Upcoming Faction Play Round Table
Posted 28 July 2016 - 02:26 AM
just a small idea. I know quite a few players that left CW because they reacehd rank 20 and they did not have anything more to achieve. We need to bring something to CW that gives them the drive to come back.
I could imagine something like giving them the possibility to purchase supply cache keys for their excess LP.
IMHO about 500 to 1000 LP (which is one or two CW games for me) would be a reasonable price for one supply cache key.
Posted 28 July 2016 - 03:03 AM
Cyrilis, on 28 July 2016 - 02:26 AM, said:
just a small idea. I know quite a few players that left CW because they reacehd rank 20 and they did not have anything more to achieve. We need to bring something to CW that gives them the drive to come back.
I could imagine something like giving them the possibility to purchase supply cache keys for their excess LP.
IMHO about 500 to 1000 LP (which is one or two CW games for me) would be a reasonable price for one supply cache key.
Along these lines, there is a lot of room in this game to make titles more meaningful. Like awarding them for some super high number of career kills as a member of a faction INSTEAD of awarding them for buying mech packages.
I mean really. What game gives out titles for buying stuff? Whose idea was it to link titles to merchandise? You already get all of that cockpit bling for your purchase, and it's not exactly a point of pride to walk around with a title that basically says "I spent $20". Or 40. Or 70.
Posted 28 July 2016 - 03:11 AM
I admit that I am not an experienced player in MWO. However, there are some things that I found could use improvement.
Here are a few things to consider to improve Faction Play:
(1) Faction Play game times seem scattered. They can occur at any time throughout the day or night, and any day of the week. Assistance for defense or attacks can occur when we, the players, are busy with our real world responsibilities. Although, some groups do schedule regular times for their own group to play, it is not enough. The remedy:
a. Schedule Faction Play games so that players can plan ahead to participate.
b. For example, 1 game starting every hour for an entire weekend.
c. Players can then plan ahead to chose their preferences for factions. Players will be able to chose time slots that fit their schedule. Players will be better able to chose their team members.
(2) New players get slaughter in FP. They should not be permitted to enter into it. However, it is not just newbies like me. Intermediate players also end up being over matched often. The remedy:
a. Create Faction Play Divisions for the level of the players:
b. For example: 5 divisions may suffice.
i. Division I ONLY for new players. Intermediate and advanced players cannot join in. The software kicks a player out and up one division once a player has improved enough.
ii. Division II: This where new and intermediate players play, but not advanced players.
iii. Division III: This is where all level of players can play; new, intermediate, and advanced.
iv. Division IV: Intermediate and advanced level players can play, but not new players.
v. Division V: Only advanced level players are permitted to play at this level.
c. Each division has different rewards of C-bills and experience. The higher the level, the higher the reward.
Next. Several players have made good comments about the “lore” of the game and events of the game. What they were saying seemed to concentrate on the storyline, theme, and characters built into the game. I agree with them. However, I am concentrating on the timeline, and the social-political-economic-cultural underpinnings of the original game and novels. MWO does not adhere strictly to lore or the underpinnings of the timeline.
(3) The original timeline involved events that ranged from scientific discoveries, to historic events, and legendary battles. All of these gave spice to the BattleTech universe. They are missing from MWO. The remedy:
a. Create Faction Play divisions so that players can chose how closely they can follow the original timeline of events.
i. “Alternative Adherence Timeline” is what MWO is now. The events can alter course away from the original timeline and history.
ii. “Original Adherence Timeline” plays out by following strictly the events and timeline within the history of the game.
1. This would mean that players could participate in the historic battles of the novels. These could be mega-sized events that can take months.
