I've never really cared about the KDK-3. Really I haven't. I could say it a hundred more times in a hundred different threads though, and nobody would believe me.
I bought the Kodiaks specifically AND SOLELY for the Spirit Bear, because a 100-ton rampaging M.A.S.C. monster with a heavy strike-brawling armament and the mobility of a 'Mech thirty tons smaller than itself sounded completely awesome. And it does. It sounds amazing, and for a little bit it really kinda was.
But apparently you just really, truly can NOT have an assault 'Mech that isn't an oversized, overgunned, under-engined bag of molasses unable to maneuver more effectively than a post-crash Hindenburg. Nope. We're just flat not allowed to have any sort of assault 'Mech that doesn't conform to the Dire Whale school of (barely) walking turret thought, not and still have it be worth jack-all. Can't ever have a Lightning Bruiser-style 'Mech that trades away some of that firepower in exchange for significantly higher than class-normal mobility to create a new and different play experience in the overly camp-heavy, backstab-prone assault category, nope nope nope. Not and have it be actually good.
Not Victors.
Not Executioners.
Not Garfayles.
Not Fattlemasters.
Not Spirit Bears, either.
Seriously. Seriously, I get it, guys. Just f*** all assault 'Mechs forever. Gotcha. Understood. Message received. Roger wilco.
Alistair Winter, on 16 July 2016 - 02:22 AM, said:
Look at the number of KDK-3's we've been seeing in the group queue and the tournament since it started. So... the KDK-3 was widely considered the best assault mech, yet... somehow it was perfectly balanced and didn't need to get nerfed? Ok.
Shame about the less powerful variants, but PGI gonna PGI. Not so much a nerf bat as nerf carpet bombing.
Again...c'mon, man. You know I didn't really care about them hammering the KDK-3 into extinction, but you're a smart guy. You know the game better than I do, eh? WHY did they have to maul the rest of the Kodiaks, too?
Why'd they have to go and brutalize the poor one-trick pony Spirit Bear? All it freaking had was its one, singular glorious War Train brawly build. Was anyone really, truly complaining about that thing?
Edited by 1453 R, 16 July 2016 - 07:27 AM.