The Basilisk, on 24 August 2016 - 11:35 AM, said:
You can either put the firepower in it, thats worthy of an assault or you can put a big ol' std reactor in it an drive an oversized medium.
Both alternatives are unfun because there are mechs out there that either do this better or simply got the better hardpoints and quirks.
For real assault brawling it lacks the missile hardpoints, tonns and quirks of the Atlas.
For longrange direct fire it lacks number and height of direct fire hardpoints.
(Maybe except the sleipnir but the Mauler does quad AC5 or quad LBX better than the cyclops and has better quirks)
Also the mech got quirks that support weapons that can't realy be used on it.
Gauss quirks for only one gauss nothing else ???
Single AC20 on an Assault ?
Energy cooldown for just two hardpoints ?
All things we know from other IS Assaults. Zeus, Atlas before the quirkening, Victor, Highlander.
Thats why you put a smaler standart engine in it (325 or something) and mount LRMs.
Those suck on every mech no difference.
Maybe it does a bit better when leveled.
ATM its not impressive you just ignore its lore and standart weapons and put crazy stuff on it.
All mechs do better levelled, of course.
I just run the hero with with XL's and dual gauss. I find it to be pretty XL friendly myself. Still deciding on other builds for the other variants.
You can only get the best out of the mech using an XL, so why gimp yourself with a standard. Just embrace it and adapt to it.
Ok yeah, some games you might die a bit quicker, but if you are careful and dont lead any charges, you can mitigate it.
Had some really good games with XL's.
Edited by Fade Akira, 25 August 2016 - 06:49 PM.