2. In addition, battles could be invented to add flavor. These would be battles that never made it onto the novels.
(4) (NOTE: I do not claim to be an expert on Clan Honor Code. This is an example only.) Adherence to the socio-political-economic-cultural of the original. In the original, the clans had an honor code that evolved within their societies and defined each of their cultures. One example was the bidding processes that they had in order to win the right to battle opponents such as the Inner Sphere. The lowest bid won the right to attack. If that unit won they would likely keep the spoils of war and be rewarded with honor. However, if they lost they would not be compensated and they would lose honor. In Clan society/culture, honor was a commodity that was extremely valued. To clarify, it would be likely that a clan attack on the Inner Sphere would be comprised of a smaller force than the defending Inner Sphere would field. In other words, the Clans would have less mechs on the map than the Inner Sphere. That is not reflected in MWO. The remedy:
a. Create 2 separate Faction Play tracks.
i. Adherence: Unrestricted. Basically, MWO as it is now.
ii. Adherence: Restricted. The Clans must place bids that state, and bind them, as to how many mechs they will implement. The highest number of mechs permitted cannot be equal to or greater than the number of mechs of their opponents; must be less.
iii. When the Clans win they receive much more rewards than what they are given now.
iv. If the Clans are not sucessful in their first attempt, the next attack/defend the Clans attempt they will be permitted to bring a full unit of 12 mechs.
(5) One manner in which to add spice to the game is the following. The characteristics of each unique faction will be incorporated into the loyalist units, and LONG TERM contract mercenaries and freelancers. However, it will be optional for TEMPORARY mercenaries, and freelancers. Loyalists units have the opportunity to purchase equipment that is available through their faction’s production facilities. However, they will also have the limitations of their faction’s production facilities. Loyalist units receive a 25% discount off the price of the factions’ production facilities. Long term contract mercenaries and freelancers will receive a 12.5% discount or benefit off the price of the factions’ production facilities. While temporary mercenaries and freelancers receive 5% off discount or benefit. The opposite is also in effect. Whatever the faction lacks, so will all its units lack. For example:
a. The Free Worlds League, originally, was able to produce large lasers. They actually prefered large lasers. Therefore, all FWL Loyalists units/players can receive an in game discount when they purchase/equip large lasers.
b. However, the FWL, originally, had low production volumes (limitations) of PPCs. Thus, all units that fight for them pay a higher price for PPCs.
c. In order to make it adhere closer to the original, some specific equipment may not be available at all.
d. This will also apply to the availability of mechs produced by each faction. For example, the Capellan Confederation produced the Vindicator medium mech. That mech will be available for purchase by all CC units, mercs, and freelancers within the Capellan Confederation. They will receive a discount as mentioned. Any unit, merc, or freelancer not under contract to the CC will pay more because it is not easily available to them.
e. However, an additional rule could be made. Non-faction mechs can be used if a player actually destroyed that mech within FP combat. The software program can be expanded to keep track of what mechs a player has destroyed. For example, if a player destroyed a specific type of mech 4 different times, then on the 5th time the player destroys that specific type of mech that player gets to keep it; including its specific variant. This would take into account that factions kept a portion of all destroyed equipment/mechs. Keep in mind, that after a year or two it is likely that a player has destroyed many different mechs and would thus have an unrealistic large collection of hard to find mechs and equipment. So much so, that there may be a need to place a limit on how many mechs a player can accumulate in such a manner.
(6) All internet based games are heavily reliant on the quality and speed of their players’ internet connections. You already know that ISP’s do not care if a video game company goes out of business because another one will take it’s place in a week. Disconnects and lag (slow down of speed) create too much frustration for too many players, in too many internet video games. Your game is no different.
a. I would pay to purchase MWO as a stand alone PC game.
b. It could be infused with all the lore, history, culture, etc., etc., of the original, but without all that frustration.
c. It could be updated on a regular basis.
d. New maps could be released two or three times per year.
e. New units could be released when needed to spice up the game.
f. However, that business model is no longer fashionable with video game companies. Obviously, because F2P is so profitable … at first, but then their product loses its spice … its uniqueness.
g. I suggest to your company to make an OPTIONAL stand alone PC game ($100).
i. That way new players can improve their skills before joining FW or even the PUGs.
ii. That will permit experience players to not have to suffer with newbies.
iii. Let’s face it. There are games that require huge investments in time and energy before a player becomes good at it. This game requires HUGE amounts of time and energy. By the time it takes for me to become an advanced player … I will have lost interest BECAUSE it became too much like work and not enough like a past time to entertain me.
Edited by CrazyCuban, 28 July 2016 - 03:22 AM.
