Ozealot, on 02 June 2016 - 08:11 AM, said:
ERPPCs have double the speed of AC20 shells. PPCs nearly double. Y u can dodge PPC and not AC20? #leetskillz #Icanreadnumbers #tier1playersincetierintroduction #gitgud #gitbeddah #gitrekt
Oh, and PPC projectiles don't have to take gravity into account. #knowledgeispower #myeyezareleettoo
Before I forget it, that smacktalk about tiers is obviously sarcasm. #altoughIcanreadnumberz #readisleet
PS: Maybe there is a reason why ERPPCs
- are exactly double the speed
- do exactly half the damage
- at exactly half weight
- with exactly double the heat
- but no ammo dependence
compared to an IS AC20.
Ya, I know. Stop the applause. You too may notice, or not, a pattern.
I am aware of the pattern. It's a bad pattern, and highly misleading. Things don't scale this way.
First, we aren't talking about ERPPC's here, we're talking about PPC's. But if we are talking about ERPPC's, then it's even more important to consider the differences with regards to ranges: The ERPPC is more than twice the heat, it's 14 heat vs. 6 for the IS AC20. The ERPPC has a 1620m maximum range, but travels at 1300 m/s: It takes more than a full second to travel from firing point to max range. That's a freaking eternity in this game. Even at optimal range, it's well more than half a second from firing to impact. The end result is that there's a tremendous heat cost for something that,
no matter how well you aim, you may well end up missing or hitting an arm or some such.
Why is it OK for an AC20 to have a low speed? Because the the AC20 is a close quarters weapon. It's a weapon usually used at very close ranges, where the travel time is a non-issue. The PPC is literally unusable at very close ranges (17% of it's optimal range band) where it would be most accurate. So, inaccuracy at 270-360m isn't so important, if you're running an AC20 you push in tight. There's a reason AC20's are so often coupled with SRM's.
This is a problem for the PPC, because there's a high opportunity cost to firing it in terms of heat. You fire, and sustain a substantial amount of heat - if you miss (or miss a good target component, say because your target twisted his arm into the path of the bolt) the high heat is a severe penalty.
This, incidentally, is also a major reason as to why AC10's are rare as hens teeth. I can't recall
ever seeing them used in any kind of serious comp play. I'm sure they're used
sometimes, but I've certainly not seen it. Now, they get used in pubqueue play, but so do machine guns, LBX cannons, and massed LRM20's. They don't have the heat, but they're still only doing 10 damage and are quite inaccurate directly as a result of their travel speed.