Most talk about Pirates faded out a very long time ago I think. But I'm relentless.... If I want that candy bar, I'm gonna find a way to get that candy bar. Mom is gonna regret saying no when I throw my fit at checkout.
The Idea is already in feature suggestions, more than once. The Most notable one I found is this one. Its a post from 2014 that a lot of us got hyped up over.
Its a poll topic btw, you might as well click teh button eh?
So I am curious to see if this kind of thing still appeals to players?
They could do some interesting things with it.
I can even see an "expansion" type scenario that could be built around it. A separate story centered around scoundrel Mechwarriors who take advantage of the chaos caused by the invasions?

I has your thoughts and imagination?
Edited by Delta 62, 08 June 2016 - 08:23 AM.