So there are a number of ppl playing.
Granted, maybe there aren't enough players to let only tier 1 and 2 players compete against one another (not that the current MM would create much more high quality/balanced/close games, if you really had proper tier matches. At least I somehow doubt that) but what I see in games today and pretty much every day is really hard to understand.
I played roughly 10 games today.
In basically every single of those games, when checking B for a full map/radar view, I see 1 - 3 mechs separating from the main group.
Not as a small strike force that gathers intel from the flanks or patrols a certain possible approach vector or covers our tails six.
No they run individually. Run a straight line to where the enemy spanws and they die instantly.
In ever second game the rest of the teams starts heading in the direction the 1 - 3 lights (sometiems its mediums or even heavies too) went and then run single file, one after another or in pairs of 2 into the entire enemy team and they all die instantly.
I see this so often and this kind of playstyle is so weird that I cant really understand why ppl do it.
I have several theories:
- Its very young ppl. Between 4 - max 7 years.
- Those ppl have never played video or pc games ever before in their lifes and simply dont understand that other ppl will easily kill you if u do x or y. E.G. runnin into 12 enemy mechs
- Ppl consciously suicide just for the heck of it. Theyr talking on skype or getting drunk with their doods and not really caring. They just laugh and talk about some stuff and semi consciously run around the map, mostly straight across. Land a few lasers, do 5 dmg and then die instantly.
- Or ppl simply arent intelligent enough
I hardly ever see that.
99,9 % of the ppl I see are not good, fast, smart enough to pull that of.
They just die. Over and over again.
And yet i see this every single game.
So my question....why do so many ppl blindly suicide. Run right at the enmy and die.
And why do 1 - 2 other mechs usually do the very same thing even though they just saw their pal died right away. And still they run the same way, meet the enemy and they die too.
What is the mindset/motivation behind that?
At first i simply raged about how foolish ppl can be. Then I mocked them and then I was simply confused.
Its like somebody smashes a rock into their face and I say 'Dood....stop that what are you doing'.
So what do you guys and girls think?
Is it maybe a constant stream of completly new players (new to mwo but mostly new to games in general) that is thrown into the mix because mwo doesnt have enough numbers for any kind of mm to actually function?
Or does mwo attract really young ppl? Like between 4 and 7 years maybe?
Or is it maybe more difficult to read radar/map and understand where the enemy team might be than I think?
Its something that makes me frown almost every game.
When I confront those ppl and say 'why do you guys run into the entire enemy team? you will just die instantly?' then those ppl never responded. Even when I asked neurally/freindly. I just wanted to know why they keep doing that all the time. But none ever answers. I think I have asked about 50 - 100 times but now I dont ask anymore because they never provide any motivation or reason as to why they choose to die instantly.
There is also a correlation between the push push push - ppl (ppl that blindly scream to push, no matter the context or situation or approachability of the enemy team. No matter how good or bad your own position ist. They just scream to push already and basically dont say anything else besides this pushing/moving towards the enemy).
Is there maybe an urge in a lot of ppl to just move ahead towards the enemy? Maybe its hard for me to comprehend this behavior.
To some extend I do feel this urge to scout too.
For instance in my shadowcat B I love securing our fatties in the back or scouting certain paths or do some scouting. But i do it much, much more carefully than the ppl I mentioned. I know where I go, what to expect there and how fast I can get to safety again. I rarely ever happens that I die in such a way.Alone, completly exposed and surrounded by 3 + mechs.
It just doesnt happen but I find it so easy to avoid that.
Maybe I cant unerstand all that because this moving-ahead-no-matter-what-impuls is missing in my genes?
To me it appears to be incredibly illogical, blindly erratic, weird and obviously really bad strategies. But maybe im missing something that wold explain why about 10 - 30 % of the players in each game in QP cling to this tactic of suiciding instantly.
Maybe some of you have plausible answers apart from those I provided.
Id like to understand because if i knew the real motivation behind it I could find good arguments to counter that impulse in the beginning of the game.
SO far what I said (eg: you cant disengage in that mech, dont engage alone, thats suicide) wont stop ppl. Even pointing out that two mechs just died and running single file is suicide usually doesnt convince anybody.
How do you guys react or how to you manage to stop ppl from doing that?