The Phoenix Hawk's Great Weakness
Posted 24 June 2016 - 03:53 AM
The first time I ever encountered one and shot at it, I aimed for center mass and tried to hit it's CT. I was rather amazed how long it survived. That narrow torso it has seems to spread damage very well. And it's a relatively quick mech. This makes it surprisingly difficult to bring down by just picking a torso section and trying to consistently hit that section to core it. This would make it a really great 45 ton medium, except...
For it's huge, vulnerable, weapon-crammed arms. There are only two of the entire seven variants of the 'Hawk that have any weapon hardpoints at all anywhere but in the arms.The B and 1K variants, specifically. Every other variant is completely neutered if you shoot it's arms off, and no amount of torso-twisting is going to keep you from knocking off one arm in seconds with an alpha and immediately cutting it's firepower in half. Get the other and that thing is just a smoking stick with legs, completely worthless for the rest of the match. With only 28 points of armor max and their huge size compared to the rest of the mech, this is VERY easy to do. Even the two variants with torso hard-points are at the absolute most carrying one ERPPC (B variant) or one ERLL/LL/LPL (1K). Usually something smaller though. The reason: It doesn't really have the tonnage. Most people are going to put Med lasers in this thing, and only the B variant can carry two of them in the CT. The K can only carry one in its right torso. Not much of a threat. And exactly why I decided not to purchase one, because I saw this huge design flaw right away.
So yeah, when you see one of these things, alpha it in the arm immediately, and chuckle evilly as half it's arsenal vanishes in one shot. If he still wants to fight, take off the other and try not to wet yourself laughing.
If your running 'Hawks this weekend, my advice is to at least run the 1K, and god have mercy on your soon-to-be poor, tortured souls.
Posted 24 June 2016 - 04:07 AM
Only ones I have had luck with are the 1K and the 1B. I play the 1K like a BJ-1x and the 1B like a BJ-3. Seems all right, just redundant.
Tried a 3LL build on the...I don't recall the designation and I am to lazy to look it up...the one with the LL range quirk...and in three matches the only success I had was when hiding and poking. As soon as I joined the push I was disarmed and left for dross in seconds.
Posted 24 June 2016 - 04:08 AM
Least he lost half his firepower.
Then shortly after died from an XL check.
Posted 24 June 2016 - 04:58 AM

Posted 24 June 2016 - 05:10 AM
I have been averaging about 150 damage with some games at 300-400. No real heavy duty quirks. It also seems a bit large for a 45 tonner. (Pretty sure someone will say the size is cannon). As said by others I am easily killed, arms shot off and so forth.
This challenge will be a lot of fun .... for those not running them. It will be a PHX shooting gallery.
Posted 24 June 2016 - 05:21 AM
Posted 24 June 2016 - 05:28 AM
Posted 24 June 2016 - 06:00 AM
The Phoenix Hawks with no arm mounts are damn vulnerable, though. It really hammers down the importance of asymmetry.
Posted 24 June 2016 - 06:23 AM
Basically to kill it, bring something that isn't another Phoenix Hawk.
Posted 24 June 2016 - 06:34 AM
Posted 24 June 2016 - 06:46 AM

Posted 24 June 2016 - 08:35 AM
Posted 24 June 2016 - 08:51 AM
Overall the mechs seems pretty weak, a Blackjack is better in almost all cases, but the ECM variant is fun to play and the visuals on it are really good.
Posted 24 June 2016 - 09:26 AM
Posted 24 June 2016 - 10:52 AM
Posted 24 June 2016 - 10:55 AM
Posted 24 June 2016 - 11:02 AM
Its almost impossible to be viable without an XL, so more often then not, vomiting on their side torsos is a quick way to remove them from the battlefield.
Honestly, they need a minor quirck adjustment (they need more structure)...
Posted 24 June 2016 - 11:53 AM
I am afraid of taking my 1K out due to, well, it to me is the worst due to either you use all the hard points and need to then get in close, or you take some bigger lasers to make use of that STD laser burn reduction. I mean I am playing these things like a wolfhound, but, wolfhounds put majority of their firepower in their torsos.
But, hey, I like the Phoenix Hawk, fun mech with a high skill floor and I don't know how high the skill cap is for the chassis, still, fun mech, up there with the Wolfhound, Crab, and Marauder for me.
Posted 24 June 2016 - 11:55 AM
Posted 24 June 2016 - 12:10 PM
Wintersdark, on 24 June 2016 - 05:21 AM, said:
Even when piloted by people who know how to play them, it's a juicy shooting gallery.
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