I'm gonna sound a bit like a grouchy homer here but can we stop with the mech / mech pack derision?
Right, wrong or indifferent these are MWOs chosen revenue stream. They will continue to pump out mechs because this is what they're selling.... Not weapons, not maps, not game modes. Mechs.
I get it... We want more out of the game from PGI and lord knows we've waited patently enough. But denigrating PGI for continuing to feed their consumers the only real thing they're selling is kinda short sighted...
Yes, please continue to vote with you wallet. This is means to let PGI know how you feel about things. That said stop the forwarded premise that PGI needs to stop the provision of new mechs. It's disegnuous and myopic.
Buy a mech or don't, it's your right to be a conscious objector... That said, like any producer PGI needs to continue to bolster its product line. We all can agree to disagree about the quality of the product or discuss the merit of invigorating it with some parallel revenue stream. But at the end of the day PGI sells mechs and we the consumer buy them.
Or not...
Edited by DaZur, 07 September 2016 - 06:43 AM.