Hotthedd, on 09 August 2016 - 07:22 AM, said:
Alpha Strikes are a part of the BT universe.
Having any kind of precision with an Alpha Strike isn't.
Using heat as a limiting factor only works if you have an actual heat scale.
The only thing that would really work would be a precision penalty for simultaneously fired weapons.
...but that will never happen.
You will still be able to alpha any build, but in a similar way to how those alphas apply to any weapon with GH.
If you build poorly, alpha can kill you. Builds will just need to changed. Also if everybody else's damage output is limited too, this means you will also take less damage per poke. SO 2 pokes at 500 m in .5 secs will probably output/receive the same damage as the current 1 poke.
We do not have dice and randomized hit locations and I have a feeling that more people would rage implementing RNG damage.
We broke from strict BT the second you introduce a pvp online game. Every game has to deal with how online PVP use smaller maps and the need to control certain factors to help balance a random team of people and their various goals (not even talking about their ingame skills).