Posted 28 July 2016 - 03:11 AM
Hunka Junk, on 28 July 2016 - 03:03 AM, said:
Along these lines, there is a lot of room in this game to make titles more meaningful. Like awarding them for some super high number of career kills as a member of a faction INSTEAD of awarding them for buying mech packages.
I mean really. What game gives out titles for buying stuff? Whose idea was it to link titles to merchandise? You already get all of that cockpit bling for your purchase, and it's not exactly a point of pride to walk around with a title that basically says "I spent $20". Or 40. Or 70.
I agree. In my opinion you are right.
Posted 28 July 2016 - 04:18 AM
Bombadil, on 22 July 2016 - 06:10 PM, said:
Thank you.
A lot of great ideas here. A few things I would like to see.
1. Decal rewards for Faction Play tiers. Probably something rank based. Bars, stars and stripes. Probably some good sources out there.... http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Star_Captain . Additional Merc/Faction Decal #1 awarded at 25%, Faction Decal #2 awarded at 50%, Faction Decal #3 awarded at 75%, Faction Decal #4 awarded at max rank.
2. Upon reaching top Merc/Loyalist tier, reset back to one. May need a tweek to make sure max rank title is retained.
3. Rewards for active players in smaller units and rewards in general. My favorite suggestion that I saw was, 1 mc for a loss, 2 mc for a win. That could actually save Faction Play. I would like to see that further adjusted to MC for loyalists and c-bills for mercs, GXP for freelancers.
4. Long Tom - keep it if it gets an 80% -90% damage reduction, original radius, 4-6 minute cooldown. Additionally, getting to 90% could add 3-5 seconds to the duration of the sensor sweep.
5. Drop Decks - I would like to see 260 tons come back.
6. New Player/Low PSR Tier players - Tier 5 players - Adjust Trial mechs in faction play to have all mech basic and elite skills unlocked. Tier 4 - All except increased weapons cool down, Tier 3 - All except weapons cool down and speed. Adjust as you see fit. It would be great to see Radar Derp and Seismic modules available in a similar manner. Helping out the trial mechs will give a leg up to pilots that really need help without tempting people to game the system with alt accounts that avoid quick play for tonnage based rewards.
Posted 28 July 2016 - 05:35 AM
Posted 28 July 2016 - 05:49 AM
Edited by SilentScreamer, 28 July 2016 - 05:49 AM.
Posted 28 July 2016 - 06:21 AM
Use your rep/faction points for repair points. You get to spend them daily/hourly/whatever...even per game, depending on how much things cost.
You can only "buy" things your faction produces and generic things like armor. Salvage is a thing, so you can get a Clan mech as IS but unless you salvage enough parts to go with it it's useless...and you have to protect its parts when you fight or you won't have it next round. Yes, a retreat option would be stellar.
This keeps people from being run out of points when they get ROFL stomped, it gives big benefit to investing in your rank, and it makes each faction important based on what they produce.
...maybe I'm foolish for thinking so, but it seems a "relatively" simple change that would be stable and tons more fun to play while being also easy to initially integrate even if it would need balanced.
You can expand the complexity to the other things that have been mentioned here or not, the idea stands alone just fine. I'd play it even in the current cr@p version of team seal clubbing we have if I got to play with salvage and know that when I took the arm off of a Kodiak on a Jade Falcon team that I'd actually made a difference because he couldn't get another right away.
Posted 28 July 2016 - 06:22 AM
Posted 28 July 2016 - 06:37 AM
The rewards can be special paint jobs or I would love to see a system for a variety of base weapons, but from different manufactures based on the planets. Ie: a medium laser that weighs .9tons instead of 1 ton from one planet, or a AC20 that takes up one or two less slots. Or a lrgepulse that has 5% extra range. Heck, even lasers that shoot different colors. Double barrel lbx10 that can be fit where dual lbx10s usually cant. What I am getting at is make taking a planet special and dont just make the reward exclusive for the powerhouses that can take over a planet. Give a reason for everyone to actually want to participate. Make factions have different loot like Chromhounds did to make them special. Every faction has exclusive mechs or weapons that can be acquired. Thee are so many possibilities, in which just anything I mentioned would increase my desire to play this game exponentially.
