ScarecrowES, on 15 July 2016 - 04:26 PM, said:
Reference my comments above about how the difference in philosophy between Aleksandr and Nicholas Kerensky informs the differences between the Crusader and Warden Clans.
true but ultimately the structure and inbred biases of their culture were owing to Nicholas and he clearly demonstrated early on that the choices were either play by his rules or get smashed. Some clans were able to preserve a better sense of balance within themselves then others but they were still essentially fascist societies some dictators were just more benevolent then others.
That's not to say that the inner sphere were often any better with their feudal society.
Or comstar with it's cultist behavior an messiah complex who knowingly and deliberately perpetrated centuries of barbarism to satisfy it's self indulgent doctrine until it realized that it faced and existential threat and would actually have to allow access to some of its stash.
I just have a visceral dislike to figures like Nicholas (and Blake and Katherine steiner-Davion) these guys are bad guys you are supposed to dislike them. Nicholas's finger prints are just a bit deeper then these two.
For the most part Invasion was written with lots of memories of the cold war when Russia was the bad guy (Clans=Russia)
Jihad was self explanatory in this context.
Take you pick of the current hot spots to figure out the next chapters China vs rest of Asia and consequently the US and everyone else. Putin invading rest of Ukraine, Balkans, Finland (clans resurgent pushing through GBD) etc. Jihad just keeps going on etc. God knows how Trump would be interpreted.