Just something to settle here about
Arkhangel's words... although I'm gonna get a tad bit long... dangit...
Arkhangel, on 21 September 2016 - 09:57 AM, said:
Also, I have to ask why you even care, given you're a Smoke Jaguar. Which kinda hit me that you just follow the Meta, rather than out of any actual love of a faction.
First off, that Smoke Jaguar indicator? That was just a measly Contract, and only because I thought I could get some good matches out of running with them. Unfortunately, I've learned a few things, and likely won't be selecting their Faction for Contracts for some time to come. (
The same can be said of House Marik and House Steiner on the 'other side of the fence'. I won't go into details about that here, because that's beside the point.)
Second off, don't reference the Meta around me. I am very literally a "#ScrewTheMeta" kind of person, or all my Mechs would be design duplications from the MetaMechs.com website. The same can be said about Faction choices, as the only thing I usually won't do is pick a negative Contract Bonus, but I am willing to pick a Contract without the best bonuses.
Third and final, there are some Factions that I happen to like, and might eventually settle down with. Unfortunately, I'm not of a mind at this time to lock in as a Loyalist for 3.4 years, only to grind to achieve 'Rank 20' without losing too many LP when I have to leave for the next major tour. I only started MWO in the last year, and my original plan had been to pick up all the Achievements and then settle down with one Faction after I happened to get my fill of playing with all the I.S. and Clan 'Mechs that I wanted to enjoy. Ultimately, my intent was to be willing (after all that) in Faction Warfare to limit myself to one division of 'Mechs, possibly even joining a Unit in the process. Then PGI released the damage known as "Faction Warfare, Phase 3" upon the Contract system, and totally made me completely hesitant to ever settle down as a Loyalist. It shouldn't take upwards of 37 years total to collect all the Achievements that give a 'Mech Bay' as a reward!!! If you get my drift, you hopefully realize that's just bad game design to force someone through that? Heck, MW2 & "MW3: Pirate's Moon" at least allowed you to play both sides of their campaigns, and then decide which you sided with more! Sure, yeah, I'm a little mercenary to start with on a game, but that's only because I'm trying to get what I need for the long haul. After that, I show a different aspect.
As for those who would say to spend Real $$$... I may like MWO to some extent, but PGI shot both theirselves and me in the foot enough that it's near-impossible to justify spending Real $$$ in the midst of an already bad U.S. Economy, even for purchasing Mech Bays. I'm forced to stick to earning MC from Events (
which I really do appreciate being able to do) for now, and waiting for an actual 'Mech Bay Sale' to happen. So please pardon me for getting a tad harsh about some things sometimes, but if I didn't get critical and/or play MWO, then I likely would have had a psychologic breakdown by now. I've been trying to look at these things from all the standpoints, from 'newbie' to 'partially-experienced pilot' to 'grizzled veteran' to 'developer', and it really is hard to find an agreeable balance. I don't think a 'newbie' should be completely shut out, and that they should be able to get lucky and win every so often, so they can grow and learn and make the community larger. Those who are a 'partially-experienced pilot' are still trying to fit in, and I feel there should be a place for them to be able to play with everyone, as well. But at the same time, I understand the side of the 'grizzled veteran', and how they wish to have a good game and challenge. (And yes, I do see things from the point of the 'developer', who's trying to make their game worthwhile to keep building upon!) It gets really bad, however, when I feel like somebody just ran 'the 5:15 train' all over my 'Memory Lane'... particularly when I want to see MWO survive for the next several generations of the human species.
Anywho, I've just done something I didn't want to do here. I've gone all "wall-of-text" again in a thread, and to those that hate those walls I give my sincerest apologies. I'm either gonna try to get back to the battlefield, or take a damn break.
~Mr. D. V. "
Dangit... I've gone all 'wall-of-text' again!" Devnull