The idea of having special varieties of weapons or mechs, or good modules other than radar derp, seismic, and target info.
Posted 28 July 2016 - 06:40 AM
1. CW should be an immersive experience.
2. Immersion is based not only on creating great-content for the user to enjoy, but leveraging the participation of the community to create content within the framework you setup. (This is what actually makes money, btw).
2a. PGI should strive in all aspects of the design to create opportunities to leverage player participation into meaningful content.
Examples of previous point: In the action-client games, do not overly-restrict the game-flow dictating by map design how every battle must happen. Do not complicate the missions with multiple stages (as if it was a WoW raid). Instead, simplify this design and let the users decide how the missions are won and lost. Outside of the action client, make the users engage in meaningful opportunity-cost choices at all levels (do I fight on this planet, balancing the immediate rewards offered here vs the potential from winning there and advancing... as an individual casual player, all the way to House Leaders allocating resources between the various fronts). An example of an opportunity-cost would be mechs being in a given location with travel-time and costs associated with transferring it across long distances. This can be applied to the individual casual player as well as all the way up the hierarchy of merc units, loyalist units etc. Scale the rewards up to account for these costs as needed.
3. Please consider actually implementing the lore of the game into FP. BattleTech has a lot behind it, you really could do yourself a favor by adapting that lore and what other developers have done (see link the in my signature thread to the original MPBT 3025 design document as well as my own crazy ideas).
4. For the sake of a successful monetization of CW, please leverage the existence of mech collections. Players with lots of mechs should be able to have an impact on CW such that:
-Forming units, giving units military weight based on the assets donated to the unit
-Impact on logistics and other cool stuff
-As individuals not in Units, being able to exercise flexible combat operations by being able to stage mechs in different areas of the map to take advantage of different battles and rewards occuring on the map.
-You have the "Pokemech" thing happening, why not leverage it into cool stuff in FP?
Posted 28 July 2016 - 07:02 AM
Posted 28 July 2016 - 07:31 AM
Posted 28 July 2016 - 08:04 AM
To quote myself:
On a more constructive note, keeping in mind what PGI wants to discuss...
Fold Quick Play into Faction Play. I've already discussed how this would work expansively on the official Forums, but suffice it to say the function of Quick Play remains the same, but is integrated directly into the FP map and menu system. Players earn points for their assigned faction based on their performance in QP matches. Wins net you one point for your faction, and meeting a performance threshold earns another. You can earn up to 2 points for your faction for a win and good performance, or as low as none for a loss and bad performance. Points are accumulated during an attack phase, and the points of opposing factions are compared against each other. What PGI does with these is up to them... fight for territory directly, add invasion bonuses as in Scouting, or something new. The point is to get 100% of MWO players into Faction Play. Many issues that currently exist with the game only exist due to low player numbers and the undue influence larger groups have when noone else is playing. Getting the entire community influencing the IS map directly fixes a number of problems with FP. Putting QP in FP is an idea that already has widespread support on the forums.
An additional idea I've had to fix a number of issues from attack/defend options to game pacing and beyond is to move from away from a single-planet attack system to a territory system. In this case, a piece of territory constitutes roughly 5 planets. Factions fight over larger chunks of territory, which allows larger changes to the map when campaigns are successful. To temper such a system, planets will not flip completely from faction to faction on a win. Instead, they will pass from the owning faction to neutral on a success attack... this will show that the territory is contested and noone "owns" it. You have to execute another successful attack to capture it, but this also gives a chance for the previous owner to take it back. The result is a game with faster pacing but less twitchy pacing.
Each faction along a border would be able to pick one territory to attack, which gives up to 2 attack/defend lanes per border, and adds a bit more strategy to how territory is fought over. Since PGI wants to add bonuses to planets as an incentive to capture them, this would be done on a territory-basis in my system, which gives even more incentive to fight over specific territories. This also lets more units gain rewards from an attack campaign. Currently, whichever unit puts up the most numbers gets the whole planet. In my system, with 5 available planets in a territory, those planets will be rewarded proportionately to the Units that participated in that capture. Units which ordinarily would get nothing for a campaign because a unit like MS had 1% more participation than they did would now get planets and the associated rewards. Territory rewards would be split between unit and faction... so that all players in a faction that took a territory would receive a certain reward for that campaign, but units that get planetary tags will get much more.
