Mazzyplz, on 03 August 2016 - 07:02 PM, said:
all of this looks bad.
i realize now i am too hard on mwo.
i would prefer mech driving any day to those console player games - and i say that with the utmost derision, even contempt and disgust
There is a whole chorus singing like you. Asking for things players don't want, never wanted and never dreamed of in games. This chorus is trying desperately to drown out legit players and doing a fairly good job of it.
Players want guilds. Not.
Players want item and lvl grinding. Not.
None of these things are in those promotional videos. None.
I do agree console gamers have had even less choice with their games. The console push is being backed up by armies of trolls and cheats on the internet on computer games even.
Don't get me wrong I like the PS 4. A lot. Maybe its competitors to if they handnt of got all trashy demanding online all the time.
If it wasn't for Play Station the entire game landscape would be a smoldering ruin if its competitors had their way. Play Stations competition left to rule consoles would have completely crushed PC gaming by now. Fact.
Edited by Johnny Z, 03 August 2016 - 07:17 PM.