See problem? The 5N is the worst variant out of all of them due to it's lack of jumpjets, and it's terrible hardpoint placement, which centralizes the majority of the firepower in the easy-to-hit arms. Even the 5J, despite similar hardpoints, has a better time coping as the jumpjets can be used to evade damage.
The 3C, despite lacking jumpjets as well, has slightly BETTER quirks, a much higher engine cap, and has slightly better hardpoints than the 5N.
The 7M. Oh how I love but secretly despise it. The missile quirks and mobility are phenomenal, the hardpoints are fairly even, and can run multiple builds effectively. Why this variant though? It already has significant advantages.
The 5N is one of the least used mechs in the entire game, and it's no wonder why. At least give it something, but not cooldown quirks, no. Make it interesting. It already has a negligible and useless 5% LRM spread reduction, but how about 25%, and boost the velocity by a similar figure. This way, paired with artemis, it can be a precise LRM sniper of sorts, able to deal significant damage in each volley to parts of an enemy. The cooldown quirks can be replaced with the pilot's ability to get vantage points on the enemy and throw some missiles, then dive down again.
Lastly, the 7K. You took away the PPC quirks. Why. WHY? What was the point in doing that? I don't understand. I- what???