Increasing the rewards for a successful campaign, and increasing the liklihood that units will actually SEE this rewards goes a long way to incentivizing participation in Faction Play.
PGI wants very much to reduce "buckets" that players are divided into, and has suggested removing factions outright. I think a basic reworking of how matchmaking works would be better, and think a version of the system I mentioned earlier for Quick Play could be implemented. Factions still pick the territory they want to attack, but don't fight for it directly as under the current system. Instead players drop into a queue that pits IS players against Clan players. As in my QP suggestion, players earn points for their faction based on their performance and whether or not they won. The accumulated points for a faction are compared to the points attained by the opposing faction. Whoever has the higher percentage at the end of a phase, essentially, wins. Scouting already works more or less like this, but with more direct in-progress rewards.
In this way, your matchmaking speeds up significantly, and as the current system works, you're still more or less playing with whatever Clan or IS happen to be dropping at the time. All we've done is gotten rid of the pretention of dropping on specific planets and fighting for specific plots of territory. All IS players are in one bucket, and all Clan players are in a bucket, and matchmaking puts together whoever is ready to fight. This also has the advantage of completely getting rid of ghost drops. The only complication is that this doesn't account for scouting rewards. One possible way of dealing with this is to cycle through specific territory conquests... so on this round you're playing Steiner vs Jade Falcon, and then this round you're playing Wolf vs FRR. And then each match would provide the current scouting bonuses in that matchup. Another workaround is to have scouting work as a Clan vs IS mode, so all factions in the IS or Clan would get those bonuses in a match... but I don't like this idea much. There are other ways to do this too, including completely rethinking the rewards received from scouting (there are NO Long Tom fans on the official forums, so I doubt this would be missed).
Ideally, this meets PGIs goals of reducing wait times and consolidating buckets without removing the whole point of having different factions in the first place. Combined with my other ideas, FP should be a much more fluid mode, with increased faction strategy, and a more dymanic (but less twitch) pace.
I'd also like to see shorter seasons... 3-4 per year scheduled, or more if win conditions are met. Speaking of which, we need to set the map to 3059 so the Clans start halfway to Terra. This gives many more attack options for all factions from the start, as well as putting both the IS and the Clans halfway to their ultimate goals - pushing the enemy to their homeworld. This is a much better starting condition than we currently have, where Clans start with no territory and have to march all the way to Terra. Currently there is only one actual win condition in the game - Clans take Terra - and it's actually impossible to achieve. In my version, both factions start in the middle, and each has a win condition. With more seasons per year, we'd be aiming at pacing that has the map reset, preferably with a direct win, every 3 to 4 months.
On a stalemate, we can have a sort of "Great Refusal" tournament to determine a winner. This basically turns into a best, say, 3 out of 5 tournament, pitting each Clan against an IS house, and all Clans against Comstar (all IS). Most wins takes the season. In this way, every season has a winner, and the map resets, at a minumum, ever few months. The map can never get stale, and units are incentivized to stay with a faction through the entire season. If things go bad for a faction, they'll get reset in a few months anyway. This is much better for keeping the game flowing and keeping players interested in the state of the map. It also puts a check on the influence of large merc units, ensures no faction is ever down-and-out for long, and promotes faction loyalty.
Added to my above suggestion, these ideas address most every concern PGI has elected to discuss during the roundtable. None of these ideas are beyond the scope of what PGI can do, and every single system I propose already exists as code within the current game. None of them change what FP fundementally is, but addresses nearly every problem with population, wait times, buckets, etc etc that PGI is concerned about. These should make FP run faster, smoother, and be more interesting and rewarding for all players.
Posted 28 July 2016 - 08:21 AM
1)When you take over a planet, Allow the option to build factories and defense, So after a planet is taken you can vote on what to have built, make it so your faction rank determines how many votes you get.
2) Have your mechs actually destroyed, and you have to pull "Construction Points" from your factories and than you use those points to buy new mechs
3) make it so Mercenaries have a "Home Planet" where they use C-bills to build factories and bring their mechs to the fight, but they cant pull from the Faction Factories,
4) Merge Scouting, Make Scouting a 5 minute Event before the battle, and than whoever does the best gets the advantage in the main fight.
