Wintersdark, on 02 July 2016 - 11:53 AM, said:
In all seriousness, I'd go so far as to directly oppose increasing the other cn9 engine caps.
We need more build restrictions, not less, to help avoid the Plague Of LegoMechs.
Engine caps should be high enough to avoid CTF-4X syndrome, but should not all just be very high or you lose aspects that make chassis different from each other. The last thing we need is more "slightly differently shaped bags of hard points"
That's just damned boring and leads to every mech being essentially identical on the battlefield after everyone smudges them into whatever the current meta is.
Well,I would say that all mechs have an egnine cap that allows for the next movement level. So an 8/12 mech can become a 9/14 one. Or of course, if that would lead you to a 400, rating then obviously that. Other thing maybe is that any Caps be rounded UP to the nearest rating of 25. This was already done for CN9 and HBKs.
RFL? Not a 290, but a 300 cap. CPLT? Instead of a 315, a 325. BJ1? Instead of a 235, it gets a 250. It would ungimp a few mechs on the internal heatsink thing, too.
Given the overall whiny nature of the forums, I'm sure people would complain because VNDs and BJs didn't get a 255 engine cap "because the Xls weigh the same", etc, (same with 275/280, etc) but honestly, so what? People gonna QQ anyhow.
Appogee, on 02 July 2016 - 12:07 PM, said:
It was a balancing/variety mechanic across Mech variants from waaaay back ... long before Clans,80 point alphas and 20-hardpoint power creep omnipods.
Yeah, and I don't have an issue with it in and of itself, it just needs tweaking, like they did long ago, with CN9s and HBK being allowed 275s, the YLW a 300, etc. If the CTF-4X could run a 300, for instance, there would be no real reason for QQ. Heck a 280, even.
Of course it would still be bad because of knee level ACs, but that's a different story.