Rampage, on 15 July 2016 - 09:25 PM, said:
You can self nerf the Viper by running anything other than stock Omnipods.
It won't need recombined pods. The Hero variant can run six clan lasers with a total 20% range boost after modules at 139.3 kph with six JJs and hit-boxes that are similar to a Storm Crow on a much smaller frame with room for 3 extra cDHS. It will be a fantastic 'Mech for caps and fast strikes. You can get up to 496 meters of optimal poke using a TComp Mk. I and cERML. 202 with cSPL. 245 with cERSL (though cERSL are so light I would probably suggest a bigger TComp, which would make them favorable to IS ML).
It will be hot but it will be fast enough for that to not matter so much. Kind of like the LCT-1E with 6xML right now, only not as fraggable.
The re-combined mixed Omnis will also be fantastic...simply because the Clan Tech is already pretty good (and is the entire reason we have quirks in the first place).
Edited by Yeonne Greene, 15 July 2016 - 09:35 PM.