Quaamik, on 17 August 2016 - 05:06 PM, said:
Personally, I think this is going to suck, and suck worse for clans.
Clan weapons in general have higher damage per shot, but take more time to deal damage and deliver less pinpoint. So any damage output based limiting mechanic hurts them more. Examples:
assume 30 point damage limit
IS AC 10 vs Clan AC 10
- Both deliver 10 damage per "shot"
- Assuming space and weight required are there, 3 of either could be carried.
- IS gets a 30 point pinpoint out to 450 m
- Clan gets a 30 point "burst" that typically spreads across 2 components out to 540 m
- 9 dmg / 8 heat vs 11 damage / 10 heat
- IS can fire 3 for 27 points, delivered over 1.25 seconds out to 675 m
- Clan can fire 2, for 22 points, delivered over 1.5 seconds out to 740 m
IS LPL vs Clan LPL
- 11 dmg / 7 heat vs 13 dmg / 10 heat
- IS can fire 2 for 22 points, delivered in 0.67 seconds out to 365 m
- Clan can fire 2, for 26 points, delivered in 1.12 seconds out to 600 m
IS ML vs Clan ERML vs Clan ERSL (Closest range match)
- 5 dmg / 4 heat / 270 range vs 7 dmg / 6 heat / 405 range vs 5 dmg / 3 heat / 200 range
- IS can fire 6 MLs for 30 damage delivered over 0.90 seconds out to 270 m
- Clan can fire 4 ERMLs for 28 damage delivered over 1.15 seconds out to 405 m
- Clan can fire 6 ERSLs for 30 damage delivered over 1.0 seconds out to 200 m
- Clan ERSL does have a slightly shorter time between shots.
It's better to compare by profile than by class.
iERLL vs cLPL vs cERLL:
-iERLL: 3 for 27 out to 675m for 24 heat over 1.25s for 15 tons and 6 slots
-cLPL: 2 for 26 out to 600m for 20 heat over 1.12s for 12 tons and 4 slots
-cERLL: 2 for 22 out to 740m for 20 heat over 1.50s for 8 tons and 2 slots
iLPL vs cMPL:
-iLPL: 2 for 22 out to 365m for 14 heat over 0.67s for 14 tons and 4 slots
-cMPL: 3 for 24 out to 330m for 18 heat over 0.85s for 8 tons and 3 slots*
iMPL vs cSPL
-iMPL: 5 for 30 out to 220m for 20 heat over 0.60s for 10 tons and 5 slots
-cSPL: 5 for 30 out to 165m for 15 heat over 0.75s for 5 tons and 5 slots*
iLL vs cERML
-iLL: 3 for 27 out to 450m for 21 heat over 1.00s for 15 tons and 6 slots
-cERML: 4 for 28 out to 405m for 24 heat over 1.15s for 4 tons and 4 slots*
iML vs cERSL
-iML: 6 for 30 out to 270m for 24 heat over 0.90s for 6 tons and 6 slots
-cERSL: 6 for 30 out to 200m for 18 heat over 1.00s for 3 tons and 6 slots*
*The 1.5x ranger nerf to small and medium class Clan lasers hurt the pairings greatly which lead to the rise of the UAC-10.