p4r4g0n, on 29 July 2016 - 12:54 AM, said:
that is all true, and it is correct to fix it first.
yet it still does not send the right "signal" to the players, especially those who abstain from FP or MWO as a whole, that things are gonna change in FP for the better on the longer run. it is just a first intiative.
i think time for implementing stuff is an issue that counts as much as the actual content fixed or implemented.
and this is highly underestimated.
the problem on the "time front" is, that players don´t decide between playing MWO FP or nothing, but between MWO and many other games. Players lost to other games are much harder to get back, since players are lazy. Lazy to read, lazy to switch back to games with high time consumption etc. And new games come out too.
Players are really complicated customers

So communication from the side of PGI must be much quicker and more "agressive". Presenting a strategy. Short-term, medium-term, long-term. Where the voyage is going.
Fixing 2 older problems (LT, queues) is certainly a small beginning. But just a beginning, easily to be overlooked.
One should not forget that player drain was there BEFORE those 2 issues were even implemented.
They were even implemented as "improvements" for the declining population.
At least, one of the other outcomes of the roundtable was the promise to listen to the community more, via frequent polls and dedicated suggestion threads etc.
Edited by AngelusDD, 29 July 2016 - 01:31 AM.