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Bug: Viper Omnipod Purchase Error

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#1 Osprey Hawk


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 02:57 PM

Title: Unable to purchase Omnipods for Viper
Description: When attempting to add a different omnipod to a Viper, an error occurs when saving stating "An error occurred while saving". This happens with all my variants including adding any omnipod from a variant I already own. The error does not happen when swapping an owned component after being removed from a different Mech.
Location: Mechlab
Reproduction Rate: 100%

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Select a Viper Mech variant
2. Enter Mechbay and select loadout
3. Select a component to change (head, left torso, etc.)
4. Under the Omnipods tab, replace the selected component with one from a different variant that you do not have a spare of in inventory (Swap Viper-A R-Arm with Viper-PRIME R-Arm, for instance
5. Save changes

Note that changing weapons, ammo, or modules does not affect the outcome.

#2 Supersmacky


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 03:08 PM

Have a similar problem to this except none of my Viper omnipods show up. I am having the same problem. Went into mechlab to fool around with some different builds/combinations and, surprise, no omnipods for the Viper. Checked my other clan mechs and all the others appear to have them available.

Edited by Supersmacky, 19 July 2016 - 03:09 PM.

#3 xeromynd


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 03:09 PM

Worst part is, I fear this is how they're treating the Viper omnipods intentionally. This is the exact same way they treated the NVA-D(L) omnipods when that mech came out.

Difference being, that mech was free (cool!) this is real money we're talking about (not cool)

#4 Cyrilis


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 03:15 PM

a bit different here.
I was able to purchase all omnipods exept the Medusa Omnipods earlier the evening, including the Reinforcement omnipods (although I did not buy reinfircements). At the moment I cant byu ANY omnipods. they are not even shown in the omnipod tab

#5 Dee Eight


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 03:19 PM

You can now however buy the Nova D pods. I've bought a few for my existing novas. Saw no reason to spend cash for a whole mech that I just wanted two pods from.

#6 Osprey Hawk


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 03:43 PM

An update of sorts. I wrote the draft prior to the server maintenance then went back into the game soon after posting. A new issue that arose is that I now had duplicates of my Viper-M and A Right torsos in my inventory and the other variants were missing from the list.

After playing a Quickmatch, they both disappeared and I do not have an option to purchase any Omnipods as the list is empty unless I have one in inventory.

#7 Alexander Garden


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 03:48 PM

There was an error with the MechLab Warehouse after the patch that caused the OmniPods for all Viper variants to appear for direct purchase for all Viper owners, including those of the Medusa and Reinforcement variants. The issue with this is that if you only owned the Standard or Collector Pack, but not the Hero or the Reinforcements, you could simply purchase the OmniPods of those variants and equip them onto one of your owned variants (excluding the CT).
The initial fix for this mornings issue involved the removal of all Viper OmniPods from the in-game Warehouse, which is why you no longer saw them available for direct purchase.

With the way the in-game Warehouse system works right now we unfortunately can't restrict OmniPod availability per-user according to their owned variants. In other words we can't activate VPR-M OmniPods solely for owners of the Medusa.

While we can't make the Hero and Reinforcement OmniPods available for purchase in-game for the above reason, the VPR-Prime, VPR-A, and VPR-B OmniPods are now available again for direct in-game purchase by owners of the Standard or Collector Packs.
Every Viper owner has those three variants; there is no need to limit the acquisition of their OmniPods.

Unfortunately, the VPR-C, VPR-D, and VPR-M OmniPods will not become available for direct in-game purchase until those 'Mechs release in-game for purchase, regardless of whether you own the associated Hero or Reinforcement Add-On.

I will be following up here to examine if it's feasible for us to introduce per-user ownership filtering for the in-game Warehouse in the future, to allow for OmniPod purchasing by owners of the associated variants.

The VPR-Prime, VPR-A, and VPR-B OmniPods are now available for direct purchase in-game.
The VPR-C, VPR-D, and VPR-M OmniPods won't become available for direct purchase until the Viper 'Mechs themselves release for direct purchase in-game.

Medusa/Clan Hero OmniPods: The Viper VPR-M 'Medusa' Hero OmniPods, along with all other Clan Hero OmniPods, cannot be purchased separately from the Hero 'Mech. To acquire Hero OmniPods for use with other variants of that chassis, you must own an instance of the Hero 'Mech to remove and use its OmniPods elsewhere.

Edited by Alexander Garden, 29 November 2016 - 12:15 PM.
Updating this post to accurately reflect the status of Clan Hero OmniPods

#8 Ironwithin


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 03:52 PM

The Viper cannot be bought with CBills yet so you cannot purchase any of its omnipods. You get the ones from your 'mechs and switch those around as you see fit, no extras though until you can buy the whole 'mech with CBills.
It's been like this with every omimech released so far.

#9 Dee Eight


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 04:30 PM

If you remove your pods, and then re-arrange them, the amount in inventory remains the same after you save the mech and switch to another chassic. Ie, I removed ALL the RA/LA/RT/LT pods from all my vipers and saved the chassis without them. Then re-installed them. The inventory in the loadout of the mech lab still shows each pod available even when there aren't any actually in the inventory. However the Prime and A,B pods are not showing as purchasable. I'm trying to buy extra Prime torso pods to put on an Viper-A and it won't save it.

