Jay Leon Hart, on 27 September 2016 - 09:37 AM, said:
Far better than you. To wit:
Jay Leon Hart, on 27 September 2016 - 11:01 AM, said:
It simply boggles the mind for someone to admit something is unique then in the same breath, claim that doesn't make the item with the unique quality, unique.
[Edit] For the sake of clarity, I'm being douchey to RAM because RAM was being douchey to others. ***-for-tat and all that jazz [/Edit]
I admitted that it has a unique bonus (and even then it is not truly unique as I have many mechs with the exact same bonus); not comprehending that a unique bonus does not make a mech unique is your English comprehension problem. Indeed, I just received another ‘unique’ Tempest with the Heavy MC Deals. Having two (2) ‘unique’ Tempests is the definition of not unique.
By the D8 definition of ‘unique’ I could buy multiple copies of an AS7-D-DC and then paint them differently and suddenly they would all be unique…
Nevertheless I will do you one better: where pray tell, does this ‘unique’ mech XP go? Hero mechs have their own skill tree; all truly unique mechs do. So surely these ‘unique’ mechs must have a unique skill tree for themselves?
Dee Eight, on 27 September 2016 - 12:57 PM, said:
PGI however continues to describe (S) mechs as unique, and that's the convention that many players follow. You can argue the semantics of identical quirks/hardpoints as you like, but I will never agree with your thoughts on them. But by all means, call me dumb and stupid again if it makes you sleep better and feel like your life has value to the world.
Interesting given that PGI never uses ‘unique’ to describe the ’unique’ variant in their store, yet they do use unique to describe other things such as titles, badges and cockpit items:
“Special Variant with custom pattern and Geo +30% C-bill boost”
“Special Variant with custom pattern +30% C-bill boost”
“Special 'Resistance' Variant featuring a 30% C-Bill boost, a custom Pattern and Geometry”
“Special ‘Origins’ Variant featuring a unique pattern and a 30% C-Bill Boost”
“Special Variant with custom Pattern, and a +30% C-Bill boost”
“Prime 'Invasion' Variant featuring a 30% C-Bill boost and Special Geometry”
“Resistance mech with 30% C-Bill Boost”
Wave2 does not even list the Cbill bonus and Wave1 merely mentions limited edition camo and 30% C-Bill boost (separately no less).
Where exactly is PGI describing special variants as unique? Because they do not use unique in the Announcements and in the FAQs, while they constantly reference the “unique (camo) patterns”, of the 13 references to the [S] variant only one (1) uses unique with the (vast) majority using special. If anything, they certainly seem to go out of their way to avoid describing special variants as unique…
Dee Eight, on 27 September 2016 - 12:57 PM, said:
Since when has 6 days counted as weeks ? They put them into the gift store November 19th, put an announcement posting up about it in this forum, lots of debate over the pricing / value happened (7 1/2 pages worth), and then pulled them on November 25th.
As usual you are simply incorrect. In typical PGI fashion all they did was remove the Store graphic link, the Performance Packs remained otherwise available. As you would know from your stalking of my posts, I even spoke with Tina about it at the Steam Launch Party. It was an awesome event. Remind us why you were not in attendance?
Or how about this post claiming the Performance Packs were removed:
How did you even miss it?!?!? Now check the DTG and suddenly the packs were removed before they even went live - I wonder how that is…
All of which again has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the Mech Performance Steam Packs are NOT currently in the PGI Store.