't as high as my sleepwalk easy Stormcrow stats, and certainly won't impress a Comp, but for a "dead" mech, playing in upper tiers, against Meta Mechs 24/7? *shrugs*
Doesn't matter though, the OP and Dave don't want "proof" they just want all their mechs EZMode.
Malorish, on 25 May 2016 - 07:49 AM, said:
There you go cherry picking again. As I said my post there are many many other medium chassis that perform any role a lot better than the Centurion. I even listed all of them out that I could think of off the top of my head.