Hi Bombadil. This is no softball question and would be best towards the beginning of Q&A (would be kinda pointless at the end). It's a question, I think, many on the 90% side of the fence would like to hear answered.
Thank You for taking my question, Panel. Sorry, I have a preamble for context. As an FRR pug loyalist and no great fan of the Invasion/CA mode, I think have solid perspective on why the 90% are not showing up to FW. It is not unit caps, planet tags, or attack lanes. It is fundamental gameplay and enjoyment. After a year and a half of personal experience, of talking to players and of reading the forums, the most common summary from players as to why they don't play FW is: it's not fun. Then follows a list of reasons which, frankly, I think we're all familiar with. But it's apparently guarded by a leper with a laser because no one will go near it. The sublist is this: choke point maps, repetitive carnage, spawn camping, unbalanced (sometimes grossly imbalanced) matches, no variety in maps, modes, play style, and wait times (which is both symptom and cause). Is this panel, and PGI, really prepared to address core problems deeply affecting the popularity of FW or can we expect hyper-specialized discusions on items clearly of much lower priority?
My fear is that this Round Table will engage the FW players (as stated in the announcement) and miss the big problem - 90% of players don't play FW. It will focus instead on relative minutae, on incremental fixes and on bells and whistles. There will be talk of lore and immersion, of units and population. They'll broach time and rewards and mention buckets and queues. Someone will bring up economies and planet benefits, UI's and dropdecks and on and on. All the while they'll miss the scariest number: 90%.
As an FRR pug loyalist, I may have a better view of both sides of the fence - those that love FW as is, and the 90% who can't stand it. I am in that 90%. Invasion/CA I avoid and for the same reason as those who have rejected or left FW: it's not fun. And THIS is the root problem. The forum has literally hundreds of posts using these same words. Sometimes they give reasons, sometimes not. When they do it is almost always something that is in the list below.
That said, I do have about 450 matches in I/CA. So I'm not out of the loop. But that's 450 matches over the 1.5 years of CW/FW. By contrast, in the short time that scouting has been available, I'm already approaching 1000 matches. Why? I know it's not for everyone and has a few problems, but Scout is a real blast to play. Simple equation. I play what I like (have fun with), avoid what I don't like. It's the same for the 90%.
It should be plainly obvious that if FW had the same or greater appeal as QP, it would be the popular mode. Particularly given that QP is randomly great game, good game, bad game or terrible game, you'd think that ANYthing could beat it. FW does not. With 90% preferring QP, you don't need to look further for proof that FW has fundamental and serious problems.
And here they are:
double carnage (96 mechs in 30 minutes vs. 24 in 15 QP)
chokepoint maps (every one)
gates (every map)
canons (every map)
seal clubbing/matchmaker (frequent, grotesquely imbalanced matches)
one mode (single dimensional goals with the "variations" of destroy canon, defend canon, retake dead canon, defend dead canon)
gen/spawn rushes (still happen)
spawn camping (Still here but should not exist, period)
contextless (no sense that this is a planetary invasion - and other immersion issues)
wait times (initially a symptom, now a cause unto itself)
repetition, bad repetition and more repetition (lack of variety in maps/modes/play styles)
The sad thing is that every item on the list was aired in the forums by the end of January 2015. That was the big missed opportunity. That was the time for the important reset. Sadder still, FW may well be beyond fixable within PGI's budget since needed changes are fundamental and, likely, expensive in time and money.
If anyone thinks I'm blowing smoke with the "hundreds of posts" claim, I'm actually being generous. Consider this thread alone:
Mr Inconsistent, on 22 July 2016 - 06:26 PM, said:
The voice of the customer needs to cover all areas of the player base, not just the top faction play units. If you are trying to broaden the number and types of players who play what is considered a core game mode, you need to talk to a broader audience.
Wintersdark, on 22 July 2016 - 06:43 PM, said:
...but what's important here is fixing faction play so it doesn't suck.
NightStalker97, on 22 July 2016 - 06:57 PM, said:
Can we place suggestions for fixing faction play here? More so than commenting on already existing features. I feel like there is a lot to say in that regard.
Not everything we have to say can be phrased into a short question, especially in regards to a system that needs as much love as faction play.
And I agree. Taking feedback from only the big units won't be of much use to fixing it. As many of the people who do play and who PGI should try to attract are new players (since there aren't enough people in FP), usually single, or small units.