Posted 28 July 2016 - 09:14 AM
This can be done in many different ways but one of the easiest would be bonus earnings for using faction favored mechs
Imagine how cool it would be to see a fight against house Davion and house Kurita if all 24 players were using mechs from their own faction , a cbill and loyalty point boost for taking appropriate mechs would quickly have this effect
Clans should earn more rewards for taking less tonnage added to their faction favorites as appropriate
I think we also need a victory condition for Cw as a whole
Obviously Terra cannot be used as the main goal even tho it is for the clans in lore
I think we should make the home planets for each faction be event planets (like tukkayid is)
When a home planet is attacked and captured , all remaining territory is converted to ownership of the conquering faction
The players who were part of losing faction are absorbed into the conquering faction also
However they still earn lp for their original choice
Their faction profile gets split (like the merc one does) to display the players heritage and current faction
So for example, clan ghost bear invades and conquers the FRR homeworld
All FRR loyalists now fight for clan ghost bear and have a GB over FRR icon during play and on the forums
If smoke jags conquer the ghost bears , they absorb all ghost bear players including the conquered FRR players who will now display a smoke jag logo above their FRR logo
Each merc company should be issued a home planet
And suffer the same fate as loyalists should they lose their home planet , unless they own enough dropships to carry their entire unit roster ...
Give the merc company a handful of planets to choose from as their home, picked as random from each faction and always include outreach as a option (imagine conquering outreach and taking in all those mercs lol)
Mercs cannot absorb factions but contribute to captures as if members of contracted faction
This way everybody has their own goals to survive and can keep playing the game after they "lose"
Good opportunities for people to get stuck into the political side of the IS
(Clans could finally take bondsmen)
There is so much cool stuff that can be done in cw
Posted 28 July 2016 - 09:16 AM
I think there should be just One Que.. Clan Verse IS, or 3 ques if you added, a clan v clan, and a IS vrs IS, All factions will help fight over that planet, But who is actually getting the points for the win's and losses as in what faction is taking over which planet, and what guilds are getting points for them would have to do with Which faction window is open..
So maybe you are all fighting to a davion victory for a 2 day window,... then that window can switch to another faction and another planet for a period of time.
So in a sense you would be fighting ilke you are now for rewards, But everyone is in the same que or one of 3 greatly reducing the options BUT still making faction mean something.
Make up a scedual in advance so people can see which windows would help them meet their goals
Posted 28 July 2016 - 11:00 AM
Now I understand that this is a very general idea but let me give an example that I think may have been booting around:
Right now you pick a battle on a planet and see a bunch of squares around said planet that do not mean a whole lot but hey there is a battle there and you drop in and land on map x which has basically the same layout as every other map and except for some variations in temperature and plant life and 2 possible objectives it becomes a rinse and repeat scenario (run on sentence intended). For most players there is no more story than in quick play.
What if the planet part of Faction warfare was like a mini game and involved a progression through map levels. Say for example the first level was called "Beachhead" and involved the invading force having to secure multiple points (use an existing mode like conquest) and each point also has a turret that you have to neutralize giving it a real invasion feel (akin to say the beginning of Saving Private Ryan). You could have multiple levels that lead to the final base battle, each one with their own objectives but using the existing modes for the time being. Another level could be "The Pass" were you have to attack/defend a mountain choke point.
The idea here is even in the short term and on a smaller scale you could engage the players in a storyline that would bring them in to Faction play. It does not matter where they drop into the story, what matters is that when they drop in they know where they are in that narrative even if its on only a planetary scale. Right now this does not exist,
On another point, what if you could use intel gathered in scouting to give attacking teams the opportunity to do proximity hacking of Turrets? Another great objective and purpose for lights.
Posted 28 July 2016 - 11:46 AM
InnerSphereNews, on 22 July 2016 - 06:07 PM, said:
We'll be providing additional details regarding the structure and format of this Round Table next week,
So...um...5 hours until the event...is this part ever going to happen? Maybe even an official list of the participants?
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