Lucky Rookie, on 03 July 2016 - 09:11 AM, said:
- As of yet, played 45 qualifying (IS vs Clan) scouting matches total and won 15 of them.
- Played 12 scouting matches just today and got only 2 wins. I still need 5 more wins to complete the challenge but I'm not gonna keep playing for today. Today's frustrations made me sick of the game.
- Played 3 invasions, won once, lost twice.
- All those matches lost, both scouting and invasion alike, were due to crappy coordination (or total lack thereof) of pugs.
- Stormcrows etc. can easily be defeated if played as a group. In my experience clan mechs seem pretty balanced.
- Pugs vs teams are usually auto-fail.
- Clans have more teams (because they have less players?) and play better as teams.
- The game rewards coordination more than anything. Which is how it is supposed to be. However this means Faction Play is mostly an exercise in futility and frustration for solo players and small units. Granted, this is a hard problem to solve but must be solved. In its current incarnation, command wheel is almost useless. In the heat of the battle you can't really mark targets to pile on etc. It needs to be improved drastically but I'm not sure whether a greatly improved future command wheel using pugs can equal a voice chatting team.
my observations are similar to yours, I just add a few toughts:
- I do not find the clanners to be more coordinated respect to IS side. It usually depends on unit playing at the moment. For example, I spent this Sunday afternoon playing some scouting missions with FRR. I was pleased with my results and we were on the verge of gaining the infamous Long Tom but then I began facing 3-4 men [-MS-] teams (the planet that FRR was attacking was theirs). Game over on that planet for me. [-MS-] guys are really very, very strong players. Chapeau to them!
- I almost rage quitted once for frustration and I sweared a lot against the monitor , BUT I do plan to continue enjoying the game in the near future. Losses are part of the game.
- Stormcrows, like you say, can be defeated, I had no problem with the right group to kill them. Obviously they're difficult to beat if you face 4 of them against one Locust, one Cicada, one Raven and one Griffin. Bring up the tonnage if you want to fight and not only collect the intel and run away...
- PGI tried to separate the queues between solo players and unit players. It did not work, the solo players queue was almost empty. People formed one man unit to be on the unit players queue. It's not an easy task to make FP enjoyable to both coordinated groups AND to solo players, uncoordinated by definition.