Edited by Dee Eight, 19 July 2016 - 04:31 PM.

#10 KillerWarGuy


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Posted 20 July 2016 - 12:00 PM

View PostAlexander Garden, on 19 July 2016 - 03:48 PM, said:

There was an error with the MechLab Warehouse after the patch that caused the OmniPods for all Viper variants to appear for direct purchase for all Viper owners, including those of the Medusa and Reinforcement variants. The issue with this is that if you only owned the Standard or Collector Pack, but not the Hero or the Reinforcements, you could simply purchase the OmniPods of those variants and equip them onto one of your owned variants (excluding the CT).
The initial fix for this mornings issue involved the removal of all Viper OmniPods from the in-game Warehouse, which is why you no longer saw them available for direct purchase.

With the way the in-game Warehouse system works right now we unfortunately can't restrict OmniPod availability per-user according to their owned variants. In other words we can't activate VPR-M OmniPods solely for owners of the Medusa.

While we can't make the Hero and Reinforcement OmniPods available for purchase in-game for the above reason, the VPR-Prime, VPR-A, and VPR-B OmniPods are now available again for direct in-game purchase by owners of the Standard or Collector Packs.
Every Viper owner has those three variants; there is no need to limit the acquisition of their OmniPods.

Unfortunately, the VPR-C, VPR-D, and VPR-M OmniPods will not become available for direct in-game purchase until those 'Mechs release in-game for purchase, regardless of whether you own the associated Hero or Reinforcement Add-On.

I will be following up here to examine if it's feasible for us to introduce per-user ownership filtering for the in-game Warehouse in the future, to allow for OmniPod purchasing by owners of the associated variants.

The VPR-Prime, VPR-A, and VPR-B OmniPods are now available for direct purchase in-game.
The VPR-C, VPR-D, and VPR-M OmniPods won't become available for direct purchase until the Viper 'Mechs themselves release for direct purchase in-game.

Now I'm flipping pissed! I spent real money for all the variants and I have to wait for the mechs to be available for pretend money before I get to really use what I paid for?!?!? seriously! Is this a test to see just what you can pull before sales drop?

Edited by KillerWarGuy, 20 July 2016 - 12:01 PM.

#11 Undercover Brother


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Posted 20 July 2016 - 12:42 PM


So, I get to spend $70, but only get half my ****, for MONTHS, because...why?!

Who do I speak to for my refund again?

#12 Ironwithin


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Posted 20 July 2016 - 12:45 PM

View PostT Decker, on 20 July 2016 - 12:42 PM, said:


So, I get to spend $70, but only get half my ****, for MONTHS, because...why?!

Who do I speak to for my refund again?


#13 Rubiis


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Posted 20 July 2016 - 02:05 PM

So based on what I read, keep my money in my bank account, when it comes to omni-mechs. I can honestly say PGI dropped the ball on this release. People get up early, work long hours, to give money to providers for entertainment. Until the providers SCREW THEM, and then they stop giving money.......... VERY........VERY ........ SUDDENLY !

Edited by Rubiis, 20 July 2016 - 02:07 PM.

#14 Rubiis


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Posted 20 July 2016 - 02:54 PM

One other question, why does a Clan 315 engine come with 2 extra heat sink slots in the engine, yet the clan 320 engine in the Viper has NONE? Is it a special Clan engine? Ok 3 quetions. Why does the armor AND endo-steel weights not match other clan mechs? i.e why is the armor and endo steel way less in other clan mechs vs. the Viper?

#15 Ironwithin


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Posted 20 July 2016 - 04:09 PM

View PostRubiis, on 20 July 2016 - 02:54 PM, said:

One other question, why does a Clan 315 engine come with 2 extra heat sink slots in the engine, yet the clan 320 engine in the Viper has NONE? ...

The Viper being an omnimech it has some special restrictions (like fixed armor and structure type, fixed heatsinks/jumpjets, fixed MASC, that kind of stuff). Why PGI restricts installing extra heatsinks into engines on some clammers I don't know(apart from the usual "for balance!"-drivel) but it's what they do.
Other examples for this:
Stormcrow, 330xl, cannot mount any extra heatsink in the engine;
Ice Ferret, 360xl, has 2 extra heatsink you cannot remove and can mount two more.

It just doesn't follow any rhyme or reason.


...Why does the armor AND endo-steel weights not match other clan mechs? i.e why is the armor and endo steel way less in other clan mechs vs. the Viper?

Don't understand that one, could you elaborate ? Looking at smurfy everything seems to be in order with the weights and slot-counts, don't have any Vipers so can't check in-game.

#16 Boomgun


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Posted 20 July 2016 - 05:38 PM

I have purchased the whole package but I can only purchase omnipods for the Prime, A and B variants. Omnipods for the C and D are missing.

#17 Ironwithin


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Posted 20 July 2016 - 06:42 PM

View PostBoomgun, on 20 July 2016 - 05:38 PM, said:

I have purchased the whole package but I can only purchase omnipods for the Prime, A and B variants. Omnipods for the C and D are missing.

Read the stuff in blue.

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