Zuesacoatl, on 22 July 2016 - 10:20 PM, said:
I do not play FW anymore because of how much sway the big units have...
Rampage, on 26 July 2016 - 04:06 PM, said:
... I will tell why I do not play FP.
It is not fun! I think a lot of people who no longer play FP feel the same way about it.
It was not fun being on the winning side of one sided games. It was not fun being on the losing side of one sided games. It became repetitive after only about twentyish games and I simply had no desire to play it anymore.
cazidin, on 26 July 2016 - 01:51 PM, said:
Because, right now, it simply isn't fun. There are a lot of us who like it and want to see it improve but we simply don't find it to be an entertaining alternative to quick play. ...
Desintegrator, on 22 July 2016 - 11:18 PM, said:
No thanks, I will NOT join the discussion !
No, not with me - I join the "Quick Play" for the next 10 years.
Skaav, on 26 July 2016 - 10:33 AM, said:
Making the mode fun and rewarding solves ALL issues its currently facing, population, buckets, no possibility for a split Q, these are all not issues of immersion, or of not having what we want, its just a matter of fun/reward, and the reward is high (Cbills wise at least, could ofc always be improved) but fun is, IMHO, non existent, not after 500+ Matches.
Jables McBarty, on 26 July 2016 - 10:04 AM, said:
The "extra sh*t" (lore, dropships, unit interactions, etc.) would be nice, but the "core sh*t" (repetitive gameplay with little variation) will always keep population low.
I posit this: That the jaded units that want more "extra sh*t" are jaded because the core sh*t is fundamentally uninteresting. If the core gameplay was interesting and varied, there's a reason to play.
Don't get me wrong, I really really really want to see all the extra sh*t. Economy, dropships, logistics, you name it. But it's really just icing on a very, very bland cake.
Malleus011, on 26 July 2016 - 10:49 AM, said:
Cross posted from Reddit:
Community Warfare as designed isn't FUN for the general population. That has to remedied or the game mode will remain dead. FUN is the most important thing. If it isn't FUN to play, all the other points are cockpit items.
Fun. Fun. In case you missed the point, make it FUN. For as many kinds of players as possible, from the worshippers of the church of skill to the longbearded lore expert to the wet-behind-the-ears newbie who can't spell PPC. CW must be fun. Got it? Deliver the fun. Stop holding the fun hostage...
NightStalker97, on 26 July 2016 - 11:24 AM, said:
2) Make the game play fun. ...
JernauM, on 23 July 2016 - 03:35 AM, said:
Way ahead of you bud [in preferring QP]. Me and most of MWO's smallish player-base, it seems. But I guess that's the problem PGI would like to solve here.
S C A R, on 26 July 2016 - 09:30 AM, said:
Pjwned, on 23 July 2016 - 10:43 AM, said:
There's so many things I dislike about faction warfare overall that it's hard for me to suggest where to start.
I guess the maps would be a good place to start since they boil down to going through some crappy lanes and that needs to change.
The mode itself is also just not very fun because it's always either a tedious chore trying to wear the enemy down (with all the respawns involved) or else it's a crapshoot where the generator gets rushed down and then it's all over; not fun.
XX Sulla XX, on 23 July 2016 - 11:08 PM, said:
Some thoughts.....
1. Improve basic play in CW. If the basic play is not fun whats the point....
Jack Booted Thug, on 25 July 2016 - 04:47 PM, said:
PGI needs to understand the REASONS behind low population which cause long que times, etc... IE... shallow game mode, boring maps, lack of variety and interesting game play, etc...
If the mode itself is not interesting and fun boiling it down to fewer factions and offering bribes and such won't get many more people to play, at lest not long term.
The popularity problem facing FW is both BIG and BASIC in its nature. The quotes above, I hope, are representative of the 90% who don't play FW or have played and quit.
To reiterate, my fear is that this Round Table may miss the mark and fail to consider the true depth and seriousness of the problems. It seems likely it will careen off into deciding what color of lipstick to put on the gorilla. There is a lot of great discussion and great ideas being aired here, but few actually hit on the core, the depopulating, problems. Unit caps may be a worthy topic to many, for example, but these lesser issues, problems and ideas will not save FW.
For PGI, it's a rock and hard place. FW simply cannot be fixed by tweaks and lipstick. Yet a direct approach to the current maps, modes and their problems would break the bank.
In my next post, I'll offer an integrational path that addresses the list above, leverages existing maps, modes, resources and hopefully makes FW as appealing as QP.