Please recall that they tried to remove the 'red aiming reticule' during a public test.
The forums exploded.
Why? Because when it reallly comes down to it, the majority of MWO players want arcade game mechanics like this instead of realism and combat simulator stuff. A few people feebly tried to explain that the targeting computer definitely knows whether or not your artillery strike landing 3000 meters away, or LRMs landing on the other side of a mountain, or that AC2 round landing at max range, firing through trees and smoke, actually hit a mech that was still alive. It actually knows whether you hit a dead mech or a mech that was powered down.
Everyone wants a thinking man's shooter and a sci-fi military combat simulator... until it actually means that stuff is inconvenient. If there's a fog that limits vision, or if there are too many trees in the way, or if you can't immediately get a paper doll on that Locust 800 meters away. "Ermagerd, mah retecules!"
I don't normally blame the community for decisions that PGI made, but when I do, it's because of stuff like this.
Edited by Alistair Winter, 06 August 2016 - 08:59 AM.